Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 12, 2016 No. 395-Z

About approval of the performance report of the republican budget for 2015

Accepted by the House of Representatives on June 24, 2016

Approved by Council of the Republic on June 30, 2016

Approve the enclosed performance report of the republican budget for 2015 for the income in the amount 167 212 961 026, of 9 thousand rubles and on expenses in the amount 152 141 205 876, of 0 thousand rubles with excess of the income over expenses in the amount 15 071 755 150, of 9 thousand rubles.

President of the Republic of Belarus

A. Lukashenko

Approved by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 12, 2016 , No. 395-Z

The performance report of the republican budget for 2015

(thousand rubles)


It is approved under the budget

It is specified according to legal acts

It is performed

Tax income

  128 127 172 464,0

  125 327 261 033,7

127 430 023 049,9

Taxes on the income and profit

  8 188 906 336,0

  8 366 187 582,0

8 191 844 927,6

income tax

  8 171 200 000,0

  8 348 139 928,0

  8 173 258 359,0

taxes on the income

 17 706 336,0

 18 047 654,0

 18 586 568,6

Taxes on goods (works, services)

  77 174 941 648,0

74 138 471 988,0

75 036 301 753,0

value added tax

  52 312 419 000,0

  49 473 000 000,0

  50 142 851 226,4


  20 954 399 000,0

  19 237 568 800,0

  19 441 650 002,0

collection for driving of automotive vehicles of foreign states through highways public of the Republic of Belarus

 238 400 000,0

 175 000 000,0

 179 237 068,1

special charges, duties

 91 119 418,0

 115 180 000,0

 121 347 520,8

ecological tax

 677 278 700,0

 655 711 822,0

 665 658 464,4

tax for production (withdrawal) of natural resources

  2 901 325 530,0

  4 482 011 366,0

  4 485 557 471,3

Tax income from foreign economic activity

  38 821 384 296,0

 37 823 536 123,7

39 186 363 957,6

customs fees, import customs duties (except for the import customs duties paid and enlisted within the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union)

  2 475 939 347,0

 737 167 360,0

 755 898 951,0

export customs duties

  25 451 373 168,0

  28 753 844 707,7

  29 924 315 978,9

other charges and receipts from foreign economic activity

  1 298 414 013,0

 615 075 811,0

 616 778 952,4

the import customs duties, the special, anti-dumping, compensatory duties which arrived from state members of the Customs union according to international agreements

  9 211 216 242,0

  7 331 711 175,0

  7 491 371 112,5

from them:




the import customs duties which arrived from the Republic of Kazakhstan

 827 016 255,0

 625 704 338,0

 639 207 361,7

the import customs duties which arrived from the Russian Federation

  8 326 539 581,0

  6 587 920 000,0

  6 728 087 172,9

the import customs duties which arrived from the Republic of Armenia

 53 118 762,0

 54 688 426,2


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