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of June 6, 2016 No. 434

About approval of the Procedure of the international activities in health care sector of the Kyrgyz Republic

For the purpose of ensuring proper execution of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About interaction of state bodies in the sphere of foreign policy of the Kyrgyz Republic", the interaction of state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic and forming of the effective and single foreign policy of the Kyrgyz Republic aimed at all-round development of its equal relations with foreign states, the international organizations and other subjects of international law taking into account national interests of the Kyrgyz Republic determining bases, I order:

1. Approve the enclosed Procedure of the international activities in health care sector of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - the Procedure (Appendix)).

2. To heads of structural divisions of Central office, health care coordinators of areas, heads of the organizations of health care and medical educational institutions to determine responsibles for execution of the enclosed Procedure.

3. To heads and the staff of structural divisions of central office, the organizations of health care, medical educational institutions, and also health care coordinators of areas to render all assistance to compulsory health insurance of UKVR under the organization, carrying out and the implementation of actions concerning international cooperation.

4. To perform abroad official journeys of heads and health care providers only with the permission of the Minister of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic and in coordination with the supervising deputy ministers.

5. Declare invalid the Order MZ KR "About enhancement of forming of effective and single foreign policy in health sector" of 20.05.2015 No. 255.

6. I reserve control of execution of this order.


T. Batyraliyev


to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic of June 6, 2016 No. 434

Procedure of the international activities in health care sector of the Kyrgyz Republic

1. General provisions

1.1. This document establishes procedure of the international activities in health care sector of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About interaction of state bodies in the sphere of foreign policy of the Kyrgyz Republic" No. 96 of July 4, 2012 and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic regulating questions of interaction of state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic when implementing the international activities.

1.2. In this Procedure the concept "international actions" means any events held with participation of managements/staff of the ministry and representatives of diplomatic representations, consular establishments, state bodies of foreign states and the international organizations (meetings, negotiations, signing of documents, training, participation in conferences, etc.).

1.3. Action of this Procedure extends to all staff of the ministry, including management, heads of structural divisions and the staff of central office, health care coordinators of the areas, heads of the organizations of health care and medical educational institutions which are under supervision of the ministry.

1.4. Interaction of the ministry with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic is performed for the purpose of forming of the effective and single foreign policy of the Kyrgyz Republic aimed at all-round development of its equal relations with foreign states, the international organizations and other subjects of international law taking into account national interests of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. Annual and quarterly programs (plans) of activities in the sphere of international cooperation and reports on their realization

2.1. The structural divisions, subordinated, territorial and other organizations of health care, medical educational institutions which are under supervision of the ministry (further - divisions) annually till December 10 and quarterly to the 8th day of the last month of quarter send to department of international cooperation of Management of coordination and implementation of reforms of the ministry (further - department of international cooperation) offers to annual and quarterly programs (plans) of activities of the ministry in the sphere of international cooperation according to appendix 1.

The department of international cooperation based on the made offers constitutes drafts of annual and quarterly programs (plans) of activities of the ministry in the sphere of international cooperation according to appendix 1, which after approval by management of the ministry go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) till December 20 (annual programs (plans)) and to the 20th day of the last month of quarter (quarterly programs (plans)).

2.2. Divisions annually till December 10 and quarterly to the 8th day of the last month of quarter send to department of international cooperation reports on implementation of annual and quarterly programs (plans) of activities in the sphere of international cooperation according to appendix 2.

The department of international cooperation based on the introduced reports constitutes annual and quarterly reports on program implementation (plans) of activities of the ministry in the sphere of international cooperation according to appendix 2, which after approval by management go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs till December 30 (annual reports) and to the 30th day of the last month of quarter (quarterly reports).

3. Holding the international actions and participation in the international actions

3.1. When holding the international actions by the ministry (with the assistance of managements/staff of the ministry in the international events held by other organizations) employees responsible for execution of the Procedure, in 25 calendar days prior to date of the international actions send to department of international cooperation information with indication of data according to appendix 3.

If during the international actions it is planned to sound performances, statements, offers or line item of the Kyrgyz Republic, drafts of these documents are attached to information.

The department of international cooperation considers the arrived documents and forwards them in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 20 calendar days prior to date of the international actions.

3.2. Employees responsible for international cooperation, within 5 calendar days after completion of the international actions send to department of international cooperation reports on holding the international actions (participation of managements/employees in the international actions) with indication of data according to appendix 4. The department of international cooperation considers the arrived reports and forwards them in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within 14 calendar days after completion of the international actions.


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