of March 2, 2016 No. 62
About approval of Standard rules of ethical behavior of employees of state bodies and executive bodies on places
For the purpose of establishment of the single principles and rules of ethical behavior of employees of state bodies and executive bodies on places, creations of conditions for fair and effective fulfillment by them of service duties, in public service the Cabinet of Ministers decides preventions of abuses:
1. Approve Standard rules of ethical behavior of employees of state bodies and executive bodies on places (further - Rules of ethics) according to appendix.
2. To republican state bodies and Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokima of areas and Tashkent in two-month time:
develop and approve, taking into account specifics of the activities, on the basis of Rules of ethics the departmental rules of ethical behavior of workers obligatory for employees of central office, territorial and structural subdivisions;
approve Regulations on the Commission on ethics and its members;
provide employment policies and procedures and other departmental acts according to this resolution.
Determine that provisions of the approved departmental rules of ethical behavior of workers cannot contradict requirements of Rules of ethics or provide less strict requirements.
3. Recommend to bodies of economic board to accept rules of ethical behavior of workers on the basis of Rules of ethics.
4. Determine that violation of regulations of Rules of ethics can be the basis for attraction to disciplinary or other responsibility according to the legislation.
5. Recommend to the Prosecutor General's Office together with the Ministry of Justice, to carry out by the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Uzbekistan during 2016 monitoring and the analysis of application of this resolution and, if necessary, to make following the results offers on further enhancement of Rules of ethics.
6. To the managing director of the office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdukadyrov R. V. in 10-day time, strictly being guided by requirements of this resolution, to submit for approval of Presidium of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Rule of ethical behavior of workers of the office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
7. To impose control of execution of this resolution on deputy prime ministers and the Managing office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sh. Mirziyoev
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 2, 2016 No. 62
1. These Standard rules of ethical behavior of employees of state bodies and executive bodies on places (further - Rules of ethics) represent the code of the general principles of professional ethics and the basic rules of office behavior of employees of state bodies and executive bodies on places (further - government employees), irrespective of the position held by them.
2. Rules of ethics are directed to the prevention of offenses, elimination of the reasons and conditions promoting their making, education of government employees in the spirit of high legal consciousness, strict observance of the Constitution, the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rights and freedoms of citizens.
3. Persons going to work in state body and executive body on places (further - state body), examine provisions of Rules of ethics under list.
4. Government employees shall observe requirements of acts of the legislation and Rules of ethics.
Observance of provisions of Rules of ethics is one of quality criterions of professional activity and office behavior of the government employee.
5. Government employees shall perform the professional activity on the basis of the following principles:
priority of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens;
patriotism and fidelity to office debt;
commitment to interests of the state and society;
justice, honesty and impartiality,
non-admission of conflict of interest.
6. Government employees shall:
it is on duty strict to be guided by the state principles and requirements;
fulfill the service duties honesty, at the high professional level;
timely and qualitatively to perform decisions (order) of higher state bodies and officials, the accepted (data) within their powers;
perform the activities within the ex-officio full powers determined by the legislation and internal documents;
in case of execution of the service duties not to render and not to show preferences to any persons, groups or the organizations, to be independent of their influence, to consider the rights, obligations and legitimate interests of citizens, not to allow the discrimination facts;
exclude the actions connected with influence of any private, valuable and other interests interfering fair execution of the service duties by them;
observe the restrictions and prohibitions established by regulatory legal acts and departmental acts, to strictly fulfill the service duties;
exclude possibility of any influence on the office activities;
show respect for customs and traditions of the people of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other states, to consider cultural and other features of various ethnic, social groups and faiths, to promote social stability, interethnic and interfaith concord;
abstain from behavior which could raise doubts in fair execution of the service duties by them, and also avoid the conflict situations capable to cause damage to their reputation or the authority of state body;
not use official position for rendering inappropriate influence on activities of state bodies, other organizations, their officials, and also citizens;
follow the rules of provision of messages established in state body and office information.
7. Political, economic feasibility, and equally personal motives and other subjective reasons cannot form the basis for violation by government employees of requirements of the legislation and Rules of ethics.
8. If other procedure is not stipulated by the legislation, government employees are forbidden to receive in connection with execution of service duties by them any material values or other benefit from physical persons or legal entities.
9. Government employees shall counteract manifestations of corruption and assist actively in its prevention.
Government employees shall notify the head or law enforcement agencies on all cases of the address to them of any persons for the purpose of their inducement to making of offenses, and also on any facts of the offenses known for it made by other government employees.
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