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of January 30, 2016 No. 73

About approval of the State program about social protection and assistance of employment of the population for 2016-2020

(as amended on 25-06-2019)

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed State program about social protection and assistance of employment of the population for 2016-2020 * (further - the State program).


* It is not dispatched.

2. Determine:

responsible customer of the State program Ministry of Labour and Social Protection;

customers of the subprogramme 1 "Assistance of employment of the population" - the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Ministry of Architecture, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of information, the Ministry of forestry, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Industry ministry, the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Sport and tourism, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics, the Department of Energy, the Ministry of Justice, the State military-industrial committee, the State committee on property, the State committee on standardization, the State boundary committee, the State Customs Committee, The Belarusian state concern of the food industry Belgospishcheprom, the Belarusian state concern on oil and chemistry, the Belarusian state concern on production and sales of goods of light industry, the Belarusian production and trade concern forest, woodworking and pulp and paper industry, the Belarusian republican union of consumer societies, National academy of Sciences of Belarus, regional executive committees, the Minsk Gorispolkom, National state broadcasting company, Federation of trade unions of Belarus;

customers of the subprogramme 2nd "Labor protection" - the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Architecture, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of information, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of forestry, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Industry ministry, the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Sport and tourism, the Ministry of anti-monopoly regulation and trade, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of Finance, the Department of Energy, the Ministry of Justice, the State military-industrial committee, the State committee on property, the State committee on standardization, The state boundary committee, the State Customs Committee, the Belarusian state concern of the food industry Belgospishcheprom, the Belarusian state concern on oil and chemistry, the Belarusian state concern on production and sales of goods of light industry, the Belarusian production and trade concern forest, woodworking and pulp and paper industry, the Belarusian republican union of consumer societies, National academy of Sciences of Belarus, National state broadcasting company, regional executive committees, the Minsk Gorispolkom, Federation of trade unions of Belarus;

customers of the subprogramme 3 "The prevention of disability and rehabilitation of disabled people" - the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Ministry of Health, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom;

customers of the subprogramme 4 "Barrier-free living environment of disabled people and physically weakened faces" - the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Architecture, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of information, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Industry ministry, the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, the Ministry of Sport and tourism, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the State committee on standardization, National state broadcasting company, regional executive committees, the Minsk Gorispolkom, the Belarusian republican union of consumer societies, National Bank, the Republican center for improvement and sanatorium treatment of the population;

customers of the subprogramme 5 "Social integration of disabled people and elderly citizens" - the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Ministry of Education, regional executive committees, the Minsk Gorispolkom.

3. To the responsible customer of the State program:

bring the State program to interested;

perform coordination of activities of customers of subprogrammes of the State program during implementation of actions of subprogrammes of the State program;

submit the annual (final) statement about results of implementation of the State program according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

4. To customers of subprogrammes of the State program within the competence:

determine contractors of actions of subprogrammes of the State program and perform coordination of their activities;

exercise control of implementation of actions of subprogrammes of the State program and target use of the funds allocated for their realization;

introduce to the responsible customer of the State program (if necessary) offers on adjustment of actions of subprogrammes of the State program or the termination of their accomplishment;

submit to the responsible customer the annual (final) statement about results of implementation of the State program according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

5.  No. 1075 is excluded according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 26.12.2016

6. To the Ministry of Finance, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom annually when forming republican and local budgets to provide funds for financing of actions of subprogrammes of the State program.

7. Confer the personal responsibility for timely and high-quality implementation of actions of subprogrammes of the State program, target and effective use of the financial resources provided on their realization on heads of the state bodies and organizations determined in Item 2 of this resolution.

8. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the deputy prime ministers of the Republic of Belarus supervising questions of labor protection and employment of the population, social protection.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

A. Kobyakov


Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of January 30, 2016 No. 73

The state program about social protection and assistance of employment of the population for 2016-2020

Chapter 1. General provisions

Human development is one of main objectives of social policy of the Republic of Belarus which is achieved by means of the solution of tasks on increase in efficiency of use of labor power, including improvement of conditions and increase in labor safety, to development of social infrastructure and creation of comfortable conditions of activity of the population. The solution of these tasks will promote achievement by the Republic of Belarus of the Sustainable development goals announced by the General Assembly of the United Nations, including on universal poverty eradication in all its forms and to assistance forward, all-embracing and to sustained economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

In 2011-2015 these problems were solved by means of implementation of the following program documents:

annual state programs of assistance of employment of the population of the Republic of Belarus;

The republican target program for improvement of conditions and labor protection for 2011-2015 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 29, 2010 No. 982 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 161, 5/32106);

The state program on creation of barrier-free living environment of physically weakened faces for 2011-2015 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 1, 2010 No. 1602 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 266, 5/32771);

The comprehensive program of development of social servicing for 2011-2015 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 29, 2010 No. 1126 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 196, 5/32266).

In the forthcoming five-years period further development of system of social protection and assistance of employment of the population will be performed within the State program about social protection and assistance of employment of the population for 2016-2020 (further - the State program).

In basis of the State program the reference points of development of the social and labor sphere determined by the Program of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 and also succession of the purposes and directions of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus in the previous fifth anniversary are pledged.

In the State program the main directions are determined by realization of state policy in the field of assistance of employment of the population, labor protection, the prevention and rehabilitation of disability, creation of barrier-free living environment and social integration of disabled people and elderly citizens.

Chapter 2. Purpose, indicators and terms of implementation of the State program

Realization of constitutional rights of citizens on work, healthy and safe working conditions, on the available circle and social security in old age and in case of disability are the most important tasks of social policy of the state.

One of priorities of state policy is creation of conditions for high-quality human development, healthy and worthy life of the population, including on the basis of realization of package of measures for provision of comfortable conditions of activity, to the prevention of disability and rehabilitation of disabled people, social integration of disabled people and elderly citizens.

Proceeding from the specified priorities the purpose of the State program is development of system of social protection of the population by means of increase in efficiency of policy of employment of the population, safety of work, the prevention of disability and rehabilitation of disabled people, creations of barrier-free living environment, ensuring social integration of disabled people and elderly citizens.

Achievement of effective objective will be performed by solution of tasks and realization of complex of actions of subprogrammes of the State program according to appendix 1. These actions will be carried out within:

subprogrammes 1 "Assistance of employment of the population";

subprogrammes 2nd "Labor protection";

subprogrammes 3 "Prevention of disability and rehabilitation of disabled people";

subprogrammes 4 "Barrier-free living environment of disabled people and physically weakened faces";

subprogrammes 5 "Social integration of disabled people and elderly citizens".

For efficiency evaluation of implementation of the State program the system of summary target indicators of the State program and target indicators of subprogrammes according to appendix 2 is provided.

Such indicators are:

level of the registered unemployment (as a percentage);

coefficient of frequency of industrial traumatism (coefficient);

level of professional incidence (2016-2018), specific weight of workplaces with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions in total quantity of workplaces in the organizations (2019-2020) (as a percentage);

indicator of weight of primary exit to disability of persons of working-age (as a percentage);

the number of the available to disabled people and physically weakened faces of priority objects created in priority spheres of activity (in units);

level of security of disabled people and elderly citizens with social services (the person on 10 thousand disabled citizens, in the prodetsimill).

The state program will be implemented in 2016-2020.

Responsible customer of the State program is the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.

Chapter 3. Risks assessment in case of implementation of the State program and their minimization

Forecasting of possible risks in case of the solution of tasks of subprogrammes, assessment of their scales and consequences, and also forming of system of measures for their prevention is important for successful implementation of the State program.

Within implementation of the State program the following risks of its realization can be marked out:

macroeconomic risks - deterioration in internal and external economic environment, decrease in production volumes, inflation growth, mass release of workers, strengthening of social tension in connection with decrease in level of living of the population. The specified risks can lead to deterioration in situation in the social and labor sphere, to reduction of wages and social guarantees, to growth of unemployment and intensity in the labor market. Minimization of macroeconomic risks is possible by funds redistribution, actions of subprogrammes of the State program, providing the guarantees to citizens established by the legislation provided on financing;

legal risks are connected with change of the legislation, duration of the period of forming of the regulatory legal base necessary for effective implementation of the State program. For minimization of impact of this group of risks at development stage of regulatory legal acts it is planned to involve in their discussion concerned parties which shall take part in their coordination subsequently, carry out monitoring of the planned changes in the legislation regulating the social and labor sphere;

financial risks can be caused by insufficiency of the amounts of financing, reducing the provided funds for the social sphere. Overcoming such risks is possible by annual refining of amounts of the financial resources provided on implementation of actions of subprogrammes of the State program depending on the achieved results, determination of priorities for first-priority financing;

organizational risks. Risks of this group are connected with poor control of implementation of subprogrammes of the State program, interdepartmental interaction, deficit of qualified personnel.

Influence of the called risks can entail failure to carry out of tasks of subprogrammes of the State program, decrease in planned values of its indicators, efficiency and quality of accomplishment of actions of subprogrammes.

The main conditions of minimization of organizational risks are forming of effective management system implementation of subprogrammes, increase in interdepartmental interaction in case of their realization, rapid response to the revealed shortcomings of procedures of management, control and staffing, timely adjustment of actions of subprogrammes of the State program;

the risks connected with regional features. This group of risks is caused by distinction in financial and economic opportunities of areas and regions of the country that can result in various efficiency rate and effectiveness in case of implementation of the State program.

Decrease in these risks is possible due to ensuring calculation of optimum amount of budgetary funds, and also attraction of financial resources from other sources which are not forbidden by the legislation, operational consultation of all contractors of subprogrammes concerning their accomplishment, carrying out monitoring of assessment of the current situation for timely acceptance of the management decisions necessary for ensuring implementation of the State program.

Chapter 4. Financial provision of the State program

Financial provision of the State program according to appendix 3 will be performed at the expense of the means provided on these purposes in republican and local budgets, the budget of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus (further - the budget of fund), at the expense of own means of contractors of actions, and also fund of precautionary (preventive) actions for compulsory insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases.

Customers of the State program annually submit to the Ministry of Finance the corresponding budget request and reasons in the terms established for preparation of the budget statement of the Republic of Belarus for the next financial year.

It is supposed to direct to implementation of the State program 2 435 986 929, the 36th ruble, including means of the republican budget – 78 586 536, the 56th ruble, from them fund of precautionary (preventive) actions for compulsory insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases – 1 955 739 rubles, means of local budgets – 2 143 379 015, the 8th ruble, budget funds of fund – 201 440 781 rubles, own means of contractors of actions – 12 580 596 rubles.

The amounts of financing of the State program are subject to refining proceeding from economic opportunities of the state.

Chapter 5. Technique of efficiency evaluation of implementation of the state program

The efficiency evaluation of implementation of the State program is made annually. Results of such assessment are represented as a part of the annual statement of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection about the course of implementation of the State program.

The efficiency evaluation of implementation of the State program is performed in five stages.

At the first stage degree of the solution of tasks of the separate subprogramme of the State program on formula is estimated

Формула 1 к Пост. от 30.01.2016 г. №73

where SZ - degree of the solution of tasks of the separate subprogramme of the State program in reporting year;

SD - extent of achievement of planned value of the target indicator characterizing tasks of the separate subprogramme;

n - quantity of target indicators of the separate subprogramme.

Extent of achievement of planned value of the target indicator characterizing subprogramme task is calculated by the following formulas:

for target indicators which desirable tendency is achievement of values:

Формула 2 к Пост. от 30.01.2016 г. №73

for target indicators which desirable tendency is decrease in values:

Формула 3 к Пост. от 30.01.2016 г. №73

where SD - extent of achievement of planned value of the target indicator characterizing subprogramme tasks;

CPf - the value of the target indicator characterizing subprogramme task, which is actually reached by the end of the reporting period;

CPp - planned value of the target indicator characterizing subprogramme task.

If SD value more 1, that when calculating degree of the solution of tasks of the separate subprogramme it is accepted equal 1.

At the second stage extent of goal achievement of the State program on formula is estimated

Формула 4 к Пост. от 30.01.2016 г. №73

where SD" - extent of achievement of planned value of the summary target indicator characterizing the purpose of the State program;

CPf" - the value of the summary target indicator characterizing the purpose of the State program, which is actually reached by the end of the reporting period;

CPp" - planned value of the summary target indicator characterizing the purpose of the State program;

m - quantity of summary target indicators of the separate subprogramme.

If SD value" is more 1, that when calculating extent of achievement of planned value of the summary target indicator characterizing the purpose of the State program it is accepted equal 1.

At the third stage the average level of extent of goal achievement of the State program and solution of objectives of subprogrammes on formula is estimated

Формула 5 к Пост. от 30.01.2016 г. №73

where SU - the average level of extent of goal achievement of the State program and solution of objectives of subprogrammes;

SZ - degree of the solution of tasks of the separate subprogramme;

k - number of subprogrammes of the State program.

If SU value is more 1, that when calculating the average level of extent of goal achievement of the State program and solution of objectives of subprogrammes it is accepted equal 1.

At the fourth stage efficiency of implementation of the separate subprogramme is determined.

Efficiency of implementation of the subprogramme of the State program is determined as the relation of extent of realization of tasks of the separate subprogramme and degree of compliance of the actual amount of financing of this subprogramme to its planned amount in reporting year and calculated by formula

Формула 1 к Пост. СМ  Б от 13.09.2017 №687

where E1 - efficiency of implementation of the separate subprogramme in reporting year;

SZ - degree of the solution of tasks of the separate subprogramme in reporting year;

F1f - the actual amount of financing of the subprogramme in reporting year;

F1p - the planned amount of financing of the subprogramme in reporting year.

At the fifth stage efficiency of implementation of the State program as the relation of the average level of extent of goal achievement of the State program and solution of objectives of subprogrammes to degree of compliance of the actual amount of financing of the State program to its planned amount of financing in reporting year is determined and calculated by formula

Формула 2 к Пост. СМ  Б от 13.09.2017 №687

where E - efficiency of implementation of the State program;

SU - the average level of extent of goal achievement of the State program and solution of objectives of subprogrammes;

Ff - the actual amount of financing of the State program in reporting year;

Fp - the planned amount of financing of the State program in reporting year.

Efficiency of implementation of the State program (subprogramme) is recognized high if value E (E") makes at least 0,9, of average if value E (E") makes at least 0,8, and satisfactory if value E (E") makes at least 0,7.

Efficiency of implementation of the State program (subprogramme) is recognized unsatisfactory other cases.

In case of low performance of implementation of the State program her customer (customers of subprogrammes) within the competence apply measures of responsibility for unsatisfactory accomplishment of the State program and its subprogrammes, including failure to carry out (incomplete accomplishment) of indicators, and also inefficient use directed to their achievement of resources.

Chapter 6. Subprogramme 1 "Assistance of employment of the population"

In recent years the situation in the labor market of the Republic of Belarus is characterized by such favorable tendencies as the high employment level of the population, level officially of the registered unemployment within socially admissible, the small duration of the period of job search.

Creation of the conditions providing opportunities for everyone who wants and can work, find suitable work, is the most important task of state policy of employment of the population.

Labor capacity of the country is determined by the number and structure of manpower. Manpower are included able-bodied population at working-age and the working persons are more senior and are younger than working-age. Now the number of manpower of the republic constitutes 5962,9 of one thousand people, or 63 percent of the population of the country. Forming of manpower happens in the conditions of reducing number, aging of the population, and also growth of demographic load of able-bodied population.

Release of workers as a result of optimization and reducing number of personnel, increase in scales of part-time employment became consequence of the economic transformations performed in the conditions of adverse external economic situation. Despite it, purposeful efforts of the state on preserving labor collectives, ensuring social support of the released workers allowed to keep the high employment level in the country (in 2014 - were engaged with 76,3 of percent of number of manpower in economy).

One of the main indicators of market situation of work is the level of unemployment. During the last fifth anniversary in the country the low level of the registered unemployment which was not exceeding 1 percent from economically active population remained. The high employment level and low level of the registered unemployment are consequence of implementable measures of state policy of employment.

In 2011-2015 more 1,3 of one million citizens addressed to bodies of public service of employment of the population behind assistance in employment, over 850 thousand people are registered by the unemployed. With assistance of bodies for work, employment and social protection nearly 900 thousand people, including about 600 thousand unemployed are employed.

Level of employment of registered unemployed persons constituted percent 52,1. At the same time increase in 2015 in the number of the declared requirement of the organizations for the workers who addressed to bodies of public service of employment and decrease caused decrease in level of employment of the unemployed. Higher rate of employment - 70-80 percent is characteristic of the majority of categories of the unemployed. At the same time value of level of employment is differentiated depending on category of the unemployed. So, traditionally the lowest is the level of employment of graduates of organizations of general secondary education (about 30 percent), the workers released from the state apparatus (about 40 percent) exempted from punishment according to the court verdict of disabled people, and also the other persons not capable on equal terms to compete to others in the labor market (40-50 percent).

The small duration of the period of job search and employment is characteristic of the labor market of the Republic of Belarus. The average duration of unemployment constituted in 2015 4,1 of month, the employment period - 1,9 of month.

In 2011-2015 the temporary employment in the form of paid social jobs more than 350 thousand people, including more than 190 thousand unemployed is provided.

Opportunity to have professional training, retraining and advanced training received more than 63 thousand unemployed. At the same time the list of professions (specialties) of professional training of the unemployed taking into account requirements of the labor market constantly changes. Professional training of the unemployed is generally oriented to working professions.

One of the important directions of policy in the field of assistance of employment of the population is support of entrepreneurial initiative. Since 2011 used the state support and received subsidies for the organization of business activity, activities for rendering services in the sphere of agroecotourism, craft activity of nearly 12 thousand unemployed.

During job search or training in the direction of bodies for work, employment and social protection in jobless citizens social guarantees in the form of unemployment benefits, on pregnancy and childbirth, on burial, grants are provided, to financial support, the compensating payments, subsidies, and also compensations for expenses on moving to other area for the purpose of employment.

Care of the most vulnerable categories of the population - priority of the socially oriented state. Availability of disability or other difficult life situation, lack of practical experience of work, loss of qualification because of long break in labor activity limit possibilities of citizens to find suitable work.

The citizens needing special measures of social protection and not capable it is full to compete in the labor market, constitute about 20 percent from the total number of registered unemployed persons. Longer period of job search and employment is characteristic of them - is 1,5-2 times more than average.

For employment of such categories of citizens special measures of support of the population are taken. So, annually to employers armor for employment more than 20 thousand people needing social protection is established. Adaptation to labor activity about 2,5 of one thousand disabled people is over the last 5 years provided and nearly 600 special workplaces are created. For the purpose of acquisition by youth of practical labor experience in non-study time temporary labor employment more than 140 thousand pupils and students is organized.

For increase in efficiency of use of labor potential of occupied population in 2014-2015 number of the legislative initiatives directed to increase in efficiency of managing of the organizations, including due to ensuring the advancing growth rates of labor productivity over growth rates of the salary is accepted (The decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 15, 2014 No. 5 "About strengthening of requirements to the managerial personnel and employees of the organizations" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 16.12. 2014, 1/15465), the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 31, 2014 No. 744 "About compensation of workers" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 05.08. 2014, 5/39215).

Employers take measures for increase in level of labor discipline, strengthening of the stimulating compensation function.

Entry into force of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of April 2, 2015 No. 3 "About the prevention of social dependency" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 04.04. 2015, 1/15728) promotes identification and reducing the latent unemployment and illegal labor activity, stimulation of activity of citizens to job search.

Increase in public awareness of the importance of labor activity as conditions of growth of level and quality of life became result of the taken measures. In 2015 the number of the citizens who addressed to bodies of public service of employment on the issue of assistance in employment increased. Most of them acknowledged jobless that caused growth of level of registered unemployment to 1 percent from economically active population.

However since 2014 gradual decrease in demand for labor power is observed. So, for November 1, 2015 the need for workers declared by the organizations made percent 85,4 from such requirement in 2014 (28,7 of one thousand vacancies against 33,6 of one thousand vacancies for December 1, 2014). At the same time reducing specific weight of vacancies by working professions with percent 77,6 in 2011 to percent 50,9 for the beginning of 2016 is noted. As a result of decrease in amount of vacancies and increase in number of the unemployed the intensity coefficient in the labor market at the end of 2015 reached the unemployed 1,5 on one vacancy.

One of basic reasons of imbalance in the labor market on vocational structure is insufficient degree of coordination of the offer of educational services and demand for them in the labor market. Despite growth of need of employers for workers of working professions, education market it is still oriented mainly to release of specialists with the higher education.

The insufficient efficiency of employment which is shown in the high level of forced part-time employment and high staff turnover - one of the most significant problems in the labor market.

The number of the workers working in the mode of forced part-time employment in January-November, 2015 increased in comparison with the same period of 2014 in 2,1 of time and constituted percent 9,2 from payroll number of employees of the organizations.

About high staff turnover witnesses total coefficient of turnover of personnel (specific weight of the dismissed and employed workers in the total number of workers) which since 2011 exceeds 50 percent, and in January-November, 2015 constituted percent 43,8. In the last fifth anniversary the number of the dismissed workers annually on 50-60 thousand people exceeds number accepted, the coefficient of replacement of workers (ratio of the accepted and dismissed workers) in comparison with 2010 decreased from 102 to percent 90,3. High level of staff turnover negatively influences motivation of workers to increase in skill level, growth of intensity and effectiveness of work.

Urgent is question of quality of manpower and competitiveness of labor power. Still insufficient attention is paid by employers and workers to questions of professional training. Annually different types of professional training there pass about 11-14 percent of payroll number of workers, respectively frequency of training and advanced training makes about 7-9 years. It is not enough for the ensuring relevance of employee competences and high skill level conforming to requirements of innovative development of economy. Moreover, the scope of workers training decreases from year to year.

In 2016-2020 the situation in the labor market will be created in the conditions of further redistribution of labor power between economy industries. Dynamics of industry structure of employment till 2020 will be characterized by reducing number of workers in the industry and agricultural industry. These tendencies are in many respects caused by upgrade of production and implementation of resource-saving technologies, increase in labor productivity and reducing excessive employment. Higher rates of reducing the employment level in agricultural industry will be connected with reducing number of able-bodied population in the rural zone.

A number of the factors testimonial of insufficient efficiency of use of manpower exerts impact on the level and structure of employment:

territorial features of ratio of the demand and supply of labor power;

imbalance of the demand and supply of labor power on vocational structure which reason insufficient coordination of education market and the labor market is;

availability of excessive number of workers at number of the companies;

low quality of labor power that leads to lack of qualified personnel in case of labor redundancy in the labor market, absence at employers of interest in increase in professional level of workers;

low competitiveness of separate categories of citizens (youth at the age of 16-29 years, the disabled people, women having juvenile children, the citizens who are looking for work for the first time or after long break, and others) which make the fourth part of the unemployed staying on the registry;

lack of motivation to work and uncertainty in choice of profession at youth, especially at graduates of schools, decrease in prestige of separate working professions among youth.

The designated tendencies, and also intensification of integration processes, forming of the total market of work in formats of the Eurasian Economic Union and other integration associations, influence of world tendencies on national economy and the labor market caused need of development of the complex, consecutive and long-term instrument of state policy in the field of employment assistance.

In the subprogramme 1 "Assistance of employment of the population" of the State program (further - the subprogramme 1) the main priorities, and also activities of republican state bodies, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom, associations of employers and labor unions, public associations of disabled people are determined by realization of state policy in the field of employment of the population in 2016-2020.

The subprogramme 1 is the instrument of mid-term planning and is developed for goal achievement of the State program.

Increase in efficiency of use of labor potential within the subprogramme 1 is provided in two main directions - ensuring effective employment, implementation of measures of active policy of employment.

Ensuring effective employment is supposed by stimulation of structural adjustment of economy and acceleration of process of redistribution of the released workers to perspective sectors of economy, gap filling between professional education and market requirements of work.

Implementation of measures of active policy of employment is directed to support of citizens in realization of right to work and receipt of social support in work loss case.

Implementation of the subprogramme 1 in the specified directions is provided by solution of the following tasks:

ensuring balance of the demand and supply of labor power in the labor market;

assistance to improvement of quality of manpower and to growth of competitiveness of labor power;

stimulation of economic activity of the population, involvement in labor activity of economically inactive population (the disabled people, women having juvenile children, persons of retirement age and others), enhancement of institutional, organizational and financial mechanisms of assistance of employment of the population.

Achievement of objectives of the subprogramme 1 will be estimated by means of the following target indicators determined in appendix 2 to the State program:

specific weight of the citizens directed to training in total number of the unemployed needing employment (further - specific weight of the citizens directed to training) (as a percentage);

level of employment of the unemployed from total number of the unemployed needing employment (further - the level of employment of the unemployed) (as a percentage);

specific weight of the employed unemployed having additional guarantees of employment in total number of the unemployed of this category needing employment (further - specific weight of the employed unemployed having additional guarantees of employment) (as a percentage).

The list of the indicators used for efficiency evaluation of the pursued employment policy can be added with results of selective inspection of households for the purpose of studying of problems of employment of the population which is carried out in the Republic of Belarus according to the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 1, 2010 No. 1605 "About carrying out in the Republic of Belarus selective inspection of households for the purpose of studying of problems of employment of the population" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 263, 5/32772).

The solution of objectives will be provided by subprogramme implementation of actions 1, provided in appendices 1 and 4 to the State program.

The forecast amount of necessary financial resources on implementation of actions of the subprogramme 1 according to appendix 3 to the State program will make 201 505 355, the 6th ruble, including means of the republican budget – the 64th 574, the 6th ruble, budget funds of fund – 201 440 781 rubles.

Implementation of the subprogramme 1 will promote increase in efficiency of use of labor potential, will create conditions for forming of economically reasonable employment of the population, will promote effective distribution of manpower, ensuring social protection from unemployment, and also to preserving the level of unemployment within socially admissible value.

The main risk in case of implementation of the subprogramme 1 is excess of level of the registered unemployment over the planned its value. It can be the result of deterioration in economic country situation and, as a result, reducing quantity of free workplaces, increase in number of released workers because of optimization of the available workplaces.

Risk also is reducing level of employment of the citizens registered as the unemployed. Emergence of such risk will entail the incomplete solution of task on stimulation of economic activity of the population, involvement in labor activity of economically inactive population.

Decrease in amount of vacancies and discrepancy of vocational list of the unemployed to demand pattern on labor power are basic reasons of emergence of the specified risk. It can entail adjustment of value of this indicator, and also if necessary redistribution of financing on measures for professional training, retraining and advanced training of jobless citizens from other measures of assistance of employment for the purpose of ensuring compliance of their qualification to requirements of the labor market of the region.

Reducing specific weight of the citizens directed to training in total number of the citizens needing rendering assistance in employment can affect value of the level of unemployment. Increase in number of the citizens needing rendering assistance in employment under rather limited conditions of training, retraining, advanced training can become basic reason of reducing this indicator. Lack of desire of citizens to acquire profession or opportunities to organize training in the specialties demanded in the region labor market can become the reason. It shall entail adjustment of amount of the means provided on implementation of measures for professional training, retraining and advanced training, and redistribution of released funds for other measures of assistance of employment.

The lack of efficient institution, organizational and financial mechanisms of implementation of the subprogramme 1 can influence increase in value of the specified summary target indicator.

Excess of measure value of level of the registered unemployment over planned shall entail review of value of this indicator and growth in volumes of financing on implementation of measures of active policy of employment and the state support of jobless citizens.

Customers of the subprogramme 1 are the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Ministry of Architecture, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of information, the Ministry of forestry, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Industry ministry, the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Sport and tourism, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics, the Department of Energy, the Ministry of Justice, the State military-industrial committee, the State committee on property, the State committee on standardization, the State boundary committee, the State Customs Committee, the Belarusian state concern of the food industry Belgospishcheprom, The Belarusian state concern on oil and chemistry, the Belarusian state concern on production and sales of goods of light industry, the Belarusian production and trade concern forest, woodworking and pulp and paper industry, the Belarusian republican union of consumer societies, National academy of Sciences of Belarus, regional executive committees, the Minsk Gorispolkom, National state broadcasting company, Federation of trade unions of Belarus.

Chapter 7. Subprogramme 2nd "Labor protection"

In the Republic of Belarus work on realization of system of the measures directed to prevention of production dangers and risks, creation of healthy and safe working conditions is constantly carried out.

For the purpose of enhancement of the legislation in the sphere of labor protection number of the regulatory legal acts regulating activities of employers and also obligations and responsibility of workers is accepted. Changes and additions are made to the Labor code of the Republic of Belarus, new edition of the Law "About Labor Protection" which the rights and obligations of subjects of legal relationship in the field of labor protection extend is accepted.


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