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The document ceased to be valid since  March 27, 2022 according to Appendix 3 to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 25, 2022 No. 175


of February 25, 2016 No. 151

About some questions of issue (re-registration) of permissions to production of building and construction works, modification and (or) amendments in them and prolongation of term of their action

(as amended of the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 08.05.2018 No. 343)

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 08.05.2018 No. 343

2. Bring in the single list of the ministerial procedures performed by state bodies and other organizations concerning legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, No. 156 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 17, 2012 "About approval of the single list of the ministerial procedures performed by state bodies and other organizations concerning legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, entering of amendment into the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 14, 2009 No. 193 and recognition voided some resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2012, No. 35, 5/35330; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 17.08. 2013, 5/37676), following changes and amendment:

2.1. state Item 3.12 in the following edition:

"3.12. Issue (re-registration) of permission to production of building and construction works, modification and (or) amendments in permission to production of building and construction works, prolongation of effective period of permission to production of building and construction works

inspectorates of Inspection department and supervision of Gosstandart construction for areas and Minsk, specialized inspection of Inspection department and supervision of Gosstandart construction

for issue (re-registration) of permission to production of building and construction works:



decisions of local executive and administrative organ on permission of asset construction (except for objects of unauthorized construction)

the positive conclusion of state examination according to the project documentation (except cases when state examination of the project documentation is not obligatory)

order (order) on approval of the project documentation

construction contracts in case of the conclusion of such agreement

the payment order confirming transfer of target assignments from the cost of building and construction works on construction object (constructions, reconstruction, restorations, improvements, major repair)

decisions of local executive and administrative organ on continuation of construction of unauthorized construction – in case of unauthorized construction

the conclusions about technical condition of the preserved object – on construction objects after preservation

3 working days

in case of issue of permission to production of building and construction works – during the term of project duration of asset construction

in case of prolongation of effective period of permission to production of building and construction works – for the term specified in approval of authorized body or in the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus or the Government of the Republic of Belarus

in case of re-registration of permission to production of building and construction works, modification and (or) amendments in permission to production of building and construction works – before the termination of effective period of permission to production of building and construction works

free of charge";



for modification and (or) amendments of permission to production of building and construction works:



the documents which are the basis for modification and (or) amendments

the documents submitted for receipt of permission – in cases when effective period of the documents which are earlier provided for receipt of permission to production of building and construction works expired






for prolongation of effective period of permission to production of building and construction works:



the document confirming approval of change (prolongation) of terms of asset construction (except for objects which term of construction is established by decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus or the Government of the Republic of Belarus)

the documents submitted for receipt of permission – in cases when effective period of the documents which are earlier provided for receipt of permission to production of building and construction works expired





2.2. in Item 3.19:

to add the column "The Body Authorized on Implementation of Ministerial Procedure" after words of "inspection of Inspection department and supervision of construction" with the word of "Gosstandart";

in the paragraph the second the columns "The List of the Documents and (or) Data Represented by Interested Persons to Authorized Body for Implementation of Ministerial Procedure" of the word "constructions, reconstruction, restorations, improvements, major repair" shall be replaced with words "constructions (constructions, reconstruction, restorations, improvements, major repair)".

3. In three-months time to provide to the state committee on standardization, the Ministry of Architecture reduction of the regulatory legal acts in compliance with this resolution and to take other measures for its realization.

4. This resolution becomes effective in three months after its official publication, except for Item 3 and this Item which are becoming effective from the date of official publication of this resolution.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

A. Kobyakov


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