of August 19, 1999 No. 818-I
About traffic safety
The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of traffic safety.
The main objectives of this Law are ensuring protection of life and health of citizens, protection of their rights and legitimate interests, property of legal entities and physical persons, and also the environment.
The legislation on traffic safety consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about traffic safety then are applied rules of the international treaty.
In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:
the road - the strip of the earth equipped or adapted and used for movement of vehicles or the surface of artificial feature. The road includes highways, ways of urban electric transportation and sidewalks;
traffic - set of the relations arising in the course of movement of people and loads by means of vehicles or without those within roads;
the participant of traffic - person which is directly involved in the course of traffic as the driver, the passenger of the vehicle or the pedestrian;
traffic safety - the traffic condition reflecting degree of security of his participants from the road accidents and their effects;
the road accident - the event which arose in the course of movement on the road of the vehicle in case of which there came death or harm is done to health of citizens, vehicles, constructions, loads are damaged or other material damage is caused;
traffic safety control - the activities directed to the prevention of origins of the road accidents, decrease in weight of their effects;
the organization of traffic - complex of legal, organizational and technical actions and administrative actions for mission control on roads;
the vehicle - the device intended for transportation of people, loads or for production of special works;
the vehicle owner - the legal entity or physical person owning the vehicle on the property right or other corporeal rights.
The basic principles of safety control of traffic are:
priority of protection of life and health of citizens, protection of their rights and legitimate interests, and also environment;
priority of actions for traffic safety control;
systemacity of activities for traffic safety control.
Public administration in the field of safety control of traffic is exercised of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, public authorities on places and specially authorized state bodies.
In the field of safety control of traffic treat specially authorized state bodies:
Uzbek agency of road and river transport;
Organization for construction and operation of highways;
Public service of traffic safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of traffic safety control
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
approves state programs on safety control of traffic and exercises control of their realization;
approves Traffic regulations and other regulatory legal acts concerning safety control and the organization of traffic;
coordinates activities of the ministries, departments, public authorities on places in the field of traffic safety control, and also observance of requirements of ecological safety;
establishes single requirements to technical condition of vehicles and roads, traffic safety on roads and railway crossings;
establishes general requirements to training of transport drivers (further - drivers), and also to training of the population in rules of safe behavior at roads;
approves single system of accounting of drivers, vehicles, road traffic offenses, road accidents and other indicators.
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan can perform also other powers according to the legislation.
Public authorities on places:
realize state programs on traffic safety control;
approve territorial programs for safety control of traffic and exercise control of their realization;
will organize medical support of traffic safety, and also delivery of health care by the victim in case of the road accidents;
take measures for prevention of the road accidents, training of the population in rules of safe behavior at roads, promotion of traffic safety and observance of requirements of ecological safety;
provide arrangement and content in good repair of streets, sidewalks and means of regulation of traffic in the cities, settlements and rural settlements, and also ways of urban electric transportation.
Public authorities on places can perform also other powers according to the legislation.
Uzbek agency of road and river transport:
participates in development and implementation of state programs on traffic safety control;
develops regulatory legal acts and regulating documents in the field of safety of motor transportations;
exercises control of compliance with law about traffic safety on road transport.
The Uzbek agency of road and river transport can perform also other powers according to the legislation.
Organization for construction and operation of highways:
participates in development and implementation of state programs on traffic safety control;
develops regulating documents in the field of traffic safety during the designing, construction, reconstruction, repair and content of highways public;
provides content in good repair of subordinated highways for safe movement of vehicles on them; provides participants of traffic with necessary information on condition of road carpet, hydrometeorological and other conditions;
performs arrangement and the equipment of highways means of regulation of traffic, system of urgent communication and provides their content;
reveals sections of highways, dangerous to movement, and takes measures for enhancement of the organization of traffic on these sites;
takes part in determination of routs to follow of the vehicles transporting heavy, bulky, dangerous and particular loads and also agrees to placement of objects of road service.
The organization for construction and operation of highways can perform and other powers according to the legislation.
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