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The document ceased to be valid since  June 18, 2021 according to the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 28, 2021 No. 183


of February 22, 2016 No. 76

About approval of Rules of transportation of nuclear materials

(as amended on 21-09-2020)

According to the subitem 15) article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 12, 2016 "About use of atomic energy" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of transportation of nuclear materials.

2. To provide to committee of atomic and energy supervision and control of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printed publicity materials and information system of law of Ad_let;

3) within five working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction it the copy in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information" of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) placement of this order on official Internet resource of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the intranet portal of state bodies;

5) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Department of legal service of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 2), 3) and 4) of this Item.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

B. School student

It is approved

Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

February 29, 2016


_______________ A. Isekeshev

It is approved

Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

February 26, 2016


_______________ K. Kasymov

It is approved

Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

March 14, 2016


_______________ E.Dosayev

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 22, 2016 No. 76

Rules of transportation of nuclear materials

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of transportation of nuclear materials (further – Rules) are developed according to the subitem 15) of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 12, 2016 "About use of atomic energy" (further – the Law) and determine procedure for transportation of nuclear materials (further – YAM).

2. These rules extend to transportation of YAM by all modes of transport land, air and waterways and transportations act on all territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, except for:

1) the HOLES which are integral part of vehicles;

2) HOLES within the territory of the companies where these substances are made, used and stored;

3) HOLES which specific activity or general activity of load of which do not exceed major importances for the radionuclides specified in appendix 1 (table 1 and 2) to these rules;

4) the HOLES which are in consumer goods on which receipt of the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion and license in the field of use of atomic energy according to Item 5 of the Sanitary regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to ensuring radiation safety" approved by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 26, 2019 No. KR DSM-97 "About approval of Sanitary regulations Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to ensuring radiation safety" is not required (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 18920).

3. Transportation of YAM includes all transactions and conditions which are connected with production and servicing of transport packaging sets, and also with preparation, loading, sending, transportation, including transit storage, unloading and acceptance in final destination of loads.

4. In these rules the following determinations are applied:

1) object with surface radiological contamination (further – OPRZ) - firm subject which, without being radioactive, has radiological contamination of surface. OPRZ treat one of two groups, according to appendix 2 to these rules;

2) fissionable materials – the nuclear materials containing uranium 233, uranium 235, plutonium 239, plutonium 241 or any combination of these radionuclides. Do not fall under this determination: unirradiated natural uranium or the grown poor uranium, and also the natural uranium or the grown poor uranium irradiated only in thermal reactors;

3) exclusive use - use by one consignor of the vehicle or big cargo container with which all initial, intermediate and final transactions on loading and unloading are performed by the consignor or the consignee or on their instructions;

4) the transport index (further – TI) - the number appropriated to transport packaging set with the radioactive contents which are in it, transport packet, cargo container, the reservoir or the unpacked materials NUA-I and OPRZ-I, used for control of radiation safety when transporting;

5) transport packet - the enlarged unit load created from several packagings using different methods and means of packaging providing possibility of comprehensive mechanization of processing, loading, unloading of load and warehouse works. Treat means of packaging: pallets (flat, rack, lattice, box), flexible or tough bindings (tapes, hoisting slings, grids, films), wire, rope and other elements of fixture;

6) the maximum normal working pressure - the maximum pressure exceeding atmospheric pressure on sea-level which can arise in packaging containment system within one year in the conditions of temperature condition and solar radiation, to the corresponding surrounding conditions, without aeration or dumping of excessive pressure, external chilling by means of additional system or without measures of operational control during transportation;

7) radioactive content – YAM together with any radioactive or activated solid substances, liquids and gases which are in transport packaging set;

8) nuclear material with low specific activity (further – material NUA) – YAM which by the nature has limited specific activity, or YAM to which limits of the established average specific activity are applied. The materials of external protection surrounding material NUA in case of determination of average specific activity are not considered. Materials NUA are included into one of three groups according to appendix 3 to these rules;

9) alpha emitters of low toxicity - natural uranium; the grown poor uranium; natural thorium; uranium-235 or uranium-238; thorium-232; the thorium-228 and thorium-230, containing in ores or in the form of physical and chemical concentrates; or alpha emitters with half-life period less than 10 days;

10) radiological contamination of surface - presence of YAM of technogenic origin on the surface of vehicles, cargo containers, container, packagings and other objects in the quantities exceeding 0,4 of Bq/cm2 for beta gamma and alpha emitters of low toxicity and 0,04 of Bq/cm2 for all other alpha emitters;

11) safety index on criticality (further – IBK) - the transport packet or cargo container containing fissionable material, the number which is used for control of total quantity of the packagings, transport packets or cargo containers containing fissionable material established for packaging;

12) special conditions of transportation of YAM (further – special conditions) – the conditions approved with authorized body in the field of use of atomic energy (further – authorized body) according to which YAM which are not meeting all applicable requirements of these rules are transported;

13) the program of radioactivity protection when transporting YAM (further – the program of radioactivity protection) - the program of the events for ensuring planning and accounting of measures of radioactivity protection which are systematically held in case of transportation by YAM.

Other terms used in these rules are applied according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of use of atomic energy.

Chapter 2. Production and servicing of transport packaging sets

5. Transport packaging sets are made of the materials providing biological protection against ionizing radiation and mechanical durability depending on type of packagings with the radioactive content which is in them. In case of production and servicing of transport packaging sets fulfillment of requirements of this Chapter is necessary.

Paragraph 1. Classification of transport packaging sets

6. Transport packaging sets with the radioactive content which is in them (further – packagings) are classified on the following types:

1) the exempted packaging - the transport packaging set containing YAM with the activity which is not exceeding values of limits of activity for the exempted packagings specified in appendix 4 to these rules. The design of such transport packaging set meets general requirements to transport packaging sets and packagings according to Item 13 and the subitem 2) of Item 17 of these rules;

2) industrial package of type 1 (further – PU-1) - the transport packaging set containing the material NUA-I or OPRZ-I which design meets requirements of Items 13 and the subitem 2) of Item 17 of these rules;

3) industrial package of type 2 (further – PU-2) - the transport packaging set containing some material types of NUA-I, NUA-II, NUA-III or OPRZ-II according to appendix 5 to these rules which design meets requirements of Items 13, 15 and the subitem 2) of Item 17 of these rules;

4) industrial package of type 3 (further – PU-3) - the packaging set containing some material types of NUA-II or NUA-III according to appendix 5 to these rules which design meets requirements of Items 13, 15 and the subitem 2) of Item 17 of these rules;

5) packaging of type A - the packaging set containing YAM with activity to A2 according to appendix 1 (table 1 and 2) to these rules which design meets requirements of Items 13 and 17 of these rules;

6) packaging of type B - the packaging set containing YAM with the activity exceeding A2 values of major importances for radionuclides according to appendix 1 (table 1 and 2) to these rules which design meets requirements to packagings like B(U) or B (M) according to Items 18 and 19 of these rules;

7) packaging of type C - the packaging set containing YAM with activity, more than 3000A2 according to appendix 1 (table 1 and 2) to these rules which design meets requirements to packagings of type C according to Item 20 of these rules.

7. The exempted packagings shall contain only those YAM which are resolved for this design of packaging. At the same time the following requirements to quantity and parameters of the loaded YAM are fulfilled:

1) for YAM of others, than objects from natural uranium, the grown poor uranium or natural thorium, the exempted packaging shall not contain YAM which activity exceeds the following values:

the activity limits for the exempted packagings specified in appendix 4 to these rules respectively for each separate subject and each packaging, for YAM which is containing in the device or being part of the device or other industrial product, such as hours or the electronic equipment;

the activity limits for the exempted packagings specified in appendix 4 to these rules for YAM which is not used in the above-stated way;

2) is might contain by any quantity of the objects made of natural uranium, the grown poor uranium or natural thorium under condition if the exterior surface of uranium or thorium is covered with the non-radioactive cover from metal or other strong material.

8. For packagings of the PU-1, PU-2 and PU-3 types total activity of materials NUA or OPRZ is limited so that the radiation levels specified in Item 82, and the limits of activity of NUA and OPRZ for vehicles specified in appendix 6 to these rules were not exceeded.

In case of transportation by air transport of the packagings containing the non-combustible solid materials NUA-II or NUA-III, their activity shall not exceed 3000A2.

9. Packagings of type A shall not contain:

1) HOLES which activity exceeds A2 values;

2) HOLES, form which physical or chemical condition differ from those which are resolved for this design of packaging.

10. Packagings of type B shall not contain YAM which activity is exceeded by the value permitted for packaging of this design and also form, the physical condition, chemical form or radio nuclide composition of which differ from those which are resolved for packaging of this design and are specified in certificates (certificates permissions) packaging design.

In case of shipment by air of packaging of type B shall not contain YAM which activity exceeds values 3000A2.

11. Packagings of type C shall not contain YAM which activity exceeds the value permitted for packaging of this design and also, the form, physical condition, chemical form or radio nuclide composition of which differ from those which are resolved for packaging of this design and are specified in certificates (certificates permissions) packaging design.

12. Transportation of YAM is performed in transport packaging sets which design is approved by authorized body or action of certificates permissions on them approved by authorized bodies of other countries is extended to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the subitem 27) of article 6 of the Law. Are subject to approval or distribution of action of certificates permissions:

1) the certificate (certificate permission) on design of packagings of type A;

2) the certificate (certificate permission) on design of packagings like B(U) and the B(M) type;

3) the certificate (certificate permission) on design of packagings of type C;

4) the certificate (certificate permission) on transportation of packagings of types C, V(U), B (M), A;

5) the certificate (certificate permission) on transportation of packagings of the PU-2 and PU-3 types;

6) the certificate (certificate permission) on transportation in special conditions.

Paragraph 2. Requirements to transport packaging sets and packagings

13. General requirements to packagings and transport packaging sets:

1) the design of packaging shall ensure simplicity and safety of the treatment of her when loading, unloading and transportation taking into account the weight, amount and form. Besides, packaging is designed so that for the period of its transportation it was possible to fix properly on the vehicle;

2) the fixture elements on packaging intended for its movement (rise) shall not refuse in case of the treatment of them according to the operating manual, and in case of their breakdown packaging shall meet relevant requirements of these rules depending on packaging type. Inventory coefficients on case of movement (rise) of packaging are considered by breakthrough;

The devices placed on exterior surface of packaging which it is possible (it is authorized or not) to use 3) for its movement (rise), shall maintain its weight according to requirements of the subitem 2) of this Item;

4) the packaging set is designed and made so that its exterior surfaces had no protuberances, and their deactivation came easy, and the design of outer surface did not allow water skaplivaniye;

5) the fixture elements placed on packaging during transportation and which are not part of packaging shall not worsen its safety in such measure in what it would cease to meet requirements of these rules;

6) packaging shall have capability to resist to impact of any acceleration, vibration or resonance in case of vibration which can arise in case of usual conditions of transportation, without any deterioration in efficiency of locking devices or integrity of all packaging. Nuts, bolts and other elements of fixture are designed so that their spontaneous easing even was not allowed in case of repeated application;

As peak values of accelerations the maximum accelerations for different types of transport specified in appendix 7 to these rules are accepted.

For transportation of packagings by air transport of packaging shall have capability to resist to impact of vibrations with amplitude in the range from 5 mm with frequency of 7 Hz (that corresponds to acceleration of 1 g) to mm 0,05 with frequency of 200 Hz (that corresponds to acceleration of 8 g).

7) radioactive content, materials of packaging set and any other elements (for example, elements of fixture of packaging on the vehicle) which can contact with each other, shall be physically and are chemically compatible. Their condition and interaction in the conditions of radiation is considered;

8) all valves via which there can be exit of radioactive content shall be protected konstruktsionno from unauthorized impact on them;

The design of packaging shall consider 9) and other dangerous properties of radioactive content and elements of packaging set;

10) radioactive content of packagings shall conform to the requirements specified in Items 7-11 of these rules depending on type of packagings;

11) for shipment by air all types of packagings shall meet the following additional requirements:

temperature of accessible surfaces of packagings does not exceed 50 0C at environmental temperature of 38 of 0C without insolation;

packagings are designed so that in the range of external temperatures from-40 to +55 0C integrity of containment system was not broken;

packagings shall have capability to resist without leakage to environment pressure decrease to 5 kPa (0,05 of kgf/cm 2) or are capable to sustain the internal pressure which creates differential pressure at least 95 kPa (0,95 of kgf/cm 2) without leakage.

14. The exempted packagings shall meet the requirements specified in subitems 1) – 10) Item 13 of these rules, and in case of shipment by air - to the additional requirements provided in the subitem 11) of Item 13 of these rules.

15. Requirements to industrial packages:

1) PU-1 shall meet the requirements specified in subitems 1) – 10) Item 13 and the subitem 2) of Item 17 of these rules, in case of shipment by air - to the additional requirements provided in the subitem 11) of Item 13 of these rules;

2) PU-2 shall meet requirements to PU-1, according to the subitem 1) and, besides, after the testing specified in subitems 3) and 4) of Item 27 of these rules shall prevent:

exit or dispersion of radioactive content;

violation of integrity of radioactivity protection which would lead to increase more than for 20% of radiation level on exterior surface of packaging;

3) PU-3 shall meet requirements to PU-1, as it is specified in the subitem 1), and to the requirements provided in subitems 3) – 13) Item 17 of these rules;

4) reservoirs can be also used as PU-2 and PU-3 under condition if:

they meet the requirements to PU-1, specified in the subitem 1) of this Item;

they are designed so that any provided additional protection had capability to resist to the static and dynamic loads arising in case of the normal address and in usual conditions of transportation and did not lose protective properties that more than for 20% of radiation level on exterior surface of the reservoir would lead to increase;

5) other reservoirs, except container tanks, can be used as PU-2 and PU-3 for transportation of liquid YAM and NUA-I and NUA-II gases according to types of industrial packages for materials NUA and OPRZ according to appendix 5 to these rules, under condition if they satisfy to the regulations equivalent to that which are specified in the subitem 4) of this Item;

6) cargo containers can be used as PU-2 and PU-3 under condition if:

their radioactive content is in solid state;

they meet the requirements to PU-1, specified in the subitem 1) of this Item.

16. Requirements to the packagings containing uranium hexafluoride:

1) except as specified, provided in the subitem 4) of this Item, hexafluoride of uranium is located in packagings and is transported according to requirements of subitems 2) and 3) of this Item. Packaging shall meet the requirements ordered in other Sections of these rules and concerning nuclear and radiation characteristics of material.

2) each packaging intended for content 0, kg or more hexafluoride of uranium is designed so that it met the following requirements:

maintained without leakage and inadmissible tension the testing specified in Item 32 of these rules;

maintained without leakage or dispersion of hexafluoride of uranium the testing specified in the subitem 4) of Item 27 of these rules;

passed the test specified in the subitem 4) of Item 29 of these rules without violation of containment system.

3) the packagings containing 0,1 of kg or more hexafluoride of uranium shall not be equipped with devices for pressure release.

4) the packagings containing 0,1 of kg or more hexafluoride of uranium can be transported in the following cases only on condition of availability of the certificate (certificate permission) on packaging design:

packagings are designed according to other requirements, than with those which are stated in subitems 2) and 3) of this Item;

packagings are designed so that to keep without leakage and inadmissible tension the test pressure of less 2,76 of MPa as it is specified in Item 30 of these rules;

in case of the packagings intended for placement in them 9000 kg or more hexafluoride of uranium, packagings do not meet the requirements of the fourth paragraph of the subitem 2) of this Item.

17. Requirements to packagings of type A:

1) packaging of type A is designed so that the relevant requirements specified in Item 13 and in subitems 2) - 15) this Item were fulfilled;

2) the smallest overall outline dimension of packaging is at least m 0,1;

3) the exterior surface of packaging shall have the devices for installation by the consignor of seal excluding possibility of failure or damage of seal when transporting;

4) any devices for fixture which are available on packagings are designed so that as in normal, and in an emergency the transportations arising in these devices of loading did not reduce capability of packaging to meet requirements of these rules;

5) the design of packaging is calculated on the temperature range of components of packaging set from-40 to +70 0C. It is necessary to consider freezing temperature of liquid content and possible deterioration in properties of materials of packaging set with the specified temperature range;

6) packaging shall include the containment system which is reliably closed by the locking device not opening accidentally or as a result of pressure variation which can arise in packaging in normal condition of carriages;

7) if the containment system is separate part of packaging, then it is supplied with the locking device not depending on any other element of packaging set;

8) the design of any element of containment system considers if necessary radio lytic decomposition of liquids and other materials, and also formation of gas as a result of chemical reactions and radiolysis;

9) the containment system shall hold radioactive content in case of environment pressure decrease to 60 kPa (0,60 of kgf/cm 2);

10) all armature, except pressure-relief valves (depress valves), shall have cavities and stubs for prevention of any leakages via fittings;


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