The consular convention between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Moldova
of October 23, 1997
Republic of Kazakhstan and Republic of Moldova,
the "Contracting parties" which are referred to as further for the benefit of further strengthening of friendship and cooperation between both states,
being guided by desire to settle the consular relations between them,
decided to conclude this Consular Convention and
agreed as follows:
In this Convention the stated below terms have the following value:
a) "consular establishment" means any consulate general, consulate, vice-consulate or the consular agency;
b) "the consular district" means the area of the state of stay allocated to consular establishment for accomplishment of consular functions;
c) "the head of consular establishment" means person to whom the represented state charged to be effective in this quality;
d) "the consular official" means any person, including the head of consular establishment to which accomplishment consular is entrusted in this quality to function;
e) "the employee of consular establishment" means any person which is carrying out administrative or technical obligations in consular establishment;
f) "the worker of service personnel" means any person which is carrying out obligations on servicing of consular establishment;
g) "employees of consular establishment" means consular officials, the staff of consular establishment and workers of service personnel;
h) "family member" means the wife (husband), children and parents of employees of consular establishment who live with them;
i) "the private house worker" means any person who is only in the private service of the employee of consular establishment;
j) "the citizen of the represented state" means any Physical person the having nationality of the represented state, in applicable cases also means any legal entity of the represented state;
k) "consular rooms" means the buildings or parts of buildings used only for the purposes of consular establishment and the parcel of land servicing these buildings or parts of buildings, including the residence of the head of consular establishment who would not possess the property right to them;
l) "consular archives" means all papers, documents, correspondence, books, movies, tapes of sound recording and registers of consular establishment together with the codes and codes, card-indexes and any furnishings intended for ensuring their safety and storage;
m) "the vessel of the represented state" means any vessel which according to the legislation of the represented state has the right to float under the flag of this state, except for public vessels;
n) "the aircraft of the represented state" means any aircraft with identification marks of the represented state, except for military aircraft.
1. The consular establishment can be open in the territory of the state of stay only with the consent of this state.
2. The location of consular establishment, its class and the consular district are determined by the agreement between the represented state and the state of stay.
In case of disagreements on the number of employees of consular establishment this question is solved by agreement between the represented state and the state of stay.
3. Further changes of the location of consular establishment, its class or the consular district can be performed by the represented state only with the consent of the state of stay.
1. Before appointment of the head of consular establishment the represented state shall be convinced in the diplomatic way that on this person the consent of the state of stay to its recognition as the head of consular establishment will be received.
2. After receipt of consent of the state of stay the represented state through the diplomatic representation or other appropriate way sends to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the state of stay the document constituted in case of each appointment having the form of the patent or similar to it the certificate certifying powers of the head of consular establishment, his complete name, surname, post, the consular district in which he will fulfill the duties, and the location of consular establishment.
3. On receipt the state of stay of the consular patent or similar to it certificates on appointment, the head of consular establishment is allowed to accomplishment of the functions by the permission from the state of stay called by exequatur what form such permission would not have.
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