of April 15, 1999 No. 766-I
About rail transport
In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:
rail transport (railroad) - one of modes of transport public representing single production and technological complex with entering it the companies, organizations and the organizations of production and social assignment providing in interaction with the railroads of other states and other modes of transport of need for transportations;
the company of rail transport - the structural division of the main activities of the railroad which is directly providing transportation process;
organization of rail transport - the structural division of the railroad occupied in the field of training, social and cultural servicing of workers of rail transport;
the organization of rail transport - the structural division of the railroad which is performing subsidiary and auxiliary activities and not being directly involved in transportation process;
The charter of the railroad - the regulation determining according to the legislation, the rights, obligations and responsibility of the railroad, the legal entities and physical persons (including the forwarding and other organizations operating from their name) using services of rail transport;
the market of transport services - the sphere of implementation of carriages of goods, passengers, baggage and cargo baggage, maintenance and repair of vehicles, subsidiary and auxiliary and other work types (services) connected with transportations on rail transport;
transportation process - set organizationally and technologically interconnected actions and transactions which are carried out by the companies of rail transport by preparation, implementation and completion of carriages of goods, passengers, baggage and cargo baggage;
railway tracks public - rail lines along which the railway stations open for accomplishment of the corresponding transactions on acceptance and departure of trains, receiving and delivery of loads, baggage and cargo baggage and servicing of passengers, production of shunting operation are located;
load - the object of rail hauling accepted by the company of rail transport in accordance with the established procedure for shipment for timeliness of delivery and which safety the railroad bears responsibility;
the passenger - the citizen (physical person) having travel documents and making trip in the train;
baggage - the things, goods and other material values transferred by the passenger and which are with it along the line in the passenger rail car;
cargo baggage - the object of rail hauling transported in passenger and post and luggage trains;
the consignor (sender) - the legal entity or physical person acting on its own behalf or on behalf of the owner of load or cargo baggage and specified in carriage documents;
the consignee (receiver) - the legal entity or physical person authorized on receipt of load or cargo baggage;
dangerous goods - substances, materials, products, waste of productive and other activity which owing to properties and features inherent in them in the presence of certain factors can in the course of transportation, in case of production of handling works and storage to serve as cause of explosion, the fire or damage of the transported loads, technical means, devices, buildings and constructions, other objects, and also damnification of life or to human health, death of animals, harm to the surrounding environment;
right of way - the earth of rail transport, occupied by subgrade, artificial features, linearly - roadway buildings, devices of railway communication and electric utility service, railway stations, other buildings, constructions and trackage layouts, and also protective afforestations;
conservation zones - the parcels of land necessary for providing regular operation of railway tracks, utility lines and communication, safety, durability and stability of constructions, devices and other objects of rail transport, and also the earth with the mobile soil, adjacent to lands of rail transport.
The legislation about railway transport consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
The relations between the companies of rail transport and consignors, consignees, passengers, other legal entities and physical persons when using of services of rail transport are determined also by the Charter of the railroad approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The procedure for the organization of carriages of goods, passengers, baggage and cargo baggage on rail transport is determined by rules of carriages of goods, passengers, baggage and cargo baggage, and also other regulations approved by state body by rail.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about rail transport then are applied rules of the international treaty.
The companies of rail transport, the railway tracks public and other property of rail transport which are directly providing uninterrupted transportation process, traffic security and carrying out emergency recovery operations are only in state-owned property.
The property of rail transport which is directly not participating in transportation process can be privatized in the procedure established by the legislation.
Creation, reorganization and liquidation of the companies of rail transport connected with ensuring transportation process are performed by state body by rail according to the legislation.
The property of the companies, organizations and organizations of rail transport is constituted by the main and current assets, and also other material values which cost is reflected in their separate balance.
Right to use, ownerships and orders of property of the companies, organizations and organizations of rail transport is performed according to the legislation.
Sale of the rail transport belonging to the companies on the right of economic maintaining real estate is performed by state body by rail according to the procedure, established by the legislation. Transfer of this property to lease or ownership of different way without change of the right of state-owned property to this property are performed by the companies of rail transport in coordination with state body by rail.
Sale, exchange, leasing, provision in temporary use, write-off from balance of railway vehicles and the containers which are in state-owned property, the property rights to this property made without change, are performed by state body by rail or according to its order the relevant companies of rail transport according to the procedure, established by the legislation.
Sale of railway vehicles and containers to legal entities and physical persons, and also use by the companies of rail transport of the funds for acquisition of railway vehicles received from sale of this property, containers and development of production capacities are performed according to the procedure, established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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