It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On March 25, 2016 No. 41565
of December 24, 2015 No. 660
About approval of Administrative regulations of Federal Agency for Fishery on provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them
According to item 4 of Rules of development and approval of administrative regulations of provision of the state services approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011 No. 373 (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3169; No. 35, Art. 5092; 2012, No. 28, Art. 3908; No. 36, Art. 4903; No. 50, Art. 7070; No. 52, Art. 7507; 2014, to No. 5, of the Art. 506), I order:
Approve the enclosed Administrative regulations of Federal Agency for Fishery on provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them.
A. N. Tkachyov
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2015, No. 660
1. The administrative regulations of Federal Agency for Fishery on provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them (further - Regulations) establish terms and the sequence of ministerial procedures (actions) of Federal Agency for Fishery (further - Rosrybolovstvo), its territorial authorities by provision of the state service in the issue, suspension of action and to cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them performed on requests of applicants and also establish order of interaction between structural divisions of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authorities), their officials, interactions of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authorities) with applicants by provision of the state service.
2. Action of Regulations does not extend to issue, suspension of action and cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of the rare and being under the threat of disappearance types of the water biological resources included in the Red List of the Russian Federation in cases, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation.
3. Applicants are:
the Russian legal entities or legal entities who are under control of the foreign investor who are not under control of the foreign investor if control of the foreign investor concerning such legal entities is established according to the procedure, No. 57-FZ provided by the Federal Law of April 29, 2008 "About procedure of foreign investments in the economic societies having strategic importance for ensuring defense of the country and safety of the state" (The Russian Federation Code, 2008, No. 18, Art. 1940; 2011, No. 1, Art. 32; No. 27, Art. 3880; No. 47, Art. 6612; 2014, No. 6, Art. 566; No. 11, Art. 1094; No. 45, the Art. 6153), individual entrepreneurs and citizens (further - the Russian users);
foreign legal entities and physical persons (further - foreign users).
4. Location information, working schedule, telephone number for enquiries, address of the official site, e-mail address of Rosrybolovstvo:
location: 107996, Moscow, Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 12;
working schedule: |
Monday - Thursday |
- |
9.00 - 18:00 (break 12.00 - 12.45) |
Friday |
- |
9.00 - 16:45 (break 12.00 - 12.45) |
Saturday, Sunday |
- |
the days off; |
telephone number for enquiries of structural division of Rosrybolovstvo responsible for provision of the state service:
- Management of control, supervision and fish conservation of t. (495) 621-11-76;
address of the official site:;
number of phone answerphone - (495) 628-23-20;
the location and telephone numbers for enquiries of territorial authorities of Rosrybolovstvo are given in appendix No. 1 to Regulations and posted on the website of Rosrybolovstvo.
5. Consultations concerning provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and to cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them are performed by means of:
- individual consultation on personal acceptance;
- individual consultation by mail (by e-mail);
- individual consultation by phone;
- public written consultation;
- public oral consultation.
In case of consultation officials of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authorities) shall, according to the arrived address, to provide information on the following questions:
about the list of the documents necessary for provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and to cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them, completeness (sufficiency) of the submitted (submitted) documents;
about time of receiving and delivery of documents;
about postal addresses, e-mail addresses, addresses of the official sites on the Internet, phone numbers of service desks, faxes, phones of "the hot line", and also the working schedule of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authorities);
about procedure for appeal of actions or failure to act of officials of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authorities) during provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and to cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them.
6. Individual consultation on personal acceptance.
Waiting time of the applicant in case of individual consultation on personal acceptance cannot exceed fifteen minutes.
7. Individual consultation on personal acceptance of each applicant by officials of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authorities) cannot exceed ten minutes.
8. Individual consultation by mail (by e-mail).
In case of individual consultation by mail (by e-mail) the answer to the address of the applicant goes by mail to the applicant, in case of the address in writing, or by e-mail to the e-mail address of the applicant, in case of the address in electronic form, in time, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The date of receipt of the address is date of its registration in Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authority).
9. Individual consultation by phone.
Time of conversation shall not exceed ten minutes.
Consultations of general nature (about the location, the working schedule, required documents) can be provided with use of means of autoinforming. When autoinforming the round-the-clock provision of reference information is provided.
10. Public written consultation.
Public written consultation is performed by placement of information materials at information stands in places of provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and to cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them, the publication of information materials in mass media, including the publication on the official site of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authorities) and in the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)".
11. Public oral consultation.
Public oral consultation is performed by the authorized officer with attraction of financial resources of mass information - radio, television.
12. Obligations of officials of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authorities) in case of the answer to the address of the applicant:
- in case of the oral address of the applicant (by phone or personally) the officials of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authorities) performing consultation shall give the answer independently. If the official of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authority) whom the applicant addressed cannot answer question independently, then it can suggest the applicant to address in writing or to fix another consultation time, convenient for it, or to readdress (to transfer) to other official of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authority), structural division of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authority) or the organization, or to report telephone number according to which it is possible to obtain necessary information;
- the officials of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authorities) performing consultation (by phone or personally), shall correctly and show consideration for applicants. In case of the response to phone calls the official of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authority) performing consultation shall tell surname, the name, middle name (the last - in the presence), post and the name of structural division of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authority). During the conversation it is necessary to pronounce words accurately, to avoid "parallel talk" with surrounding people and not to interrupt conversation because of receipt of call on other device. At the end of consultation the official of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authority) performing consultation shall sum up briefly the results and list measures which should be accepted (who exactly, when and that shall make);
- answers to written addresses are given in simple, accurate and clear form in writing and shall contain:
answers to the questions posed;
position, surname and initials of person which signed the answer;
surname and initials of the contractor;
the name of structural division - the contractor;
phone number of the contractor;
- the official of Rosrybolovstvo (its territorial authority) has no right to perform the consultation of applicants which is beyond informing on standard procedures and conditions of provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and to cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them, and influencing directly or indirectly individual decisions of applicants.
13. Information on questions of provision of the state service is also placed in the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" in the Section "Federal Agency for Fishery" the state service "Issue, Suspension of Action and Cancellation of Permissions to Production (Catch) of Water Biological Resources, and also Introduction of Changes in Them".
Federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)":
official site:
phone of the hot line: 8 (800) 100-70-10
13.1. In the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" the following information is placed:
a) the exhaustive list of the documents necessary for provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and to cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them, requirements to execution of the specified documents, and also the list of documents which the applicant has the right to provide on own initiative;
b) circle of applicants;
c) term of provision of the state service;
d) results of provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them, procedure for submission of the document which is result of provision of the state service;
e) the amount of the state tax collected for provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and to cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them;
e) the exhaustive list of the bases for suspension or refusal in provision of the state service in issue, suspension of action and to cancellation of permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources, and also introduction of changes in them;
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The document ceased to be valid since March 20, 2021 according to the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of October 15, 2020 No. 612