of June 8, 2016 No. 371
Questions of counteraction to illicit movement of goods through frontier of Ukraine
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Form under the Ministry of Finance the Interdepartmental target center for prevention and identification of violations of the law concerning the public customs affairs (further - the Center) and 20 joint mobile groups on prevention and identification of violations of the law concerning the public customs affairs (further - mobile groups) of representatives of the Public fiscal service, State Border Service and National police.
2. Approve Regulations on the Interdepartmental target center and joint mobile groups on the prevention and identification of violations of the law concerning the public customs affairs (further - the Provision) which are applied.
3. Assign functions on coordination of activities of mobile groups to the Center, having placed it in the Public fiscal service.
4. To provide to the public fiscal service, Administration of the State Border Service, National police:
matching and the direction of persons for accomplishment of the tasks determined by the Provision;
the publication of own organizational and administrative acts on accomplishment by their territorial authorities of orders of the Center and mobile groups at accomplishment of the tasks determined by the Provision and provision to persons involved in structure of the Center and the mobile groups, powers sufficient for accomplishment by them of the specified tasks.
5. To provide to the public fiscal service, Administration of the State Border Service, the Ministry of infrastructure easy access of persons involved in structure of the Center and mobile groups to all customs control zones and check points for the automobile, railway, sea (river) and aviation communication.
6. To pay to heads of the Public fiscal service, State Border Service, National police within the salary fund of relevant organ additional award to officials of bodies of the Public fiscal service, including to faces of the commanding structure of tax police, the military personnel of the State Border Service and the police officer of National police involved in structure of the Center and mobile groups.
The size of accrued payroll (cash cover) of persons specified in this Item taking into account additional award constitutes per month:
the head of the Center - 50000 hryvnias;
the shift supervisor of the Center - 40000 hryvnias;
the senior of mobile group - 40000 hryvnias;
other members of the Center and mobile groups - 30000 hryvnias.
7. Material logistics of functioning of the Center and mobile groups is performed due to the assignments provided for the Public fiscal service, and other sources which are not forbidden by the legislation.
Provide to the Ministry of Internal Affairs mobile groups with the special vehicles equipped with flashing indicators of blue and/or red color and special sound signals.
8. Make changes which are applied to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
9. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its publication.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Groysman
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 8, 2016 No. 371
1. The interdepartmental target center for prevention and identification of violations of the law concerning the public customs affairs (further - the Center) is the permanent coordination center which is created for the purpose of coordination of actions of joint mobile groups on prevention and identification of violations of the law concerning the public customs affairs (further mobile groups).
2. The center and mobile groups consist of representatives of GFS, State frontier service and National police (further - services).
3. The center and mobile groups in the activities are guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, and also the presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and this Provision.
4. The main objectives of the Center are:
the organization of interaction between services for the purpose of prevention and identification of violations of the law concerning the public customs affairs;
ensuring decision making, the services approved with representatives which are part of the Center (further - organization members);
generalization of operational and analytical information about possible violations of the law concerning the public customs affairs obtained from any sources, processing and the analysis of such information;
the organization of activities of mobile groups by provision obligatory to execution of orders by them on implementation of the actions directed to the prevention and identification of violations of the law concerning the public customs affairs;
determination of operating procedure of mobile groups, coordination of their activities;
control of activities of mobile groups;
generalization of information on results of work of mobile groups, preparation of the corresponding analytical materials;
carrying out efficiency analysis of the measures taken for counteraction to customs offenses;
informing Minister of Finance on results of activities of the Center and mobile groups.
5. The center for the purpose of the organization of the activities has the right:
access to databases of services according to competence of the corresponding members of the Center;
request in accordance with the established procedure in central and local executive bodies information necessary for accomplishment of the tasks assigned to it;
present to mobile groups prepared in the procedure established by this Provision obligatory for execution of the order, in particular concerning stop of vehicles, carrying out survey (examination), creation of temporary customs control zones, sampling of goods and the direction them for carrying out researches, examinations, provisional estimate in the research expert and criminalistic center Ministry of Internal Affairs, specialized laboratory concerning examination and researches GFS and their territorial subdivisions, involvement of officials of body of the income and charges in which zone of activities events, to their carrying out are held;
develop plans tasks for mobile groups on implementation of actions for identification of violations of the customs legislation;
participate in accomplishment of the tasks assigned to mobile groups;
control accomplishment of the instructions given to mobile groups.
6. The center is headed by the head (further - the head of the Center) who affirms the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on representation of the Minister of Finance.
7. Head of the Center:
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The document ceased to be valid since June 21, 2018 according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 20, 2018 No. 480