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of January 25, 2016 No. 2

About approval of the Method of forming and calculation of statistics according to the statistics foreign trade in services

(as amended on 25-09-2020)

Based on subitem 8.10 of Item 8 of the Regulations on National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 445, National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the Method of forming and calculation of statistics according to the statistics of foreign trade in services it (is applied) and to enact it, since forming and calculation of statistics according to the statistics of foreign trade in services for 2015.

2. This resolution becomes effective in fifteen working days after its signing.


I. V. Medvedev

Approved by the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of January 25, 2016 No. 2

Method of forming of statistics of foreign trade in services of the Republic of Belarus

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Technique establishes procedure for forming by National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus for statistics on foreign trade in services of the Republic of Belarus.

2. For the purposes of this Technique the following main terms and their determinations are used:

export of services - provision by residents of different types of services to nonresidents;

import of services - receipt of services by residents of different types from nonresidents;

residents are citizens of the Republic of Belarus; the foreign citizens and stateless persons having the residence permit in the Republic of Belarus; the legal entities created according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, including the legal entities with investments of nonresidents located in the territory of the Republic of Belarus and their representations, branches and other separate divisions including located outside the territory of the Republic of Belarus; the diplomatic and other official representations of the Republic of Belarus which are outside the Republic of Belarus;

nonresidents are foreign citizens and stateless persons, except the foreign citizens and stateless persons having the residence permit in the Republic of Belarus; the legal entities created according to the legislation of foreign states, including the legal entities with investments of residents located outside the Republic of Belarus and their representations which are in the Republic of Belarus; the diplomatic and other official representations of foreign states which are in the Republic of Belarus; international organizations and their representations.

3. Forming and calculation of statistics according to the statistics of foreign trade in services is perfromed:

monthly accruing result from the beginning of year – no later than the 12th day of the second month following the accounting period;

annually in year – till March 1st of the year following for reporting.

4. Information basis for forming and calculation of statistics according to the statistics of foreign trade in services are:

4.1. primary statistical data in the following forms of the state statistical reporting:

12-ves (services) "Report on export and import of services" (further – form 12-ves (services));

12-ves (goods) "The report on export and import of separate goods" (further – form 12-ves (goods));

1 tour (placement) (IP) Otchet o deyatelnosti individualnogo predprinimatelya po predostavleniyu uslug po vremennomu prozhivaniyu (further – form 1 tour (placement) (SP));

4.2. administrative data of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection on activities in the sphere of agroecotourism.

5. Export and import of services belong to statistics according to the statistics of foreign trade in services.

6. Export and import of services are created in Belarusian rubles and US dollars. Recalculation of cost of services in Belarusian rubles and US dollars is made on the official rates of National Bank established for the date corresponding to the moment of accounting of export and import of services.

Chapter 2. Distribution of export and import of services

7. Export and import of services are distributed on types of service, the countries of the world, regions of the Republic of Belarus (areas, the cities of regional subordination, areas and Minsk), republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus (further - state bodies), to free economic zones, patterns of ownership, main types of economic activity and holdings.

8. Distribution of export and import of services in types of service is performed according to the list of main types of services used for filling of form 12-ves (service) (further - the list).

9. Geographical distribution of export and import of services is made according to territorial accessory of the nonresident.

As the qualifier of the countries the nation-wide qualifier of the Republic of Belarus OKRB 017-99 "The countries of the world" approved by the resolution of the State committee on standardization, metrology and certification of the Republic of Belarus of June 16, 1999 No. 8 is used.

Distribution of export and import of services in groups of the countries which are part of various associations (the unions, the commonwealth and other international associations) is performed over the countries which are part of such associations as of the end of the accounting period.

10. The sales proceeds to citizens of the Republic of Belarus of tickets for flights (transportations) performed by vehicles of the foreign organizations are not distributed on regions and state bodies and join in import of services.

11. Aggregative primary statistical data about export and import of services in national association "Belarusian railroad", to the diplomatic and other official representations of the Republic of Belarus which are outside the Republic of Belarus are not distributed on regions of the Republic of Belarus.

Chapter 3. Calculation of export and import of separate types of service

12. On the basis of primary statistical data about export and import of separate goods in form 12-ves (goods) for each month under report over each country calculation of export of services of freight transportation by sea transport of the organizations exercising exclusive right of foreign trade (regarding export) mineral or chemical potash fertilizers (further – export of services of freight transportation by sea transport) as difference (in rubles and US dollars) between the cost of the exported mineral or chemical potash fertilizers in the actual contract prices and the cost of the exported mineral or chemical potash fertilizers in the prices of DAP – destination on border of the Republic of Belarus is perfromed. The concept DAP is determined by International commercial terms (Incoterms).


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