It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Uzbekistan
On April 6, 2016 No. 2773
of February 29, 2016 No. 01-02/15-07
About approval of the Instruction about procedure for filling of the cargo customs declaration
According to the Customs code, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the State Customs Service" and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of December 31, 2014 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for customs declaration of goods electronically" the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan decides No. 376:
1. Approve the Instruction about procedure for filling of the cargo customs declaration, according to appendix.
2. This resolution becomes effective since April 21, 2016.
to the Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 29, 2016 No. 01-02/15-07
This Instruction according to the Customs code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law "About the State Customs Service", the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 18, 2012 No. UP-4455 "About Measures for Further Cardinal Improvement of Business Environment and Provision of Bigger Freedom to Entrepreneurship" and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 31, 2018 No. 605 "About further enhancement of procedure for customs declaration of goods electronically" establishes procedure for filling of the cargo customs declaration (further in the text - GTD).
1. In this Instruction the following basic concepts are used:
the sender - person, data on whom are specified in transport documents, transferring goods for their transportation to carrier from own name;
person responsible for financial settlement - person which signed the contract in foreign trade (the agreement, the agreement) and responsible for calculations for it;
person providing in customs authorities of GTD (further in the text - the declaring person) - the customs applicant providing in customs authorities of GTD from own name or the customs clearance specialist or the other person, authorized to fill, sign and provide in customs authorities of GTD on behalf of the customs applicant;
electronic GTD - GTD electronically provided by means of the automated information system "Electronic Declaration of Goods" (further in the text - AISEDT) or the electronic copy of the GTD paper form provided in the electronic medium, certified by the digital signature (further in the text - the EDS) the declaring person;
the receiver - person accepting goods from own name to whom the carrier performing cargo hauling shall issue the goods transported by it, and also data on which are specified in transport documents, and in case of change of customs regime of goods - person having at the time of giving of GTD powers to receive at customs authority in the order the declared goods after their customs clearance.
2. Declaration of goods with use of GTD is performed by the statement of the data necessary for the customs purposes, electronically, by introduction in AISEDT or in the cases established by the legislation with use of GTD in paper form on sheets A4.
In case of giving of GTD in paper form the declaring person represents its electronic copy confirmed from the EDS to customs authorities.
3. Electronic GTD shall be represented to customs authorities according to the established format and structure.
4. In one GTD can be declared:
1) the goods moved (moved) of one address of the sender to one receiver according to one transport document (except for the goods moved (moved) with several railway and automotive vehicles) and placed under the same customs regime according to one transaction or without the conclusion of such transaction;
2) moved (moved) with railway and road transport with several transport documents:
on the goods which are exported by railway transport - the goods which are at the same time sent from one sender to one receiver on one rail transport and placed under the same customs regime according to one transaction or without the conclusion of such transaction;
on the goods imported by railway transport - the goods which are at the same time imported on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan from one sender to one receiver as a part of one rail transport and placed under the same customs regime according to one transaction or without the conclusion of such transaction;
on the goods which are exported by the vehicle - goods according to one name, type, brand, classified by one ten-digit code according to the Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity), one sender exported from the address to one receiver through one boundary customs post and placed under the same customs regime with simultaneous representation on one customs post according to one transaction or without the conclusion of such transaction;
on the goods imported (imported) vehicle - the goods of one name, type, the brands classified by one ten-digit code according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, imported (imported) from one sender to one receiver to the same address in the same day through one boundary customs post and placed under the same customs regime with representation on one customs post according to one transaction or without the conclusion of such transaction;
the goods classified as not collected or the sorted goods according to the general rule 2a of interpretation of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity and classified in line items of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity for collected or complete goods if such goods potter according to one transaction or without the conclusion of such transaction from one sender to one receiver, one type of the vehicle and are represented to the same customs authority in the place of entrance on customs area. At the same time, if earlier imported goods were not located under other customs regime, GTD shall be submitted within terms, the stipulated in Clause 261 Customs code of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
3) the goods or their part transported on one post delivery note or in hand luggage and baggage of the physical person crossing customs border.
If goods are located in different customs regimes, then quantity of the filled GTD shall correspond to quantity of customs regimes.
5. The customs applicant has the right to declare the goods meeting the requirements specified in item 4 of this Instruction in several GTD given to the same customs authority except for of goods which owing to the basic rule of interpretation 2a the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, are considered as components of the goods presented in not collected or sorted form and are classified in the line item of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity corresponding to complete or complete goods.
6. In one GTD the statement of data about no more than 100 names of goods is possible.
7. As one goods the goods of one name, type and brand classified by one ten-digit code according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity which come from one country or from the territory of one economic union (if determination of specific country of source is not possible) are declared, or the country of source of which is unknown to which identical conditions of customs and tariff regulation, prohibitions and restrictions are applied.
8. The delivered consumer goods (except for the goods classified in goods items of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity 4901, of 4902, 4908 - 4911, the different names which are not intended for own needs, placed under customs regimes of release for free circulation (import) and classified by the same Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity code, but having, trademarks, brands, models and technical characteristics, are declared separately as different goods.
The organizations performing import of medicines and products of medical appointment in customs regime "release for free circulation (import)" pharmaceutical products (commodity group 30 Commodity Nomenclatures of Foreign Economic Activity) and products of medical appointment (goods item 9018 Commodity Nomenclatures of Foreign Economic Activity) for further realization, declare them in GTD with obligatory specifying of trade names, internationally unlicensed names, models, technical characteristics, dosage forms of release, dosage, concentration, quantity of units in packaging, the number of packaging, the producer and the country of the producer. At the same time, if in one GTD the goods differing at least in one of the above-stated parameters are drawn up, then they are declared separately as different goods.
9. GTD shall be filled is legible on Uzbek or Russian.
In GTD there shall not be erasures and blots. GTD filled illegibly are not accepted to registration by customs authorities.
10. Entering into GTD of information which is not provided by this Instruction is not allowed.
11. If in shipping documents writing of names of persons, goods, vehicles etc. meets use of letters Latin or others (Arab, Chinese etc.) alphabets, then such data are specified in GTD by letters of the Latin alphabet, names on the kirillovsky alphabet are specified by letters of the kirillovsky alphabet.
For example:
the name of person - "Central global cargo Gmbh", "Xinjiang zhongtai chemical Co., LTD", Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Kupriyanov Igor Mikhaylovich;
the name of the vehicle - according to the passport of the technical tool or official reference books - "Toyotas land cruiser", "BMW 523i", "MAN", "KAMAZ", "MAZ";
description of goods - "Mars", "Adidas", Alyonka, "The Russian field".
12. After representation of GTD in paper form the employee of customs authority performs preliminary check of correctness of filling of GTD, availability of the documents necessary for customs clearance.
In case of identification of shortcomings of result of preliminary check, for the purpose of elimination of these shortcomings, the employee of customs authority informs on it the declaring person.
Not use of the privileges and preferences which are available in the legislation on customs payment concerning the declared goods and not reflection of data on these privileges and preferences in the corresponding columns GTD is also considered shortcoming.
In case of not identification of shortcomings of result of preliminary check the employee of customs authority accepts GTD for registration.
Registration of acceptance by customs authority of GTD is made in day of its giving by registration. The customs authority registers GTD by filling of the column 7, according to Item 90 of this Instruction.
13. Registration of GTD comes to the end with filling of the column "D" GTD according to the procedure established in Item 90 of this Instruction.
14. After completion of customs clearance and customs control, during the term established by part three of Article 184 of the Customs code of the Republic of Uzbekistan storage of the following documents is provided:
the customs applicant - GTD, and also documents which formed the basis for registration of GTD;
the customs broker - the electronic GTD and electronic documents which formed the basis for registration of GTD in cases of registration of GTD in paper form, the second copy of the GTD paper form and copies of the documents which formed the basis for registration of GTD;
customs authorities - the electronic GTD and electronic documents which formed the basis for registration of GTD and also in cases of registration of GTD in paper form the first copy of the GTD paper form and copies of the documents which formed the basis for registration of GTD.
15. When declaring electronically all data are specified in the corresponding graphs of electronic GTD or detailed tables which are separately selected for this column and references to other columns, in addition enclosed sheets or other similar references are not allowed.
16. In case of declaration of goods electronically customs authorities do not unpack GTD on paper and do not certify the copy of GTD on paper the sign and seal except as specified provided by international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In cases of printing of GTD on paper, according to international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the authorized employee of customs authority on each leaf containing data from electronic GTD puts down the corresponding stamp, assures him the signature and personal number seal (if the personal number seal, then by seal of customs authority is not assigned to the employee of customs authority), and in the right upper corner does the mark "Copy".
17. When declaring in the GTD paper form consists of the main sheet GTD according to appendix No. 1, and when declaring several goods from the additional sheet GTD according to appendix No. 2 to this Instruction.
On the main sheet GTD data on one goods are specified, on one additional leaf data on three goods can be specified (one-timely no more than 33 additional sheets can be attached to the main leaf).
The procedure for filling of columns of additional sheets GTD, is similar to procedure for filling of the corresponding columns of the main sheet GTD if for separate columns of additional sheets this Instruction does not establish features of their filling.
If one are declared in the additional sheet GTD or two goods, column 31 of the blank part of additional leaf are crossed out by the diagonal line.
18. In cases of representation of GTD in paper form if in any column GTD there is not enough place necessary for specifying of the declared data (the name of the company, number of the car, container etc.), their specifying on the back of GTD or on in addition enclosed sheets of format A 4, which are integral part of GTD is allowed. Such record is signed by the declaring face of the customs broker or customs applicant, and in the corresponding column the mark "see on the back" or "see amendment." becomes
At the same time on the back the basic and additional sheets GTD or in addition enclosed sheets number of the column and sequence number of the declared goods (if data are related to specific goods) is put down and the data declared in this column according to the procedure, provided Chapters 4 - the 19th this Instruction are specified.
On each leaf of amendment are specified in the right upper corner "Amendment on ____ to l. to No. GTD _________", sequence number of the declared goods in the form of the record "Goods No. ___" and on each goods number of the column.
19. When declaring in the GTD paper form it is represented in customs authority on four copies which are distributed as follows:
the first copy - remains in cases of customs authorities;
the second copy - for the customs broker;
the third and fourth copies - for the customs applicant.
20. When placing under customs regime of export goods are declared by submission to customs authority of GTD filled according to Items 21 and 22 of this Instruction.
21. The declaring person fills the next columns of GTD: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 (post code), 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 17a, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, "With".
22. Filling of columns with the declaring person:
1) column 1. "Declaration type".
In the first subsection of the column the direction of movement of goods - "EK" is specified.
In the second subsection of the column the two-digit code of customs regime according to the Qualifier of customs regimes given in appendix No. 3 to this Instruction is specified.
the third subsection of the column is not filled.
2) column 2. "Exporter/consignor".
In the graph the information about the sender and the exporter of goods is specified.
If exporter and sender of goods same person:
for physical person - its surname, name, middle name and the address of its permanent residence, and also phone number are entered.
For example:
"Kabirov Abdukarim Soliyevich
Samarkand region, Samarkand, Ulitsa Sherdor, house 6, apartment 8, phone:
for the legal entity - its short name and the location (legal address), phone number, and also the e-mail address are specified (in the presence).
For example:
"Trans group LLC
Tashkent, Yunusabadsky district, Ulitsa Uch of graters, house 3, apartment 19, phone: + 99871-999-99-99, e-mail:".
If on behalf of the exporter and the consignor the structural division of the legal entity acts, the short name, the location (legal address), phone number and the e-mail address (in the presence) of structural division, and also the above-named information about the legal entity are specified.
For example:
"Vodiy-Farg LLC ona"
Fergana region, Fergana, Ulitsa Sanoat, house 2, phone: 8-373-999-99-99, e-mail:
Vodiy LLC branch
Andijan region, Andijan, st. Beaubourg, house 597, phone: 8-374-999-99-99, e-mail:".
If exporter and the consignor are different persons, that is the sender delivers goods at the request of the exporter, or in other similar cases in the graph at first the short name of the sender, its location (legal address) and phone number, then the short name and the location (legal address) of the exporter (person at the request of whom goods are delivered) is specified.
For example:
G LLC uncha"
Tashkent region, Yangiyulsky district, Ulitsa Samarkandskaya, house 19, phone: + 998XX-XXX-XX-XX
according to the order "O " ztadbirkoreksport", Tashkent, Mirabadsky district, st. Uzbekistan, house 1.
If in column 9 GTD the information about the exporter is specified, then in this column after the sender specifying of information about the exporter is not required.
In the right upper part of the column after sign "No." if senders are:
physical persons - residents, the code "00000001 is specified;
physical persons - nonresidents, the code "00000002 is specified;
the organizations having the state share in the authorized capital the 00000003 code is specified;
diplomatic representations and consular establishments, the 99999999 code is specified;
representative offices of international intergovernmental organizations, representative offices of the government organizations of foreign states for economic, technical cooperation and humanitarian assistance, permanent organizations, the 88888888 code is specified;
persons which are not specified in paragraphs the twenty sixth - the thirtieth this subitem, data are not specified;
In the lower part of the column after sign "No." INN (if physical person, then personal identification number of physical person (further - PINFL) the consignor is specified and in case on behalf of the sender its structural division acts, INN of structural division is specified, then after the sign "/" the code of the area (city) according to the Qualifier of areas and cities of the Republic of Uzbekistan given in appendix No. 15 to this Instruction on legal address (the permanent residence of physical person) is specified. In case of declaration of goods, moved with persons which do not have INN or PINFL the 999999999 code is specified.
In case of declaration of goods in paper form on additional sheets of the graph it is not filled;
3) column 3. "Additional sheets".
In the first subsection of the column the sequence number of leaf, in the second - total quantity of the represented sheets GTD, including the main and all additional is specified.
For example, if there is one GTD with two additional sheets, in the declaration it is necessary to specify - "1/3", in the first additional leaf - "2/3", in the second - "3/3". If GTD has no additional sheets, "1/1" is specified.
In case of declaration of goods electronically in the graph, according to the procedure of established in this subitem, the sequence number of leaf and total quantity of sheets GTD as though electronic GTD was unpacked on paper is specified;
4) column 5. "All names of goods".
In the graph total number of names of the goods specified in columns 31 GTD is put down. This number shall correspond to the number of the completed columns 31 GTD;
5) column 7. "Registration number GTD".
In the graph the five-digit digital code of customs post on which GTD, according to the Qualifier of customs posts given in appendix No. 4 to this Instruction will be given is specified;
6) column 8. "Importer/consignee".
In the graph the information about person specified in transport documents as the receiver of goods is specified.
In the graph are specified:
if the consignee physical person - surname, name, middle name of physical person, its residence (the short name of the country according to the Qualifier of the countries of the world given in appendix No. 5 to this Instruction and the address);
if the consignee the legal entity - its short name and the location (the short name of the country according to the Qualifier of the countries of the world and the address).
For example:
"Alibayev Nuridin Kamalovich
Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, Prospekt Suyunbaya, house 450"
or "Ros-Torg LLC
Russia, Ivanovo, Ulitsa Smirnova, 62".
If the consignee accepts goods at the request of other person or in other similar cases, in the graph at first the short name and the location (legal address) of the consignee, then the short name and the location (legal address) of person at the request of which the receiver accepts goods is specified.
For example:
"Ros-Torg LLC
Russia, Khimki, Ulitsa Karlova, 362
at the request of Faraon LLC
Russia, Moscow, st. Big clearing, 563".
In electronic GTD each data on the receiver and person at the request of whom the receiver accepts goods (person which signed the contract in foreign trade (the agreement, the agreement) with person specified in column 9 GTD) and other persons specified in shipping documents are specified in separately allocated field.
In case of declaration of goods in paper form on additional sheets of the graph it is not filled;
7) column 9. "Person responsible for financial settlement".
In the graph the short name, the location (legal address), phone number and the e-mail address (in the presence) of the legal entity or surname, name, middle name, the residence, and also phone number of the physical person which signed the contract in foreign trade (the agreement, the agreement) and responsible for payment under this contract in foreign trade (the agreement, the agreement) are specified.
In the upper part of the column after sign "No." if persons are:
physical persons - residents, the 00000001 code is specified;
physical persons - nonresidents, the 00000002 code is specified;
the organizations having the state share in the authorized capital the 00000003 code is specified;
diplomatic representations and consular establishments the 99999999 code is specified;
representative offices of international intergovernmental organizations, representative offices of the government organizations of foreign states for economic, technical cooperation and humanitarian assistance, permanent organizations the 88888888 code is specified;
persons which are not specified in paragraphs four - the eighth this subitem, data are not specified.
In the lower part of the column after sign "No." INN (if physical person, then PINFL) persons responsible for financial settlement is specified, then after the sign "/" the code of the area (city) according to the Qualifier of areas and cities of the Republic of Uzbekistan given in appendix No. 15 to this Instruction on its legal address (the permanent residence of physical person) is specified. In case of declaration of goods, moved with persons which do not have INN or PINFL the 999999999 code is specified.
The column is not filled in in case of movement of goods according to the transactions performed on a grant basis;
8) column 11. "The trading country".
In the left subsection of the column the digital code of the trading country according to the Qualifier of the countries of the world is specified.
The trading country should be considered the country where it is registered or constantly person with whom person specified in column 9 GTD signed the contract in foreign trade (the agreement, the agreement), according to which goods move through customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan lives, or for the purpose of execution of which the customs regime of goods changes.
If movement of goods through customs border or change of their customs regime is performed not in connection with execution of the contract in foreign trade (the agreement, the agreement), the digital country code according to the Qualifier of the countries of the world based on shipping documents is specified;
In the right subsection of the column the code "1" is specified if the country or the territory is included in the List of the states and the territories which are providing the preferential tax regime and (or) not providing disclosure and provision of information when carrying out financial transactions (offshore zones) approved by Regulations on procedure of monitoring of justification of carrying out currency transactions by legal entities and physical persons (рег. No. 2467 of June 12, 2013). If the country or the territory is not included in the List provided by this paragraph in the right subsection of the column the code "2" is specified.
9) column 12. "Total customs value".
In the graph in currency which digital code is specified in column 22 GTD the total customs value of the declared goods received as the amount of customs values of the goods specified in columns 45 GTD is put down;
10) column 13.
In the graph the US dollar exchange rate in relation to national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan established by the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan on acceptance date of GTD to customs clearance is specified;
11) column 14. "Customs applicant / customs broker".
In the graph the short name, the location (legal address), phone number and the e-mail address (in the presence) of the customs broker or the customs applicant who filled and giving GTD to customs authorities are specified;
In the upper part of the column after sign "No." INN (if physical person, then PINFL) this customs broker or the customs applicant is specified;
12) column 17. "Country of destination".
In the graph the short name of the country of destination of goods according to the Qualifier of the countries of the world is specified.
The country of destination of goods - the last country to which goods shall be delivered;
13) column 17a. "Appointment country code".
In the graph the digital country code of purpose of goods according to the Qualifier of the countries of the world is specified;
14) column 18. "Vehicle in case of departure/arrival".
In the graph the data connected with vehicles on which goods shall be shipped for delivery in the check point on customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan are specified.
In the left subsection of the column the number of vehicles, then after one gap, the short name of the vehicle, according to the Qualifier of modes of transport given in appendix No. 6 to this Instruction, further after colon through divider sign are put down ";" data on the vehicle on which loading of goods for their transportation to the check point on customs border, and in case of goods overload before crossing of customs border of the data on the vehicle on which loading of goods for their transportation to the place of overload is made is made are specified (the name of the ocean or river craft, number of trip of the aircraft, number of the rail car, registration number of the road vehicle and to that similar data).
For example:
1 CARS: A987SA;
2 ZHD: 63453546; 97893994.
If goods are transported by structure of vehicles, after registration number of the vehicle through divider sign "/" numbers of trail cars, semitrailer trucks, etc. are specified.
For example:
1 CARS: A987SA/K118DS.
In the right subsection of the column the digital country code which possesses the vehicle, according to the Qualifier of the countries of the world is specified.
If in transportation the structure of vehicles was used, the digital country code in which the vehicle setting these vehicles (trail cars, semitrailer trucks etc.) in motion is registered is specified.
If vehicles belong to several countries, in the left subsection of the column the number of vehicles is put down, further after gap the reference "see on the back" is made (in the GTD paper form), in the right subsection of the column the 999 code is specified. On the back the GTD paper form the short name of the vehicle according to the Qualifier of modes of transport, further after colon of number of vehicles and after hyphen digital country code which possesses the vehicle is specified.
In electronic GTD such reference is not allowed and all data are specified directly in the most electronic GTD.
When moving goods on power lines or pipeline transport the short name of the vehicle is specified according to the Qualifier of modes of transport: "PIPELINE", "power transmission line";
In the graph the following data connected with the vehicle and goods are in addition specified (in electronic GTD in separately allocated field):
weight "gross" the goods in kilograms which are in the vehicle;
two-place code like the vehicle, VIN number of the vehicle, digital country code of completion of transportation according to the Qualifier of the countries of the world;
information about carrier of goods (if carrier physical person - its surname, name, middle name, PINFL, series and passport number; if carrier the legal entity - its name, INN), the transport driver (surname, name, middle name, PINFL, series and passport number). If the carrier of goods or the driver of the vehicle is the nonresident who does not have INN or PINFL, then in the field where INN is specified or PINFL of person is put down the 99999999999999 code.
the two-place code like the vehicle is specified in the following procedure:
"10" - the car (no more than 8 seats, apart from driver's seat);
"21" - the cargo vehicle (with a loading capacity up to 10 tons);
"22" - the cargo vehicle (load-carrying capacity from 10 to 20 tons);
"23" - the cargo vehicle (loading capacity more than 20 tons);
"31" - the bus (to 12 seats, apart from driver's seat);
"32" - the bus (from 13 to 30 seats, apart from driver's seat);
"33" - the bus (with quantity of seats more 30, apart from driver's seat);
"40" - the minibus;
"50" - the tractor;
"60" - motor-transport;
"70" - special transport;
15) column 19. "Container".
In the graph it is specified:
"0" - if goods move not in container;
"1" - if goods move in container or the container is drawn up in goods quality.
16) column 20. "Delivery conditions".
In the graph data on delivery conditions of goods based on the foreign trade transaction are specified. When moving goods, on non-paid deliveries, delivery conditions of goods are specified based on shipping documents.
In the first subsection of the column the digital condition code of delivery, according to the Qualifier of delivery conditions given to appendix No. 7 to this Instruction is specified.
In the second subsection of the column the alphabetic condition code of delivery, according to the Qualifier of delivery conditions, with indication of geographical Item is specified.
In the third subsection of the column in accordance with the terms of the contract in foreign trade (the agreement, the agreement) the two-digit digital code of the applied form of calculations for the exported goods based on GTD is specified, then after the sign "/" the two-digit code of form of sending goods (in electronic GTD each code is specified in separately allocated field) is specified.
The two-digit digital code of the applied form of calculations for the exported goods is specified in the following procedure:
"10" - advance payment;
"20" - the letter of credit;
"30" - guarantee of bank;
"40" - the policy of assurance of export contracts of policy and commercial risks;
"50" - upon export;
"60" - on consignment;
"70" - barter transaction;
"80" - delivery on a grant basis.
In case of application of the mixed forms of calculations in the graph the form having advantage in absolute expression is specified.
The two-digit code of form of sending goods is specified in the following procedure:
"01" - if the goods go directly to the address of person which signed the contract (the agreement, the agreement);
"02" - in cases when the goods do not go directly to the address of person which signed the contract (the agreement, the agreement).
18) column 22. "Currency and total invoice cost of goods".
In the left subsection of the column the digital currency code of the contract in foreign trade (the agreement, the agreement) according to the Classification of currencies given to appendix No. 8 to this Instruction is specified.
The contract in foreign trade currency (agreements, agreements) is understood as currency in which according to the contract in foreign trade (to the agreement, the agreement) the delivered goods are estimated. If the goods move not to execution of the contract in foreign trade (the agreement, the agreement), the currency code is specified based on shipping documents.
In the right subsection total invoice cost of the declared batch is specified in figures. Total invoice cost is constituted by the amount of the invoice costs specified in columns 42 GTD;
19) column 23. "Currency rate".
In the graph the currency rate which code is specified in column 22 GTD, in relation to national currency to the Republic of Uzbekistan, GTD established by the Central bank on acceptance date to customs clearance is put down.
For example:
if 1 Russian ruble = 63,41 of bags, then in the graph is specified "1/63,41";
if 10 Japanese yens = 220,09 of bags, in the graph are specified "10/220,09";
if contract currency is the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the graph "1/1" is specified;
20) column 24. "Nature of the transaction".
In the left subsection of the column the code of nature of the transaction according to the Qualifier of natures of the transaction given to appendix No. 9 to this Instruction is specified.
In the right subsection of the column the digital currency code of settling with the partner for the delivered goods according to the Classification of currencies is specified.
The settlement currency is understood as currency in which it is performed or settlement according to the contract in foreign trade (the agreement, the agreement) of person specified in column 9 GTD, and in the absence of the contract in foreign trade (the agreement, the agreement) the currency specified in shipping documents will be performed;
21) column 25. "Mode of transport on border".
In the graph the code of type of the vehicle on which goods will be actually moved through customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan, according to the Qualifier of modes of transport is specified.
22) column 26. "Mode of transport within the country".
In the graph the code of type of the vehicle specified in the column 18, according to the Qualifier of modes of transport is specified;
23) column 28. "Financial and bank data".
In the graph financial and bank data of person paying customs payments are specified, beginning each of details with new line and putting down sequence number before each of them:
1 - INN (if physical person, PINFL) payer/INN of bank (in case of payment of customs payments by the nonresident of the Republic of Uzbekistan of INN (if physical person, PINFL) the customs broker or the customs applicant);
2 - full name of bank;
24) column 29. "Customs on border".
In the graph the code and the name of customs post through which goods will be exported from the Republic of Uzbekistan, according to the Qualifier of customs posts are specified.
In case of declaration of goods, moved on power lines or pipeline transport, the code and the name of customs post of control is specified;
25) column 30. "Location of goods".
In the graph it is specified data on the location of goods at the time of giving of GTD:
if goods are on the places having the status of customs warehouse, or duty-free shop - number and date of issue of the license for organization of customs or free warehouse, or duty-free shop;
if goods are on the places which do not have the status of customs warehouse - the postal address of the location of goods (without postal index);
if goods is at the railway station - the name of the railway station;
In electronic GTD in the certain field on legal address of the location of goods the code of the area (city) according to the qualifier of areas and cities of the Republic of Uzbekistan given in appendix 15 to this Instruction is specified.
The column is not filled in in case of declaration of goods, moved on power lines or pipeline transport;
26) Column 31. "Cargo pieces and description of goods". "Marking and quantity - numbers of containers - the description of goods".
In the graph data on the declared goods are specified. Data on goods shall allow to classify unambiguously declared goods in certain ten-digit subsubline item, according to rules of classification of goods by the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity. Each data are specified since new line and before each of them the sequence number is put down.
At number 1 are specified:
the name (trade, commercial or other traditional name) of goods, data on trademarks, brands, models, articles, grades, standards and other technical and commercial characteristics (state standards, technical regulations and standards etc.), and also the information about quantitative and high-quality structure of the declared goods. In electronic GTD the name of brand or brand of goods is also specified in separately allocated field (in the absence of brand of goods or the brand name are specified "without brand", "without brand");
data on characteristics and parameters of goods in units of measure other than the main or additional unit of measure (quantity and symbol), and also date of issue (production) of goods if such data are necessary for calculation and collection of customs payments and (or) for application of measures of economic policy (prohibitions, restrictions etc.).
Specifying of the declared goods is not allowed by the general name of goods item provided in the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity.
At number 2 are specified:
for the goods having packaging - total quantity of the cargo pieces taken by goods, type of packaging of goods and the number of packagings. If the goods declared in this column take not all cargo pieces in the graph "part of box" etc. is specified. At the same time packaging is understood as any products and materials serving or the packaging materials (straw, paper, fiber glass, shaving, etc.) imported by pile intended for packaging, protection, placement and fixture or separation of goods, except for;
for the goods transported unpacked nasypy, in bulk, in bulk, one of the following codes is specified:
"01" - in bulk;
"02" - in bulk;
"03" - in bulk.
In case of declaration of goods, moved on power lines or pipeline transport, at number 2 of the data are not filled.
At number 3 are specified for the goods transported in containers or in cases when in goods quality the container - numbers of containers through comma is drawn up. If the declared goods occupy not all container, after number record is made: "part". In electronic GTD numbers of containers are specified in the certain field, everyone separately.
At number 4 are specified for the marked excise goods - series, numbers and quantity of excise stamps on each series.
In electronic GTD data on goods are also specified in separately allocated field according to format and structure of electronic GTD.
Data on numbers of excise stamps, following in a row, are specified by putting down through hyphen of the first and last number of the corresponding range.
At number 5, in case of declaration of goods, moved with pipeline transport, on power lines it is specified: "Delivery to the period with XX.XX.XXXX on XX.XX.XXXX" where are specified by digital symbols "day, month, year" the beginnings and "day, month, year" of the end of the period of delivery of goods.
In the left bottom corner in separately allocated field INN is specified (if physical person, then PINFL) person by whom it is made the declared goods (are made, grown up), then after the sign "/" the code of the area (city) according to the Qualifier of areas and cities of the Republic of Uzbekistan given in appendix No. 15 to this Instruction on legal address (the permanent residence of physical person) is specified.
If the manufacturer of these goods is unknown or the goods are made made, grown up) by several persons, INN (if physical person, PINFL) and code of the territory of the sender is specified.
In the right bottom corner of the column in specially allocated field are specified goods quantity in additional unit of measure and symbol of unit of measure according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity (the code of additional unit of measure is put down in the column 41). In electronic GTD only goods quantity in additional unit of measure, without putting down of symbol of unit of measure is specified.
Goods quantity in additional unit of measure is specified to within two signs after comma.
If goods quantity in additional unit of measure is less than "0,01", in the graph goods quantity in additional unit of measure to within the sixth sign after comma is specified.
In case of application only of the main unit of measure of "kg" - the right bottom corner of the column is not filled.
27) column 32. "Goods No.".
In the graph the sequence number of the goods declared in column 31 is specified.
If goods of one name are declared, in the graph "1" is put;
28) column 33. "Commodity code".
In the left part of the column the ten-digit commodity code according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, declared in column 31 is specified. This code registers without gaps and other dividing signs;
29) column 34. "Origin country code".
In the left subsection of the column, according to the Qualifier of the countries of the world, the digital country code of the goods origin declared in column 31 is specified.
If at the time of customs clearance the country of source is unknown, then the 000 code is put down.
If in the certificate of origin the specific country of the European Union is not specified, and the European Union is specified as the country of goods' origin, the two-digit alphabetic code the Latin letters "EU" is specified;
30) column 35. "Gross weight (kg)".
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