of February 25, 2016 No. 2
About approval of the Declaration of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on stability and upgrade of the Republic of Moldova
Based on Article 121 of Regulations of Parliament
The parliament accepts this resolution.
Art. 1. – Approve the Declaration of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on stability and upgrade of the Republic of Moldova it (is applied).
Art. 2. – This resolution becomes effective from the date of acceptance.
Chairman of the parliament
Andrian Kandu
Supporting the politicians lifting welfare of each citizen of the Republic of Moldova
Recognizing political stability as the main condition for development of the country,
Assuming responsibility for the choice of upgrade and europeanization of the Republic of Moldova,
Understanding that progress of the Republic of Moldova is impossible without support of professionalism, integrity, transparency, favorable business environment, the prospering constitutional state responsible before the most vulnerable persons,
Promoting dialogue between citizens, organizations and political representatives,
Recognizing that general interest in success of the Republic of Moldova is more important than own political projects,
We, members of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, adopt this declaration:
1. We will help political stability in the country to convince citizens of the Republic of Moldova and our external partners of steadfastness of our following on the way of reforms.
2. We undertake to take actions for strengthening of the European rate of the Republic of Moldova according to provisions of the Agreement on association signed with the European Union in June, 2014. We realize that about gravity of our choice will judge by the fastest acceptance, as a result of dialogue with the Government and after consultations with civil society, packet of the laws provided by the program of association. In subsequent period all subjects to carrying out reform about which we agreed with the European partners will be realized taking into account the obligations assigned to Parliament and the Government.
3. We confirm our support of completion of "Road map" on cooperation with the International Monetary Fund and accomplishment of the second stage of this agreement. We fully understand that appeal of the Republic of Moldova to foreign investors and our authority abroad depend on the relations with the international creditors and partners in development.
4. We realize that all our actions, the approved drafts of the laws and resolutions, we will be able to recover trust of citizens to their political representatives and public institutions, having provided thereby the better life for all citizens.
5. We declare the support of urgent acceptance of packet of legal acts for fight against corruption and promotion of integrity. The national anti-corruption commission, the National center for fight against corruption and the Prosecutor General's Office will be subjected to reforming to guarantee that they have the potential for effective fight against corruption, and also real independence of political forces. Nobody can be above the law and nobody will be exempted from punishment for violation of the law – it will become keynote of development, discussion and adoption of the new legislation.
6. We undertake to accept complete packet of the laws on the reforming of bank system guaranteeing absolute safety of money of citizens and impossibility of their plunder. Only thus we will be able to gain trust of citizens and to provide necessary conditions in order that the banking sector promoted economic growth. Besides, we support bystry and transparent matching of the professional and incorruptible candidate for position of the head of National Bank of Moldova, understanding that this step will help to achieve bigger trust to banking sector.
7. We support acceptance and implementation of measures, the public services increasing efficiency being real support of citizens from the state. The decisions concerning will be for this purpose made: rates for natural gas, electric power and oil products; social price of bread, milk and pharmaceutical products; bystry and free access to medical services; functioning of service 112, the efficiency of activities of police and structures providing public order.
8. We support business environment, understanding that without stability, predictabilities, transparency and communication cannot be provided the economic growth and development. Instead of oppositions with business environment, mass media, judicial authority and executive power we support cooperation within competence of everyone, pursuing overall objective of development of the Republic of Moldova. At the same time we consider that profound tax reform is necessary for transfer to strong basis of the income and expenses of the country.
9. We confirm our strong commitment of reintegration of the country. To all citizens of the Republic of Moldova, without any differences, including to citizens from ATO Gagauzia and from east areas, will be applied the identical relation. The unity of our country remains for us priority.
10. We consider that preservation of peace and mutual understanding are key for development of the country. At the parliamentary level the mechanism of conducting dialogue between representatives of parliamentary majority, opposition and civil society will be created. Let's support the principles of openness and transparency of management process at the national and local levels.
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