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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

March 16, 2016

No. 400/28530


of February 2, 2016 No. 88

About approval of the Instruction about features of the direction of the military personnel of Public service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine in official journeys within Ukraine and abroad

(as amended on 20-05-2019)

In pursuance of Item 13 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 2, 2011 No. 98 "About the amounts and structure of expenses of government employees, and also other persons sent to business trip by the companies, organizations and the organizations which fully or partially contain finances) by budgetary funds" (with changes), according to the Section V of the Regulations on passing of military service (training) by the military personnel of Public service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of July 31, 2015 No. 463, of the Instruction about official journeys within Ukraine and abroad, Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of March 13, 1998 No. 59, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 31, 1998 at No. 218/2658 (in edition of the order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of March 17, 2011 No. 362), for the purpose of determination of features of the direction in business trip of the military personnel of Public service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine and compensation of expenses on official journeys by it within Ukraine and abroad I order:

1. Approve the Instruction about features of the direction of the military personnel of Public service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine in official journeys within Ukraine and abroad which is applied.

2. Declare invalid the order of Administration of Public service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine of October 23, 2013 No. 555 "About approval of the Instruction about features of the direction of persons of the private and the commanding structure of Gosspetssvyaz in official journeys within Ukraine and abroad", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 12, 2013 for No. 1924/24456 (with changes).

3. In accordance with the established procedure to provide to the director of the department of the organization and control of office activities of Administration of Public service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

4. I reserve control of execution of this order.

5. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

Chairman of Service major general of Gosspetssvyaz

L. A. Evdochenko


Approved by the Order of Administration of Public service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine of February 2, 2016 No. 88

The instruction about features of the direction of the military personnel of Public service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine in official journeys within Ukraine and abroad

I. General provisions

1. This Instruction determines procedure for the direction in official journeys of the military personnel of Gosspetssvyaz.

2. Official journey the trip of serviceman(en) of Gosspetssvyaz according to the decision of the Chairman of Gosspetssvyaz, the chief of territorial authority of Administration of Gosspetssvyaz, territorial subdivision, Head department of government courier communication (further - GUPFS) and divisions of government courier communication (further - division of PFS), institutions, organizations, the organizations of Gosspetssvyaz (further - body of Gosspetssvyaz) independently or as a part of division (the commission, the team) for certain term to other settlement is considered (to other area for accomplishment of office task out of the permanent place of passing of military service.

3. Cadets (listeners) of Gosspetssvyaz can be also sent to official journeys independently or in line-up for the purpose of practical training, military training.

4. The term of official journey is determined by the Chairman of Gosspetssvyaz (the chief of body of Gosspetssvyaz). The term of official journey cannot exceed:

within Ukraine - 30 calendar days taking into account hours underway;

for the serviceman of Gosspetssvyaz directed to training in system of retraining, enhancement, advanced training of personnel on training and final and final sessions of students of the correspondence faculties of institutions of higher education, shall not exceed 90 calendar days, and on condition of compensation of financial expenses by the host party - 18 months;

abroad - 60 calendar days, except long-term business trip of the serviceman of Gosspetssvyaz in foreign diplomatic organizations of Ukraine.

The term of official journey of the serviceman of Gosspetssvyaz which goes within Ukraine for participation in anti-terrorist operations and/or implementation of actions for ensuring national security and defense, repulse and control of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, ensuring their implementation, being directly in areas and during implementation of these actions, shall not exceed the period of carrying out such transactions (actions).

The term of official journey of the serviceman of Gosspetssvyaz directed for treatment and rehabilitation in connection with wound (contusion, injury or the injuries) sustained during direct participation in anti-terrorist operations, actions for ensuring national security and defense, repulse and control of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and/or in ensuring their carrying out (in holding the actions connected with prevention, identification and the termination of terrorist activities), and persons which accompany this serviceman of Gosspetssvyaz shall not exceed the term of treatment and rehabilitation.

5. The daily routine of that body of Gosspetssvyaz or state body, company, organization or organization to which, (which) it was sent to official journey extends to the serviceman of Gosspetssvyaz who is in official journey.


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