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of May 12, 2016 No. 333

About approval of the Charter "Republican scientific medical library

For the purpose of reduction in compliance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic of the Charter of Republican scientific medical library I order:

1. Approve the Charter of Republican scientific medical library.

2. To the director of Republican scientific medical library (Kitarova G. S.) to carry out the state re-registration of the Charter of "Republican scientific medical library" in judicial authorities to the terms and procedure established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister A.Dzh. Murzaliyeva.

Is confirmed by this order that the data specified in it, and also data containing in the documents submitted for the state re-registration are authentic and in the cases established by the law issues of re-registration of the legal entity are agreed with the relevant managements and departments of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.


T. Batyraliyev

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 12, 2016, No. 333

Charter of Republican scientific medical library

1. General provisions

1.1. The republican scientific medical library (in further RNMB) is state library, information, Organization.

1.2. Form of business of RNMB - organization.

1.3. Founder of RNMB is the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.

1.4. RNMB performs the activities according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic regulating activities of the state organizations of health care, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About library science", other regulatory legal acts, orders and orders of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also this Charter.

1.5. The clerical work of RNMB is performed in the state and official languages. Working languages are: state, official, English - the worker when carrying out working meetings with foreign partners.

1.6. Full official name RNMB:

in the Kyrgyz language: Respublikalyk of ilimiya meditsinalyk kitepkana;

in Russian: Republican scientific medical library;

in English: Republican Scientific Medical Library.

Abbreviated name of RNMB:

in the Kyrgyz language: RIMK;

in Russian: RNMB;

in English: RSML.

1.7. RNMB location: Kyrgyz Republic, 720040, city of Bishkek, Ulitsa Togolok Moldo, 1.

2. Legal status of RNMB

2.1. RNMB is legal entity, has separate balance, the current and currency accounts, seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Kyrgyz Republic, with the name in the state and official languages, the stamps, letterheads and other details necessary for the legal entity.

2.2. The property is assigned to RNMB on the right of operational management concerning which RNMB performs rights of possession, uses and orders according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2.3. RNMB has the right to alienate or to dispose otherwise of the property assigned to it with the consent of the owner of this property and within the granted rights. Are part of property of RNMB: fixed assets, equipment, stock and other property.

2.4. RNMB has the right to perform stipulated by the legislation civil transactions, to be claimant and the defendant in court, to have other rights and obligations.

2.5. RNMB bears responsibility according to the obligations money on which by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic collection can be turned, in case of their insufficiency subsidiary responsibility according to obligations of organization is born by his owner.

2.6. RNMB performs the types of activity requiring additional permissions (licenses) only after their obtaining.

3. Tasks and RNMB functions

3.1. The main objectives of RNMB are:

- coordination and forming of system of library, information technologies in health care sector on the basis of interlibrary activities;

- creation of the modern information circle providing one of fundamental constitutional rights of the person - the right to information, the health care system promoting strengthening, to development of medical science and education;

- distribution of special knowledge among consumers of library services for the purpose of forming of the information culture promoting protection of public health, spiritual and social development of the people of Kyrgyzstan;

- completing and ensuring safety of the state fund medical, scientific and methodical and normative legal documentation and literature;

- carrying out research works on problems to library science, bibliography, medical information, automation of library processes;

- creation, implementation and enhancement of the automated, library and bibliographic and information systems;

- implementation of joint activities with libraries of the republic and other countries.

3.2. For accomplishment of objectives the following functions are determined:

- organization of library and information servicing of subscribers;

- implementation of interlibrary activities of health care system in the Kyrgyz Republic;

- development and implementation of educational and methodical work, the medical libraries promoting improvement of quality of work;

- development of information capacity of library by means of implementation of information and communication technologies, electronic library;

- development and use of system of automation of library information support, researches, processing of literature and maintaining the electronic catalog;

- creation and maintenance in working order corporate information and communication interlibrary infrastructure, both for voice transfer, and for data transmission;

- development and deployment of technologies for creation of the automated library information resources, storages of data, etc.,

- organization of safe functioning of library information systems and information security;

- implementation of partnership with the local and foreign organizations for implementation of joint activities within this Charter;

- development of medical electronic network resources for ensuring needs of users and smooth operation of information networks;

- providing health care sector with scientific medical information and availability of consumers to them from the medical scientific and educational circle and practical health care, and also persons who are trained;

- carrying out additional education (training) in adopted agendas for the purpose of assistance to improvement of quality of medical services to the population and developments of medical science;

- providing health care sector with information and technical support for the purpose of improvement of quality of rendering medical services;

- organization and carrying out scientific and methodical and scientific international activities for distribution of new medical information to education, science and practice;

- implementation by the information and resource and methodical help of specialists in the field of researches in health care sector;


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