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of February 29, 2016 No. 81

About approval of Rules of transfer on refining of scrap and waste of the precious metals turned into property of the state on the separate bases, in ingots of the affined gold and their obtaining after refining

(as amended on 19-02-2024)

According to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 30, 1995 "About National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan", of January 14, 2016 "About precious metals and gemstones" for the purpose of enhancement of procedure for transfer on refining of scrap and waste of the precious metals turned into property of the state on the separate bases, in ingots of the affined gold and obtaining the Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, their after refining, DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of transfer on refining of scrap and waste of the precious metals turned into property of the state on the separate bases, in ingots of the affined gold and their obtaining after refining.

2. To management on work with cash (Abisheva T. T.) in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide:

1) together with Legal department (Sarsenov N. V.) state registration of this resolution in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) the direction of this resolution in the republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan":

on official publication in information system of law of Ad_let within ten calendar days after its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

for inclusion in the State register of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan within five working days from the date of its obtaining by National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan after state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) placement of this resolution on official Internet resource of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication.

3. To management on consumer protection of financial services and external communications (Terentyev A. L.) provide the direction of this resolution on official publication in periodic printing editions within ten calendar days after its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the vice-chairman of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Galiyeva D. T.

5. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Chairman of National Bank

D. Akishev

It is approved

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

March 17, 2016


Minister ___________ B. Sultanov

Approved by the Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 29, 2016 No. 81

Rules of transfer on refining of scrap and waste of the precious metals turned into property of the state on the separate bases, in ingots of the affined gold and their obtaining after refining

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of transfer on refining of scrap and waste of the precious metals turned into property of the state on the separate bases, in ingots of the affined gold and their obtaining after refining (further – Rules) are developed according to Item 2 of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About precious metals and gemstones" (further – the Law) and determine procedure for transfer on refining of scrap and waste of the precious metals turned into property of the state on the separate bases, in ingots of the affined gold and their obtaining after refining.

The procedure for transfer on refining of scrap and waste of the precious metals turned into property of the state on the separate bases, after refining includes in ingots of the affined gold and their obtaining:

transfer on refining of scrap and waste of the precious metals turned into property of the state on the separate bases, in ingots of the affined gold;

receipt of ingots of the affined gold after refining of scrap and waste of the precious metals turned into property of the state on the separate bases.

2. In Rules the following concepts are used:

1) measuring ingots of the affined gold – the affined gold in the form of ingots, "The gold bars received after refining of scrap and waste of precious metals and ST of PK 2049 conforming to the national standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan measuring Specifications", with content of gold is at least 99,99 (ninety nine whole ninety nine 100-th) percent;

2) standard ingots of the affined gold – the affined gold in the form of ingots, received after refining of scrap and waste of precious metals and conforming to the international standard of quality of the gold accepted by the London association of the market of precious metals (London bullion market association) and designated in documents of this association as the London High-quality Delivery standard ("London good delivery");

3) the total volume of scrap and waste of precious metals – amount of scrap and the waste of the precious metals turned into property of the state on the separate bases, received from authorized body and its territorial subdivisions and subjects to transfer on refining for receipt of ingots of the affined gold;

4) other affined precious metals – the affined precious metals received after refining of total volume of scrap and waste of precious metals, the gold except for affined presented in the form of standard and (or) measuring ingots and (or) granules and accompanying them tests conforming to the national or international standard;

5) production waste – the slag, slime and other by-products formed after refining of scrap and waste of precious metals;

6) testing – complex of the works which are carried out for the purpose of establishment of quantity and quality characteristics of the affined precious metal;

7) authorized body – department of the central executive body on management of state-owned property as which the organization of work on accounting, storage, assessment and further use of the property turned (arrived) into republican property enters.

Chapter 2. Procedure for transfer on refining of scrap and waste of the precious metals turned into property of the state on the separate bases, in ingots of the affined gold

3. The National Bank annually till March 20 (inclusive) as of March 1 of the current year on authorized body and by its territorial subdivisions calculates:

lump of scrap of the precious metals and content of precious metal in scrap of precious metal which are subject to transfer on refining for receipt of ingots of the affined gold;


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