of December 25, 1998 No. 723-I
About advertizing
The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations connected with production and distribution of advertizing.
The main objectives of this Law are:
forming of information flow about legal entities and physical persons or produktion:
enhancement of entrepreneurial and consumer culture;
ensuring protective measures from infringement of advertizing of the state and public concerns, generally accepted standards of morality and morality, goodwill of legal entities and physical persons, state of environment;
prevention of distribution by means of advertizing of the false or inexact data capable to mislead consumers concerning nature, method and the place of production, consumer properties, quality and other product characteristics, conditions of its realization.
This Law extends to the relations connected with production and distribution of advertizing in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
This Law does not extend to the relations connected with the information reflecting social events, interests of political parties, religious organizations and public associations and (or) intended for their support.
The legislation on advertizing consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
The relations in the field of advertizing in the Republic of Karakalpakstan are governed also by the legislation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which contain in the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on advertizing then are applied rules of the international treaty.
In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:
advertizing - the special information distributed according to the legislation in any form by means of any means about legal entity or physical person, products, including about the trademark, service mark and technology, for the purpose of direct or mediate profit earning (income);
the advertiser - person which is the customer of advertizing for its production and (or) distribution;
the vendor of advertizing - person fully or partially performing advertizing production;
the distributor of advertizing - person performing advertizing distribution by advertizing means;
the consumer of advertizing - person or group of persons to whom advertizing is directed;
advertizing means - the means used for bringing advertizing to her consumer;
products - goods, works, services;
counter-advertizing - the confutation of doubtful advertizing (unfair, obviously false) extended for the purpose of liquidation of the effects caused by it or able to lead to them.
In the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan advertizing extends in state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan or at the request of the advertiser - in other languages. The trademarks (service marks), syllabic letters registered in accordance with the established procedure (logos) can be provided in typographical set in original language.
The main requirements to advertizing are legality, accuracy, reliability, use of the forms and means which are not causing to the consumer of advertizing of losses, and also moral harm.
In advertizing it is forbidden:
distribute information on products, production or realization of which are prohibited by the legislation:
discrimination on bases of sex, races, nationalities, language, religion, social origin, beliefs, personal and social standing, on other circumstances or discredit of products of other persons:
call for actions which can entail violation of the law do or can do harm to life or health of citizens and the environment, and also induce to neglect security aids:
advertizes products which are subject to tactile certification or production or realization of which requires availability of special permission (license), in case of lack of the appropriate certificate, the license:
imitate (to copy or imitate) the common decision, the text, the image, musical or audio effects applied in advertizing of other products if other is not stipulated by the legislation about copyright and the related rights:
use name or the image physical linden without its consent:
extend pornography;
use foreign words and expressions which can lead to distortion of meaning of information;
specify that products are approved by state bodies or their officials;
advertizes carrying out the stimulating lottery, tender, game or other similar action, condition of participation in which is acquisition of certain products, without specifying of the organizer of the event, rules and terms of its carrying out, source of information on such action, quantity of prizes or prizes, terms, the place and procedure for their obtaining;
advertizes products under the guise of advertizing of other products, the trademark or service mark of which is identical or similar to extent of mixing to the trademark or service mark of products which advertizing is prohibited or concerning advertizing of which the corresponding restrictions or requirements are set.
Advertizing is forbidden:
with use of images of the minors consuming or using the products intended only for full age or prohibited for acquisition or consumption by minors:
containing appeals to minors to acquire products or addresses to the third parties with request to acquire the Advertised products:
with use of this or toy weapon.
The advertiser has right
on public offer about the conclusion of the agreement on advertizing (the public offer):
take a legal action with the claim for compensation of the caused losses and compensation of moral harm in cases of unreasonable agreement cancelation by the vendor and distributor of advertizing.
The advertiser shall:
represent documentary confirmations of reliability of the ad info upon the demand of the vendor and (or) the distributor of advertizing:
represent the corresponding license (if activities are subject to licensing) when advertizing products or when advertizing the advertiser.
The advertiser can have other rights and perform other duties according to the legislation.
The vendor and the distributor of advertizing have the right:
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The document ceased to be valid since September 9, 2022 according to Article 50 to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 7, 2022 No. ZRU-776