of May 30, 2016 No. 484
About pricing in the field of the address with solid utility waste
According to articles 5 and 24.9 of the Federal law "About Production Wastes and Consumption" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve enclosed:
Pricing bases in the field of the address with solid utility waste;
Regulations of rates in the field of the address with solid utility waste.
2. To Federal Antimonopoly Service in 4-month time to approve in coordination with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation methodical instructions for calculation of regulated rates in the field of the address with solid utility waste.
3. Recognize voided since January 1, 2018 acts of the Government of the Russian Federation according to the list according to appendix.
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2016 No. 484
1. This document determines system, the principles and methods of regulation of rates for goods (works, services) the organizations performing regulated types of activity in the field of the address with solid utility waste, criteria of their application.
2. The following concepts are hereunder used:
"base of the invested capital" - the size of the invested capital determined by regulating authority of rates for the corresponding year of the long-term period of regulation on the basis of which the size of the income of the invested capital in case of establishment of rates using income method of the invested capital is determined;
"basic level of operating expenses" - the level of operating expenses established for the first year of the long-term period of regulation;
"long-term state obligations" - federal loan bonds, the repayment period (term of the obligatory offer) of which constitutes 8 - 10 years;
"long-term parameters of regulation of rates" - the parameters of calculation of rates set by regulating authority of rates for the long-term period of regulation;
"the long-term period of regulation" - the period lasting not less than 5 annual periods of regulation (at least 3 annual periods of regulation in case of the first application of long-term rates) to which long-term parameters of regulation of rates are set if other is not provided by the Federal Law or Regulations of rates in the field of the address with the solid utility waste approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2016 No. 484 "About pricing in the field of the address with solid utility waste" (further - Regulations of rates);
"long-term rates" - the rates in the field of the address with solid utility waste established on the basis of long-term parameters of regulation of rates;
"loan capital" - the money created due to receipt of the credits, loans, release and sale of bonds and spent for construction, upgrade and reconstruction of the objects used for the address with solid utility waste;
"invested capital" - the cost of the objects used for the address with solid utility waste, accepted by regulating authority of rates for the purposes of tariff regulation with use of income method of the invested capital;
"index of efficiency of operating expenses" - the indicator of dynamics of change of expenses determining decrease in operating expenses;
"the half-received income" - the income of the regulated organization which is not received in previous periods of regulation in connection with decrease in amount and (or) lot of solid utility waste in comparison with amount and (or) lot of the solid utility waste considered in case of establishment of rates;
"uncontrollable expenses" - the expenses of the regulated organization connected with production and sales of goods (works, services) in regulated types of activity which size is influenced by factors which do not depend on activities of the regulated organization and concerning which requirements to their decrease are not established;
"necessary gross revenue" - economically reasonable amount of financial resources necessary during the next period of regulation of the regulated organization for implementation of regulated type of activity and ensuring achievement of the planned measure values of efficiency of the objects used for processing, neutralization, burial and energy utilization of solid utility waste established for the corresponding period of regulation according to regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of the address with solid utility waste (further - performance indicators);
"rate of return of the invested capital" - the size reflecting economically reasonable level of profitability of the invested capital;
"operating expenses" - the expenses of the regulated organization connected with implementation of regulated types of activity which size depends on activities of the regulated organization and concerning which the regulated organization shall take measures for their decrease, providing at the same time accomplishment of the production program in full;
"regulating authority of rates" - the executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation performing state regulation of rates, or the local government body performing regulation of rates - in case of transfer of appropriate authority the law of the subject of the Russian Federation;
"the initial size of the invested capital" - the size of the invested capital established by regulating authorities of rates, accepted for calculation of the size of necessary gross revenue upon transition to regulation of rates using income method of the invested capital or for the first year of the next long-term period of regulation;
"the regulation period" - the period for which rates are established, lasting at least 12 months if other is not provided by Regulations of rates;
"the complete size of the invested capital" - the size of the invested capital reflecting all-in cost of the invested capital, accepted for calculation of size of return of the invested capital in case of application of income method of the invested capital;
"forecast necessary gross revenue of the regional operator according to the address with solid utility waste" - the size determined for the purpose of calculation of present value of service of the regional operator for the address with solid utility waste as the planned amount of financial resources necessary for the regional operator by the address with solid utility waste for rendering service in the address with solid utility waste;
"settlement entrepreneurial profit of the regulated organization" - the size considered in case of determination of the necessary gross revenue used when calculating rates using method of economically reasonable costs for the period of regulation or method of indexation for every year of the long-term period of regulation, being at the command the regulated organization and spent by it at discretion;
"the regulated organization" - the operator according to the address with solid utility waste, the regional operator according to the address with solid utility waste, the performing regulated types of activity in the field of the address with solid utility waste;
"economically reasonable expenses which are not considered in case of establishment of regulated rates in previous periods of regulation" - the expenses connected with unplanned increase in prices for products used by the regulated organization in the course of implementation of productive activity during previous period of regulation, change of the legislation of the Russian Federation and also the expenses which are not considered by regulating authority of rates in previous period of regulation of rates, but recognized by economically reasonable Federal Antimonopoly Service or court.
The terms "the operator according to the address with solid utility waste", "regional operator according to the address with solid utility waste", "solid utility waste" are applied in the values provided by the Federal Law "About Production Wastes and Consumption".
3. Calculation of the size of necessary gross revenue, limiting rates for implementation of the regulated types of activity in the field of the address with solid utility waste established by regulating authorities of rates (further - rates), long-term parameters of regulation of rates, differentiation of rates are performed according to methodical instructions for calculation of regulated rates in the field of the address with the solid utility waste approved by Federal Antimonopoly Service (further - methodical instructions).
4. Regulated types of activity in the field of the address with solid utility waste are performed at the prices determined by agreement of the parties, but which are not exceeding the approved rates.
5. Rates are established concerning each organization performing regulated types of activity in the field of the address with solid utility waste and concerning each performed regulated type of activity in the field of the address with solid utility waste, except for case, stipulated in Item 6(1) this documents, taking into account the territorial scheme of the address with waste, including solid utility waste (further - the territorial scheme).
6. The following types of rates are subject to regulation:
a) single tariff for service of the regional operator in the address with solid utility waste;
b) rate for processing of solid utility waste;
c) rate for neutralization of solid utility waste;
d) rate for burial of solid utility waste, including on subjects to placement of the solid utility waste included according to Item 8 of article 29.1 of the Federal law "About Production Wastes and Consumption" in the list of subjects to placement of solid utility waste in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation;
e) rate for energy utilization.
6(1). If the regulated organization performing burial of solid utility waste performs their processing with use of objects of processing of the solid utility waste belonging to it on the property right or on other legal cause, the rate for processing of solid utility waste for such regulated organization is not established. At the same time expenses on processing of solid utility waste are considered in case of settlement of a tariff of burial of solid utility waste. The regulated organization keeps separate account of the income and expenses, weight and amount of solid utility waste, the address with which performs, on each such type of activity.
7. Rates are established with calendar breakdown on half-year proceeding from not exceeding of size of the specified rates excluding tax for value added in the first half of the year of the next annual period of regulation over the size of the corresponding rates excluding tax for value added in the second half of the year of preceding annual period of regulation as of December 31.
At the same time the size of rates shall compensate to the regulated organizations economically reasonable expenses on realization of production and investing programs and provide economically reasonable level of profitability of the current activities and the rate for energy utilization used when implementing regulated types of activity in the field of the address with solid utility waste of the invested capital, except for for the regulated organization concerning which objects according to Item 263 of Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and the capacity approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 No. 1172 "About approval of Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity and about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the organization of functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity" (further - Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity), agreements on provision of capacity of the qualified generating objects functioning on the basis of use of renewable energy resources are signed.
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