Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 6, 2002 No. 200

About measures for further development of computerization and implementation of information and communication technologies

(as amended on 23-02-2019)

In pursuance of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 30, 2002 and for the purpose of providing practical measures on realization of strategic priorities in the field of information and communication technologies the Cabinet of Ministers decides No. UP-3080 "About Further Development of Computerization and Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies":

1. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 23.02.2019 No. 161

2. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 23.02.2019 No. 161

3. To the ministry of development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

together with the Department of foreign economic relations and foreign investments of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of macroeconomic and statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan interested in the ministries, departments to perform attraction it is preferential the soft foreign credits and grants for implementation of the specified Development program of computerization and information and communication technologies for 2002-2010;

together with the Ministry of macroeconomic and statistics, the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education of the Republic of Uzbekistan to make offers on the organization of activities and strengthening of material and technical resources of the Tashkent university of information technologies in the Cabinet of Ministers in a month;

since 2003 to organize release of the specialized magazine with the obligatory Internet version lighting world and domestic tendencies and achievements in the field of information and computer technologies.

4. Assign to the Single integrator on creation and support of the state information systems for the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan the following main objectives:

development by request of the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications Uzbekistan of drafts of programs and other regulatory legal acts in the field of development of information and communication technologies;

participation in tenders for development of applied and adapted software, information databases, websites and other software products for industries of real economy, spheres of management, business, health care, science and education, and also for program implementation of electronic commerce;

rendering wide range of information, service and consulting services to governing bodies, state-financed organizations and private business concerning computerization and implementation of information and communication technologies;

preparation of quarterly reports and reviews on world and domestic tendencies of development of information and communication technologies, modern international standards in this sphere.

Determine that financing of the current activities of the Single integrator for creation and support of the state information systems is performed at the expense of own means received from the performed works (services), the funds allocated from the government budget for implementation of scientific and technical programs of the Single integrator, grants, the international funds and organizations, other income which is not contradicting the legislation.

5. To the ministries, departments, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent:

until the end of 2002 to develop with assistance of the Center of development and implementation of computer and information technologies of the program of creation of local departmental computer networks with the organization of their examination and approbation in the Uzbek communication agency and informatization, and also specific measures for step-by-step implementation of internal electronic document management, forming and permanent updating of information resources with their placement on the Internet;

perform actions for step-by-step training until the end of 2002 of ranking officers of the office of relevant organs of management in work on the modern computer equipment, including with use of local computer networks, and also with system the Internet;

until the end of 2002 to create, place own actively existing web pages on the Internet and further to support their updating.

6. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent to render broad assistance to creation of private companies on development of software, rendering provider, hosting, Internet services, services in forming of information databases, websites, field service of the computer equipment, creation of local area networks.

7. To the ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

expand preparation in specialized higher education institutions, professional colleges and the academic lyceums of highly qualified specialists and technicians on development and servicing of software, information databases, multimedia, the computer equipment, and also users of computer and information technologies;

together with the Ministry of national education of the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide broad training of all pupils of comprehensive schools and students in work with computer and information technologies;

together with the Uzbek communication agency and informatizations, the Ministry of national education of the Republic of Uzbekistan to develop and make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on program measures for creation according to educational standards of secondary and higher education of electronic educational base, to forming of information infrastructure of educational institutions, profound studying of English in all educational institutions in a month, and also to development and deployment of the standardized mechanism of use of Uzbek with the Latin alphabet on the republican information network.

8. To the ministry of development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan in case of distribution of the funds allocated from the government budget for implementation of scientific and technical programs to provide first-priority support of perspective scientific applied researches and innovative activities in the field of computerization and development of information and communication technologies.

9. To the Uzbek communication agency and informatization, the Ministry of Finance, the State Tax Committee, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan to make offers on provision of target privileges and preferences for the providers and operators providing services in reduced rates to educational and scientific institutions, rural Internet users in a month.


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