Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 1, 2015 No. 478

About development of digital banking technologies

(as amended of the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 18.04.2019 No. 148)

For the purpose of further development in the Republic of Belarus of digital banking technologies I decide:

1. Create the interbank system of identification (further – system of identification) intended for carrying out identification of legal entities, physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers (further – clients) and representatives of clients without their personal presence.

2. No. 148 is excluded according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of 18.04.2019

3. Make changes and additions to the following presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus:

3.1. in Item 12 of the Charter of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 13, 2001 No. 320 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2001, No. 58, 1/2748; 2007, No. 148, 1/8682; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 06.02. 2013, 1/14055; 30.12. 2014, 1/15537):

to state the paragraph of the thirty second in the following edition:

"performs forming and development of single settlement and information space, determines procedure for functioning of single settlement and information space, including establishes the rights and obligations of his participants;";

after the paragraph of the thirty second to add Item with the paragraph of the following content:

"provides development of interbank system of identification (further - system of identification), adopts the regulatory legal acts regulating procedure for functioning of system of identification, the right and obligation of participants of system of identification and procedure for their connection to system of identification, order of interaction of participants of system of identification on submission of information in system of identification, to receipt of information from system of identification and to use of such information, takes other measures aimed at providing functioning of system of identification;";

thirty third - the sixty first to consider paragraphs paragraphs the thirty fourth - the sixty second;

3.2. in Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 30, 2011 No. 389 "About single settlement and information space in the Republic of Belarus" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2011, No. 99, 1/12803; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 18.05. 2013, 1/14264; 14:01. 2014, 1/14734):

state subitem 1.3 in the following edition:

"1.3. The National Bank performs forming and development of single settlement and information space, determines procedure for functioning of single settlement and information space, including establishes the rights and obligations of his participants;";

add Item with subitem 1.3-1 of the following content:

"1.3-1. open joint stock company "Non-bank credit and financial organization "Single Settlement and Information Space":

provides functioning of AIS "Calculation" and its subsystems which are components of AIS "Calculation" and also determines procedure for connection to AIS "Calculation" and its subsystems;

provides functioning of the information resource containing data on accomplishment of obligations by legal entities and physical persons on payments for housing and communal services and communication services, the commercial loans (retail sale of goods on credit, delay or payment by installments of payment of the goods realized in retail trade) allocated by the organizations and individual entrepreneurs, and other information resources created based on AIS "Calculation" will organize and carries out works on forming and development of AIS "Calculation";

develops and realizes actions for effective, reliable and safe functioning of program and technical infrastructure of AIS "Calculation", information security in AIS "Calculation";

performs collection, processing, storage, use of information containing in information systems of the Republic of Belarus on personal data of physical persons without their consent with observance of the requirements determined by the legislation on information, informatization and information security;

performs other functions necessary for work of AIS "Calculation" and its subsystems;";

state subitem 1.7 in the following edition:

"1.7. calculating and payment agents shall provide transfer to receivers of the accepted money on payments for services no later than the banking day following behind day of acceptance of the specified payments, except as specified, determined by National Bank.

Transfer in the cash budget, accepted on account of payments in the budget, is performed by calculating agents no later than the banking day following behind day of acceptance of the specified payments, except as specified, established by the Ministry of Finance and National Bank;";

in part one of subitem 1.8 of the word "National Bank" shall be replaced with words "open joint stock company" the non-bank credit and financial organization "Single Settlement and Information Space";

add Item with subitem 1.10 of the following content:

"1.10. the legal entities, individual entrepreneurs consisting in contractual relations with banks and (or) legal entities on acceptance from physical persons including individual entrepreneurs, in the address of payments for services, including in connection with implementation of trade on samples through online store, shall provide possibility of acceptance of such payments by means of AIS "Calculation".".

4. To National Bank till February 1, 2016 to act as the founder of JSC Non-bank Credit and Financial Organization ERIP created with participation of other legal entities, including to bring in its authorized capital:

non-cash contribution in the form of the property which is in republican property and operational management of National Bank according to appendix after carrying out its assessment in the procedure established by the legislation;

money deposit taking into account part two of this Item.

Share of National Bank in authorized capital of JSC Non-bank Credit and Financial Organization ERIP constitutes at least 50 percent and one share for total amount no more 100, of 1 billion Belarusian rubles.

5. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and National Bank:

till October 1, 2016 to provide reduction of acts of the legislation in compliance with this Decree and to take other measures for its realization;


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