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The document ceased to be valid since October 3, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2018 No. 1130


of March 16, 2016 No. 197

About approval of requirements to structure and contents of territorial schemes of the address with waste, including with solid utility waste

According to Item 5 of article 13.3 of the Federal law "About Production Wastes and Consumption" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the enclosed requirements to structure and contents of territorial schemes of the address with waste, including with solid utility waste.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2016 No. 197

Requirements to structure and contents of territorial schemes of the address with waste, including with solid utility waste

1. This document establishes requirements to structure and contents of territorial schemes of the address with waste, including with solid utility waste (further respectively - the territorial scheme, waste).

2. The following concepts are hereunder applied:

"the territorial scheme" - text, tabular and graphical (maps, schemes, drawings, plans and other materials) descriptions of system of the organization and implementation in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation of activities for collection, transportation, processing, utilization, neutralization, placement of the waste which is formed in the territory of this subject of the Russian Federation and (or) arriving from other subjects of the Russian Federation;

"source of formation of waste" - capital construction project or other object, and also their set combined by single appointment and (or) inseparably linked physically or technologically and located within one or several parcels of land, the territory (part of the territory) of the settlement on which solid utility waste are formed;

"the scheme of flows of waste" - graphical display of movement of waste from sources of formation of waste to the objects used for their processing, utilization, neutralization, placement, with information on the number of the formed waste in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation and also arriving from other subjects of the Russian Federation of waste;

"electronic model of the territorial scheme" - the information system including databases, the program and technical supply intended for input, storage, updating, processing, the analysis, representation, visualization of data on system of the organization and implementation in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation of activities for collection, transportation, processing, utilization, neutralization, placement of the waste which is formed in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, and (or) the waste arriving from other subjects of the Russian Federation.

3. The territorial scheme if necessary documents of territorial planning are included, and also:

a) cartographic basis of the State Immovable Property Cadastre, public cadastral maps, cadastral maps of the territories of municipalities, and also schemes, drawings, land underlying causes, kosmo-and aero photofilm-making materials of the territories;

b) data from standard rates of formation of the waste and limits on their placement set to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs as a result of whose economic and other activity waste are formed;

c) data of the state statistical observation;

d) standard rates of accumulating of solid utility waste.

4. The territorial scheme consists of the following Sections:

a) finding of sources of formation of waste;

b) the number of the formed waste;

c) target indicators on neutralization, utilization and placement of waste;

d) places of accumulating of waste;

e) objects for processing, utilization, neutralization, placement of waste;

e) balance of quantity characteristics of education, processing, utilization, neutralization, placement of waste;

g) scheme of flows of waste;

h) appendices.

5. The Section "Finding of Sources of Formation of Waste" contains:

a) names of sources of formation of waste;

b) data on the postal address and (or) geographical coordinates of sources of formation of waste in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation (with drawing them on the card of the subject of the Russian Federation).

6. The Section "The Number of the Formed Waste" contains the data on annual formation of waste systematized by types of waste according to the federal classification catalog of waste and their classes of danger from I to V (further - types and classes of danger of waste), and also on the sources of formation of waste specified in Item 5 of this document.

7. The Section "Target Indicators on Neutralization, Utilization and Placement of Waste" contains data:

a) about the target indicators established in the subject of the Russian Federation on neutralization, utilization and placement of waste and about the reached values of the specified target indicators (on approval date of the territorial scheme);

b) about share of the utilized, neutralized waste in the total amount of the waste formed in production process and consumption (percent) it is total also with breakdown by types and classes of danger of waste;

c) about share of the waste directed to burial in total amount of the waste formed in production process and consumption (percent) with breakdown by types and classes of danger of waste.

8. The Section "Places of Accumulating of Waste" contains data on finding of places of accumulating of waste (with drawing them on the card of the subject of the Russian Federation).

9. The Section "Objects for Processing, Utilization, Neutralization, Placement of Waste" contains:

a) names of the objects for processing, utilization, neutralization, placement of waste located in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation;

b) data on the postal address and (or) geographical coordinates of the location of objects for processing, utilization, neutralization, placement of waste (with drawing them on the card of the subject of the Russian Federation);

c) data on the annual number of the waste (is total and with breakdown by types and classes of danger of waste) accepted for processing, the utilizations, neutralizations, placements, and also the data on quantity processed utilized, neutralized and the placed waste.

10. The Section "Balance of Quantity Characteristics of Education, Processing, Utilization, Neutralization, Placement of Waste" contains data on ratio of number of the waste which is formed in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation and arriving from other subjects of the Russian Federation (by their types and classes of danger of waste) and quantity characteristics of their education, processing, utilization, neutralization, placement, transfer to other subjects of the Russian Federation for subsequent utilization, neutralization, placement, including:


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