of June 30, 2016 No. 816
About the services in early intervention provided to children
For the purpose of realization of provisions of part (5) article 44 of the Law on social integration of persons with limited opportunities No. 60 of March 30, 2012 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, Art. No. 155-159, 508) DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve:
Standard regulations on the organization and functioning of services on early intervention according to appendix No. 1;
The minimum quality standards of services in early intervention according to appendix No. 2.
The action plan on development of system of the services in early intervention provided to children for 2023-2027, according to appendix No. 3.
1-1. To provide to responsible bodies and organizations realization of provisions of the Action plan on development of system of the services in early intervention provided to children for 2023-2027.
2. The expenses connected with the organization and functioning of services on on early intervention will become covered by service providers on early intervention and are performed within the assignments which are annually provided in funds of compulsory medical insurance and also from other means arriving at the expense of grants, donations and other sources according to the current legislation.
3. To impose control over the implementation of this Resolution on the Ministry of Health.
Prime Minister |
Paweê Phillip |
Countersign: Minister of Health |
Ruksanda Glavan |
Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family |
Stele Grigorash |
minister of education |
Corin Fusu |
Appendix No. 1
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of June 30, 2016 No. 816
1. The standard regulations on the organization and functioning of services on early intervention (further – the Standard provision) regulate procedure for their organization and functioning.
2. Task of activities of services for early intervention (further – services) is early identification of children with violations in development and with risk of their emergence and rendering the medical, public and psychopedagogical care to children and family.
3. Activities of services are performed through cross-industry cooperation between specialists in medical, social, psychopedagogical areas, within cross-disciplinary groups, in partnership with parents / other legal representative / face performing child care that provides early identification, intervention and primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, abilitatsiyu / rehabilitation of violations in development and restrictions of opportunities of children, and also their social and educational integration.
4. For the purposes of this Standard provision the used concepts mean the following:
1) beneficiaries of services are children under 5 years with violations in development and risk of their emergence, and also parents / other legal representative / face, performing child care, established based on eligibility criterions for participation in the programs for early intervention provided in appendix No. 1 to this Standard provision;
2) children with violations in development are children under 5 years at whom the delay in development of one or several parameters connected with physical, informative, motive, communicative, social, emotional, touch development and adaptation is revealed;
3) children with risk of emergence of violations of development are children under 5 years at whom the atypical behavior which is shown in the form of aberration that interferes with consecutive development of children is noted and can lead to lagging, even in the absence of the established diagnosis;
4) cross-disciplinary group – specialists in medical, social, psychopedagogical and other areas and parents / other legal representative / face, performing child care, with violations of development or risk of their emergence which cooperate with the purpose of provision of services on early intervention;
5) assessment of the child and environment in which it develops – the procedures performed by specialists of cross-disciplinary group for the purpose of determination of violations in development of the child or risks of their emergence, and also the need for the help within services with early intervention;
6) the head of case – one of specialists of cross-disciplinary group who coordinates process of assessment diagnostic inspection and determination of requirements and performs monitoring of the help provided in the course of provision of services on early intervention. The head of case is appointed at stage of identification of the child – the potential beneficiary of services;
7) management according to procedures – the methodical instructions covering all complex of the procedures applied by the service provider in the course of their provision to accomplishment of the mission: principles, procedure for acceptance; planning and rendering of services; termination of rendering services; procedure for consideration and permission of claims;
8) natural environment – physical and social environment (family and community), characteristic of education and development of all children of the same age;
9) service providers on early intervention (further – suppliers) – medical and sanitary organizations, the specialized organizations for provision of medical, social, psychopedagogical services, irrespective of type of property and form of business which are effective according to the legislation and provide services in early intervention;
10) primary prevention of violations in development and restrictions of opportunities at children – early identification of risks and taking measures to the prevention of emergence of violations in development and restriction of opportunities in children;
11) secondary prevention of violations in development and restrictions of opportunities at children – the adequate help for the revealed requirements for the purpose of reduction of violations of development and/or the available restrictions of opportunities;
12) tertiary prevention of violations in development and restrictions of opportunities at children – application of measures of support for reduction of the consequences and complications connected with disease;
13) the program for early intervention – set of the services in early intervention applied to prevention/reduction and help in the decision of some available problems in development provided to children and their families for increase in potential of development of the child;
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