of December 28, 2015 No. 215
About approval of the Method of calculation of climatic factor for smoothing of temporary ranks of statistics of fuel and energy complex
Based on the Regulations on National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 445 "About some questions of bodies of the state statistics" the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Method of calculation of climatic factor for smoothing of temporary ranks of statistics of fuel and energy complex and enact it since calculation of climatic factor for smoothing of temporary ranks of statistics of fuel and energy complex for 2000.
2. This resolution becomes effective since February 22, 2016.
I. V. Medvedev
Approved by the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2015 No. 215
1. This Technique establishes procedure of payments of climatic factor for smoothing of temporary ranks of statistics of fuel and energy complex (further - energy industry).
2. Calculation of climatic factor is perfromed by National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus on the republic in year.
3. In this Technique the following main terms and their determinations are used:
graduso-days of the heating period - the conditional and settlement characteristic of the heating period characterizing decrease in average daily temperature of atmospheric air over the set minimum or basic temperature;
climatic factor - the size characterizing influence of change of temperature condition in the considered year on increase (decrease) in consumption of fuel and energy resources (further - TER) connected with heating concerning the year accepted for base of comparison (further - basis year);
statistics of energy industry - the statistics containing quantity characteristics of such phenomena as creation of inventories, import, export, production (production) and consumption of TER, and also macroeconomic statistics calculated on their basis;
smoothing of temporary ranks of statistics of energy industry on climatic factor (further - smoothing on climatic factor) - recalculation of temporary ranks of statistics of energy industry for the purpose of exception of influence of fluctuations of temperature condition on forming of these indicators for row of years.
4. Smoothing on climatic factor is performed on formula
where - statistics of energy industry for i-go of year after recalculation;
Pi - statistics of energy industry for i-go of year before recalculation;
KFI - climatic factor for i-go of year.
5. Information basis for calculation of climatic factor are:
the data on graduso-days of the heating period represented by public institution "Republican center for hydrometeorology, control of radioactive pollution and monitoring of the environment";
official statistical information on the following forms of the state statistical reporting:
12-tek "The consumption report of fuel and energy resources" (further - form 12-tek);
1-tek (products) "The consumption report of fuel and energy resources on production of separate types of products (works), including production of heat and electrical energy" (further - form 1-tek (products)).
6. Calculation of climatic factor is perfromed on formula
where Pi - the share of consumption of TER connected with heating and depending on temperature condition in i-m to year;
GSI - the number of graduso-days of the heating period in i-m to year;
GS0 - the number of graduso-days of the heating period in basis year.
7. The share of consumption of TER connected with heating and depending on temperature condition for statistics of energy industry Pi is calculated by formula
where - general consumption of heat energy in i-m to year, gigacalories;
- the average monthly consumption of heat energy which is not connected with heating (on hot water supply and production needs of the organizations), in i-m to year, gigacalories;
- conversion factor of heat energy to equivalent of conditional fuel;
- general consumption of boiler and oven fuel in i-m to year, tons of conditional fuel;
- the average monthly consumption of boiler and oven fuel which is not connected with heating and production needs of the organizations (on hot water supply, cooking and to that similar expenses), tons of conditional fuel;
- consumption of boiler and oven fuel on production needs of the organizations in i-m to year, tons of conditional fuel.
8. The average monthly consumption of heat energy which is not connected with heating (on hot water supply and production needs of the organizations), is calculated based on official statistical information on expense of TER obtained in form 12-tek, on formula
where - expense of heat energy on all needs of the organizations in j-m on the account month (that is in May, June, July, August and September) i-go of year, gigacalories;
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