of April 11, 2016 No. 198
About approval of Rules of transportation of dangerous goods by road transport
For the purpose of ensuring safe transportation of dangerous goods by road transport, according to article 12 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About road transport", articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve Rules of transportation of dangerous goods by road transport according to appendix.
2. This resolution becomes effective after seven days from the date of official publication.
Prime Minister
T. Sariyev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 11, 2016 No. 198
1. These rules determine safety requirements of transportations of dangerous goods by road transport irrespective of patterns of ownership of carrier by roads in all territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also from warehouses to work scenes.
2. Action of these rules does not extend to substances and military products.
In these rules the following basic concepts and terms are used:
Automobile carrier (further - carrier) - the legal entity or physical person owning the automotive vehicle and the territory, technological complex for storage, repair of vehicles on the property right or on other legal causes, providing services in carriage of goods, registered as the subject of business activity and having on this corresponding permission (license).
The consignor - the legal entity or physical person representing load for transportation and which is referred to as with the sender in documents on the transported load.
The consignee - legal entity or physical person which receives load or makes its readdressing.
Movement by column - simultaneous movement of three or more vehicles with dangerous goods.
The highway (further - the road) - the complex of engineering constructions intended to provide safe and convenient movement of vehicles with the established speeds, loadings and dimensions determined by regulatory legal acts.
Manufacturer - the company making and preparing dangerous substances for transportation (packaging, marking, etc.).
Dangerous goods - loads which owing to properties and features inherent in them can in transit, production of handling works and storage to serve as cause of explosion, the fire or damage of technical means, devices, buildings and constructions, and also death, injuring or disease of people, animal, to do harm to the environment and ecological balance.
Person, responsible for transportation, - the consignee's representative or the consignor, responsible for delivery of dangerous goods to the consignee, and also for observance of provisions of safe cargo hauling by the driver, security guard and other attendants.
The specialized vehicle - the car adapted for transportation of one or several homogeneous loads.
System of information on danger (further - SIO) - the system notifying on danger in case of movement of the vehicle with dangerous goods and determining actions for mitigation of consequences of the road accidents and other incidents.
Conditions of safe transportation of dangerous goods - requirements to transportation of specific dangerous goods, container, loading and unloading, the vehicle, conditions of gas station, the organization of parking, route, motion speed, etc.
3. Dangerous goods is transported according to the Traffic regulations approved by the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of Traffic regulations and Basic provisions according to the admission of vehicles to operation and obligations of service employees on traffic safety control" of August 4, 1999 No. 421 (further - Traffic regulations), these rules and Conditions of safe transportation.
Conditions of safe transportation are developed by carrier for osushchestvleniye of transportation of dangerous goods of classes 1, of 6, of 7, 8 and 9. Development of Conditions of safe transportation is made according to appendix 10 to these rules. Developed Conditions of safe transportation shall be approved by the carrier transporting dangerous goods in coordination with relevant organs of the executive authority.
Conditions of safe transportation of explosive materials are approved with authorized state body on supervision and control in the field of traffic safety control (further - authorized state body in the field of traffic safety control) and authorized state body in the field of regulation of industrial safety with effective period for three years.
Conditions of safe transportation of strong toxic agents are approved with authorized state body in the field of traffic safety control, authorized state body in the field of regulation of industrial safety, authorized state body in the field of health care, authorized state body in the field of environmental protection, authorized state body in the field of Civil protection.
Conditions of safe transportation of radioactive materials with specific activity more than 7.4-103 Byukg-1 or 0, of mkka of G-1G-1 are approved with authorized state body in the field of traffic safety, authorized state body in the field of health care, authorized state body in the field of environmental protection, authorized state body in the field of Civil protection.
The vehicles transporting explosive materials and strong toxic agents (further VM and SDYaV), are subject to obligatory registration in authorized state body in the field of ecological and technical safety.
In transit limited amount of dangerous substance or dangerous products requirements to container, packaging, marking, etc. Besides, on the automotive vehicle transporting limited amount of dangerous substance or dangerous products shall be observed other loads shall not be transported.
4. Transportation of empties from under dangerous goods is allowed in accordance with general practice as harmless load in the presence in the commodity transport document of the mark "The Container Is Cleared, Safe" which becomes the organization making cleaning of container.
In case of lack of such mark the empties are transported on the same conditions on what the dangerous goods which was in it was transported.
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