of November 13, 2015 No. 244
About rates for natural gas
According to Art. 8 of the h. (1) the item f), Art. 53 of the Law No. 123/23.12.2009 on natural gas, the Methodology of calculation and application of regulated rates for natural gas approved by the resolution of Administrative board of the National agency on regulation in power No. 678 of 22.08.2014 and for the purpose of ensuring energy security of the state, reliable supply of consumers with natural gas and reduction of rates in compliance with real, strictly necessary purchase costs, transportation, distribution and supply of natural gas, the Administrative board of the National agency on regulation in power DECIDES:
1. Approve rates for natural gas, according to appendix.
2. Declare invalid the resolution of Administrative board of the National agency on regulation in power No. 154/2015 of July 18, 2015 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova No. 197-205/1345 from 31.07.2015).
3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication.
Serdzhiu Ciobanu, director |
Octavian Lungu, director |
Yuriye Onika, director |
Genadiye Pyrtsu, director |
to the Resolution of Administrative board of the National agency on regulation in power industry of the Republic of Moldova of November 13, 2015 No. 244
Name |
Rate excluding VAT (lei / 1000 m 3) |
1. Rate for the services in transfer of natural gas rendered to Moldovatransgaz LLC |
324,75 |
2. Rate for the services in distribution of natural gas rendered by the companies of JSC Moldovagaz, on average including on distribution networks natural gaza*: - high pressure - average pressure - low pressure |
1 010,22
151,00 482,53 1 924,05 |
3. Rate for delivery service of natural gas to final consumers in exit Items from distribution networks |
76,20 |
4. Rate for the natural gas delivered by the supplier of natural gas on regulated rates of JSC Moldovagaz from distribution networks to the companies which are not a part of the system of JSC Moldovagaz for its further delivery to final consumers and whose gas distribution networks: - are connected to networks of high pressure - are connected to networks of average pressure |
5 633 5 872 |
5. Final rates for the natural gas delivered by the supplier of natural gas on regulated rates of JSC Moldovagaz in Items **: - entrance to the transferring networks of natural gas - exit from the transferring networks of natural gas - exit from distribution networks of natural gas of high pressure - exit from distribution networks of natural gas of average pressure - exit from distribution networks of natural gas of low pressure |
4 671 5 045 6 157 6 418 6 830 |
6. Final rates for the natural gas delivered to the thermal electric main lines (TEML), thermal stations for development and providing city type with heat energy of consumers through centralized system of heat supply |
5 712 |
7. Final rates for the natural gas delivered to residential customers in amount to 30 m3 (inclusive) in month on the apartment (house) *** |
6 556 |
8. Final rates for the natural gas delivered to residential customers in the amount exceeding 30 m3 a month on the apartment (house) |
6 830 |
* According to the standard rate of NCM G. 05.01–2014, gas distribution networks of natural gas are classified as follows: high pressure of I and II categories - over MRA 0,3 to MRA 1,2 inclusive; average pressure - over MRA 0,005 to MRA 0,3 inclusive; low pressure - to MRA 0,005 inclusive.
** Are applied to final consumers, including to thermal stations for development and providing consumers with heat energy through local system of heat supply, to automobile gas-filling compressor stations.
*** The unused amount of natural gas of the corresponding month of invoicing does not pass to future period.
1. Final rates for the natural gas delivered by the supplier of natural gas on regulated rates of JSC Moldovagaz in exit Items from the transferring networks of natural gas, rates for services in distribution and on supply of natural gas on distribution networks of JSC Moldovagaz are average, and can be differentiated for the related companies for the decision of JSC Moldovagaz.
2. Final rates for the natural gas delivered to final consumers are obligatory to application and the companies which are not a part of the system of JSC Moldovagaz, except as specified when the resolution of the NARE Administrative board for them establishes other rates.
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The document ceased to be valid since February 1, 2016 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of the National agency on regulation in power industry of the Republic of Moldova of January 26, 2016 No. 19