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of December 9, 1992 No. 754-XII

About conservation

(as amended on 29-08-2024)

This Law establishes legal, economic and organizational basis of preserving conditions of the environment, rational use of natural resources. It aims to provide the balanced harmonious development of the relations between the person and the nature, protection of ecological systems, natural complexes and separate objects, to guarantee the rights of citizens to the favorable environment.

I. General provisions

Article 1. Nature protection legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The relations in the field of conservation and rational use of natural resources in the Republic of Uzbekistan are regulated by this Law, and also the land, water, forest legislation, the legislation on subsoil, on protection and use of atmospheric air, plant and animal life, other acts of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The relations in the field of conservation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan are also governed by the legislation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

Article 2. Objects of conservation and the protected natural territories

Objects of conservation (the earth, subsoil, waters, plant and animal life, atmospheric air) are subject to protection from pollution, spoil, damage, depletion, destruction, destruction, irrational use.

National parks, complex (landscape) wildlife areas, natural parks, the state nature sanctuaries, the territories for preserving, reproduction and recovery of separate natural objects and complexes, the protected landscapes, the territories for management of separate natural resources, the state biospheric wildlife reserves, national parks, the interstate protected natural territories belong to the protected natural territories.

Article 3. Conservation purposes

The purposes of conservation are:

creating favorable conditions for human health, preserving ecological equilibrium, rational not istoshchitelny environmental management for the benefit of effective and sustainable social and economic development of the republic;

preserving richness of types and genetic fund of wildlife;

preserving variety of ecological systems, landscapes and unique natural objects;

providing ecological safety;

preserving the objects of material cultural heritage connected with nature objects.

Article 4. Conservation goal achievement

For goal achievement of conservation in the course of economic, management and other activities local authorities of the government, the ministry and department, the company, organization, the organization, farmer and cooperative farms, and also individuals shall be guided by the following principles:

preserving stability of the biosphere and its ecological systems as habitats of the person and care of ecological safety of people, of gene pool of the person and his future generations;

providing the rights of citizens to the surrounding environment, favorable for life, obligation of ecological training in all types of educational institutions;

evidence-based combination of ecological, economic and social interests of society;

paid nature special and free of charge general environmental management;

obligation of environmental assessment;

stimulation of rational environmental management and conservation;

need of reproduction of natural resources, non-admission of harmful, irreversible effects for the surrounding environment and health of the person;

publicity in the solution of nature protection tasks;

combination of national, regional and international interests in the field of conservation;

responsibility for violation of requirements of the nature protection legislation.

Article 5. Property on natural resources

According to the Constitution the earth of the Republic of Uzbekistan, its subsoil, waters, plant and animal life and other natural resources are national wealth, are subject to rational use and are protected by the state.

Conditions, procedure for provision, use and protection of natural resources are determined by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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