The agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on cooperation in the field of preparation and certification scientific and research and educational personnel of the top skills
of April 8, 1997
The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic which are hereinafter referred to as with the Parties
based on the intergovernmental agreement about sci-tech cooperation within the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of March 13, 1992 and the intergovernmental agreement about cooperation on forming of single (general) educational space of the Commonwealth of Independent States of January 17, 1997,
being guided by the Treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual aid between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 8, 1993,
proceeding from historically developed close interconnection in science, the equipment, education and culture,
aiming at preserving single scientific space, recognizing feasibility of interstate cooperation in increase in efficiency of systems of preparation and certification scientific and
research and educational personnel of the top skills,
confirming the aspiration to continue mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of preparation and certification scientific and research and educational personnel of the top skills,
agreed as follows:
The parties hold mutual consultations in case of development of national concepts and requirements to preparation and certification scientific and research and educational personnel of the top skills.
will organize mutual target preparation and training scientific and research and educational personnel of the top skills;
hold consultations in case of development of national lists (nomenclatures) of professions of scientists and when forming in the territories of the states of networks of councils on award of academic degrees;
provide comparability of the main requirements to job seekers of academic degrees and academic statuses in national state systems of certification scientific and research and educational personnel of the top skills.
The parties provide equal conditions for arrival of citizens of other Party in postgraduate study of the scientific organizations and higher educational institutions.
The direction of trainees, graduate students, doctoral candidates, scientists for training, advanced training and preparation of theses of one Party in the scientific organizations and higher educational institutions of other Party is performed both on currency-free equivalent basis, and according to direct agreements of the interested organizations of the Parties in which the rights, obligations and responsibility of guides and the accepting organizations are determined.
The parties will develop cooperation in the field of certification scientific and research and educational personnel of the top skills by means of: creations of equivalent conditions for carrying out protection of theses by job seekers
one Party in councils on award of academic degrees in the territory of other Party, taking into account requirements,
the education documents connected with mutual recognition of equivalence granting the admission right to award of academic degree, assignment of academic status;
timely mutual informing on changes in national systems of certification scientific and research and educational personnel of the top skills, exchange of the corresponding regulations and other materials concerning preparation and certification of this personnel.
For improvement of quality of examination of dissertation works each of the Parties helps:
to participation of the leading scientists and specialists of the scientific organizations and higher educational institutions of the state in work of councils on award of academic degrees of the state of other Party;
to conducting additional examination of the dissertations defended in councils on award of academic degrees of the state, in councils on award of academic degrees of other Party.
The parties recognize qualification documents of the state sample on the academic degrees and ranks issued by the relevant national authority of other Party in the territories of the states.
Comparability of these documents is established in the course of recertification of their owners.
Recognition of documents does not involve unconditional distribution on their owners of the rights established by the Parties in the territories of the states for owners of national qualification documents.
The parties provide holding necessary joint actions for experience exchange of process control of certification scientific and the research and educational personnel of the top skills directed to its enhancement.
Participation in this agreement does not limit the rights of the Parties to use of other forms of cooperation in the field of preparation and certification scientific and research and educational personnel of the top skills.
The questions arising in implementation process of this agreement will be solved by negotiations between the Parties or by means of other approved procedures.
For consideration of matters of argument of the Party create bilateral commission of representatives of the ministries and departments.
This agreement becomes effective from the date of its signing by the Parties, will be effective within five years and to be prolonged automatically for the subsequent five-year periods if one of the Parties does not notify in writing other Party on the intention to terminate this Agreement no later than six months before the expiration of the next period of its action.
It is made in Almaty on April "8", 1997 in duplicate, everyone in the Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Russian languages, and all texts are equally authoritative. In case of disagreements of the parties concerning interpretation, application or accomplishment of this agreement, the Party will be guided by the text of the Agreement in Russian.
For the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
For the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic |
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