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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Government of Turkmenistan on exchange of legal information

of February 27, 1997

The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Turkmenistan which are hereinafter referred to as with the Parties

- proceeding from mutual desire of expansion of direct continuous communications,

- attaching importance to legal support of independence and sovereignty of both states, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan,

agreed as follows:

Article 1

The parties recognize need of bilateral information exchange of legal acts on the questions designated in the Thematic list of regulatory legal acts (is applied).

Article 2

Each of the Parties shall provide to other Party required information on legal acts.

Information obtained by one of the Parties during cooperation can be transferred to the third party only on condition of the consent of the Party which provided this information.

Article 3

The parties, using national information resource, will organize own reference databases for exchange of legal information.

Article 4

The parties, performing agreed measures on creation of system of exchange of legal information, respectively determine:

list of subjects users information;

legal regime of information - normative statutory rules determining openness degree, procedure for documentation, access, storage, distribution and information security.

Article 5

The parties provide access to national resource of the legal information determined for joint use (reference databases), support them in urgent (control) condition and bear responsibility for completeness, reliability and timeliness of representation of details and services.

Article 6

Legal information shall be provided, as a rule, in Russian and is non-paid. For transfer of urgent messages and materials means of electronic, fax and other communication can be used.

Article 7

The parties are considered necessary:

provide each other in case of exchange of databases qualifiers of legal acts and their institutes;

carry out exchange of information, using the operating information and communication resources of systems, and also newly created systems of confidential communication.

Article 8

Exchange of legal information is performed according to the legislation of the states of the Parties.

Article 9

This agreement does not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties according to other international treaties.

Article 10

The parties have the right to make from mutual consent additions and changes to this agreement. All changes and amendments are drawn up by protocols which will be integral part of this agreement.

The agreement stops the action at least in 6 months from the date of receipt of the written notice of one of the Parties of the intention to denounce it.

Article 11

Disputes and disagreements between the Parties will be solved by bilateral negotiations and consultations.


to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Government of Turkmenistan about exchange of legal information

The thematic list of the regulatory legal acts which are subject to interstate exchange

1. Bases of the political system

2. Civil law

3. Scrap and family

4. Civil and procedural legislation

5. Arbitral procedure

6. Employment and employment of the population

7. Work

8. Social insurance and social security

9. Finance and credit

10. National economy (in general)

11. Companies and business activity

12. Industry

13. Capital construction and capital repairs

14. Town planning and architectural complexes

15. Agricultural industry and agro-industrial complexes

16. Trade

17. Housing and communal services and consumer services of the population

18. Transport and communication

19. Education

20. Science

21. Culture

22. Protection of public health

23. Physical training of the population

24. Protection of the surrounding environment and rational use of natural resources (in general)

25. Legislation on the earth

26. Legislation on subsoil

27. Protection and use of the woods

28. Protection and use of waters

29. Protection and use of fauna

30. Protection of atmospheric air

31. Geodesy and cartography

32. Hydrometeorology

33. Public service

34. Defense

35. State security

36. Customs affairs

37. Protection of public order

38. Court, justice, prosecutor's office

39. Penal legislation

40. Criminal procedure legislation

41. Criminal and executive legislation

42. Administrative responsibility

43. Foreign policy and international relations

44. Private international law and process

45. External economic relations

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