of April 26, 2016 No. 168
About approval of "The amount of customs fees"
For the purpose of ensuring execution of Item 28.5 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the Customs code of the Azerbaijan Republic" of September 15, 2011 499, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides No.:
1. Approve "The amounts of customs fees" it (is applied).
2. Repeal the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic "About the amount of the charges levied by types of customs activities in the Azerbaijan Republic" of August 29, 2000 No. 151 (Collection of the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2000, No. 8, Article 655) and the resolution "About approval of the size "the customs fees levied for conducting customs examination of goods in connection with customs control and registration at the initiative of the customs applicant, persons having powers concerning goods or their representatives" of September 5, 2012 No. 190 (Collection of the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2012, No. 9, Article 916).
3. Exclude from the name of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic "About rates of customs duties on export-import transactions, the amount of the charges levied for customs clearance in the Azerbaijan Republic" of April 12, 2001 No. 80 (Collection of the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2001, No. 4, Article 289, No. 8, Article 560; 2002, No. 8, Article 549, No. 9, Article 581, No. 10, Article 647; 2003, No. 2, Article 147, No. 4, Article 226, No. 10, Article 614, No. 12, book II, Article 749; 2004, No. 3, Article 196, No. 4, Article 307, No. 5, Articles 389, 390, No. 9, Article 743; 2005, No. 10, Article 980; 2006, No. 4, Article 363, No. 7, Article 652; 2007, No. 5, Article 548, No. 6, Article 700, No. 11, Article 1187; 2008, № 4, Article 325; 2009, No. 11, Article 938; 2010, No. 1, Article 68; 2012, No. 9, Article 928; 2013, No. 7, Article 871; 2014, No. 1, Article 65, No. 2, Article 197) words", the amount of the charges levied for customs clearance" and the words "and the amount of the customs duties levied for customs clearance" from part 1.
Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic
Artur Rasi-Zade
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of April 26, 2016 No. 168
1.1. "The amounts of customs fees" (further - the Document) are prepared based on Article 231.2 of the Customs code of the Azerbaijan Republic and establish the customs fees levied for the services and legal acts performed by customs authorities.
1.2. Application of customs fees is not provided for protection of the domestic market and the fiscal purposes, their amounts reflect rough cost of the service rendered by customs authorities.
1.3. Customs fees is the following:
1.3.1. the customs fees connected with implementation of customs control: customs duties for customs clearance; customs duties for conducting customs examination of goods at the initiative of the customs applicant, persons having powers concerning goods or their representatives in connection with customs control and registration; customs duties for destruction of goods under customs control;
1.3.2. customs duties for customs escort;
1.3.3. customs duties for storage of goods;
1.3.4. customs duties for issue of the competence certificate of the specialist in customs clearance;
1.3.5. customs duties for entering into the register of the State Customs Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic of banks and non-bank credit institutions.
1.4. When implementing customs control over goods and vehicles out of working hours or out of workplace of customs authorities, customs duties for implementation of the customs control specified in subitem 1.3.1 of this document are levied in the double amount.
2.1. For placement of goods and vehicles under the corresponding customs procedure (except for special customs procedure of transit) and the actions performed at the end of this procedure and also for registration of goods in case of customs debt during through customs border by physical persons of the goods which are not provided for production or commercial purpose and customs clearance of the goods filled in the reservoirs established by design of aircrafts in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic by means of the commodity (cargo) manifesto and which are considered as inventories for operation of the aircraft and use by crew members, service personnel, passengers are levied customs fees in the following amounts:
2.1.1. if customs value makes the amount to 1 000 manats - 10 manats;
2.1.2. if customs value makes the amount from 1 001 to 10 000 manats - 50 manats;
2.1.3. if customs value makes the amount from 10 001 to 100 000 manats - 100 manats;
2.1.4. in case of exceeding of customs value of the amount of 100 001 manats - 275 manats.
2.2. For customs clearance of the goods taken through customs border of the Azerbaijan Republic under special customs procedure of transit customs fee in the amount of 30 manats is levied.
2.3. For customs clearance of the goods imported on customs area of the Azerbaijan Republic and exported from this territory in connection with execution of agreements on distribution of share of production including the customs clearance of profitable hydrocarbons is levied customs fee in the sum determined by relevant provisions of these agreements.
2.4. For rendering electronic customs service for each leaf of customs declarations of all types providing complete placement of goods and vehicles under the corresponding customs procedure customs fee in the amount of 30 manats is levied.
2.5. For execution of the simplified declarations represented in case of customs debt during by physical persons through customs border of the goods which are not provided for production or commercial is more whole, customs fee in the amount of 10 manats is levied.
2.6. For certification for registration of the vehicles imported including temporarily imported on customs area of the Azerbaijan Republic, customs fees in the following amounts are levied:
2.6.1. for cargo and cars, minibuses and buses - 20 manats;
2.6.2. for other vehicles - 15 manats.
2.7. Customs duties for customs clearance of goods are not levied in the following cases:
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