Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of March 29, 2016 No. 255

About procedure and conditions of registration of objects of content and (or) cultivation of wild animals

(as amended on 06-09-2024)

Based on the paragraph of third subitem 1.4-2 of Item 1 of Article 10, No. 257-Z "About fauna" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES parts two of Item 3 of article 43-1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 10, 2007

1. Approve Regulations on procedure and conditions of registration of objects of content and (or) cultivation of wild animals it (is applied).

2. Make changes and additions to the following resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus:

2.1. in Rules of catching of wild animals for the purpose of content and (or) cultivation in bondage, and also installations, introductions, reintroduction, acclimatization, the crossings approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 2, 2006 No. 698 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 90, 5/22399; 2008, No. 27, 5/26621; No. 108, 5/27579; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 25.07.2013, 5/37578; 17:07. 2014, 5/39130):

in Item 1 of the word "installation (including resettlement)" shall be replaced with words "installations (including resettlement),";

exclude Items 2 and 3;

in the name of Chapter 2 of the word "installation (including resettlement)" shall be replaced with words "installations (including resettlement),";

state item 4 in the following edition:

"4. Catching of wild animals (except the animals specified in part two of this Item) for the purpose of content and (or) cultivation in bondage, and also installations (including resettlement), introductions, reintroduction, acclimatization, crossing can be performed by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, and also physical persons based on permissions to withdrawal of the wild animals from the circle of their dwelling (further - permissions) issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection according to the procedure, the these rules specified in Item 5 established by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, except as specified.

Catching of the wild animals belonging to the types included in the Red List of the Republic of Belarus is performed based on permissions to withdrawal of the wild animals and wild-growing plants relating to the types included in the Red List of the Republic of Belarus, from the circle of their dwelling and growth, issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection according to the procedure, established by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

Catching of wild animals can be performed by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for the purpose of their content and (or) cultivation in bondage, and also installations (including resettlement), introductions, reintroduction, acclimatization, crossing, and physical persons - for the purpose of content and (or) cultivation in bondage only in the presence at specified persons of conditions for content and (or) cultivation in bondage of the wild animals conforming to requirements to the content and (or) cultivation of wild animals in bondage established by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection the confirmed statement of compliance of conditions of keeping of wild animals to requirements to their content which is drawn up by territorial authority of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection with participation of representatives of National academy of Sciences of Belarus or other scientific organization having in staff of specialists zoologists.

Catching of wild animals for the purpose of introduction and (or) reintroduction in grounds of the Republic of Belarus is performed based on biological reasons for installation of wild animals in grounds, form and requirements to which content are established by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

Biological reasons for installation of wild animals in grounds are represented in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection for receipt of permission for the purpose of implementation of introduction and (or) reintroduction of wild animals in grounds of the Republic of Belarus.";

add Rules with Item 29-1 of the following content:

"29-1. Requirements to carrying out installation (including resettlement), introductions, reintroduction, acclimatization, crossings of wild animals are established by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection in coordination with National academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Requirements to content and (or) cultivation of wild animals in bondage are established by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.";

in Item 30:

exclude part one;

the second or fifth to consider parts respectively parts of the first or fourth;

" (transportation) of wild animals" to add part one after words with words "(except the wild animals belonging to the types included in the Red List of the Republic of Belarus)";

the second after words of "the injured wild animals" to add part with words "(except the wild animals belonging to the types included in the Red List of the Republic of Belarus)";

in part three:

after words" (transportation) of wild animals" to add with words "(except the wild animals belonging to the types included in the Red List of the Republic of Belarus)";

replace the word "second" with the word of "first";

in part four:

after words of "sick wild animals" to add with words "(except the wild animals belonging to the types included in the Red List of the Republic of Belarus)";

to replace the word of "third" with the word "second";

add Item with part five of the following content:

"Movement (transportation) of the wild animals belonging to the types included in the Red List of the Republic of Belarus is performed according to the procedure, the established Regulations on procedure and conditions of issue of permission to withdrawal of the wild animals and wild-growing plants relating to the types included in the Red List of the Republic of Belarus, from the circle of their dwelling and growth, by the approved resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 18, 2009 No. 638 "About some questions of the treatment of wild animals and wild-growing plants" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2009, No. 123, 5/29773).";

appendix to these Rules to add with line items:


"group Hymenoptera


sort Bumblebees

sp. Bombus";



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