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of December 28, 2015 No. 137

About approval of Sanitary standards and the rules "Requirements to the Organization and Holding the Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Actions Directed to Prevention of Drift, Origin and Spread of Poliomyelitis"

Based on article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 7, 2012 "About sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population", paragraph two of subitem 8.32 of Item 8 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2011 No. 1446 "About some questions of the Ministry of Health and measures for implementation of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 11, 2011 No. 360" the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Sanitary standards and the rules "Requirements to the Organization and Holding the Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Actions Directed to Prevention of Drift, Origin and Spread of Poliomyelitis".

2. This resolution becomes effective in fifteen working days after its signing.




Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2015 No. 137

Sanitary standards and rules "Requirements to the Organization and Holding the Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Actions Directed to Prevention of Drift, Origin and Spread of Poliomyelitis"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These Sanitary standards and rules establish requirements to the organization and holding the sanitary and anti-epidemic actions directed to prevention of drift, origin and spread of poliomyelitis.

2. These Sanitary standards and rules are obligatory for observance by state bodies, other organizations, physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs.

3. For the purposes of these Sanitary standards and rules the main terms and their determinations established by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 7, 2012 "About sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population" are used (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2012, No. 8, 2/1892), and also the following terms and their determinations:

sharp sluggish paralysis (further - OVP) is syndrome of not spastic paralysis with the sharp beginning (development of clinical symptoms within 1-3 calendar days) at the child aged up to 15 years or paralytic disease with suspicion of poliomyelitis at person of any age;

"the hot case" of OVP is the OVP which developed at children aged from 6 months up to 15 years which received less than three preventive poliomyelitis inoculations or at the persons which came back from epidemiologically unsuccessful countries on poliomyelitis or having contact with such persons;

epidemiological tracking poliomyelitis is system of the actions directed to prevention of drift on the territory of the country of wild poliovirus, origin and distribution of cases of poliomyelitis, with the subsequent efficiency evaluation of the held sanitary and anti-epidemic events.

4. The system of epidemiological tracking poliomyelitis includes:

identification, registration and accounting of cases of poliomyelitis and OVP;

laboratory virologic research of clinical material from persons with OVP;

assessment of condition of the patient with OVP in 60 days from the beginning of paralysis (availability or absence of residual paralyzes);

carrying out classification of case of OVP;

monitoring of level of scope preventive poliomyelitis inoculations;

assessment of population immunity to poliomyelitis;

monitoring of collateral reactions after introduction of vaccines against poliomyelitis;

monitoring of circulation of polioviruses in environment objects;

assessment of indicators of quality of epidemiological tracking poliomyelitis according to appendix 1 to these Sanitary standards and rules and efficiency of sanitary and anti-epidemic actions;

carrying out information and educational work among the population of the Republic of Belarus on prevention of diseases of poliomyelitis.

5. Cases of OVP are classified as:

not OVP (spastic or chronic paralyzes or paralyzes of facial nerves only isolated);

the confirmed case of poliomyelitis (based on clinical yielded or results of laboratory virologic researches);

poliomyelitis is rejected;

compatible to poliomyelitis;

presumably vaktsinoassotsiirovanny case;

the confirmed vaktsinoassotsiirovanny case;

the postponed case before receipt of additional clinical data;

connected with brought in wild poliovirus;

brought in case of OVP compatible to poliomyelitis.

6. The state sanitary inspection behind respect for these Sanitary standards and rules is performed according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

7. Perpetrators bear responsibility according to legal acts of the Republic of Belarus for violation of these Sanitary standards and rules.

Chapter 2. Requirements to procedure for identification and registration of cases of sharp sluggish paralysis

8. In the organizations of health care nosological forms of diseases from OVP according to the list according to appendix 2 to these Sanitary standards and rules are subject to registration.

9. Identification of persons with OVP is performed by specialists doctors in case of the request for medical care, including in case of medical observation of persons which were in contact with the patient to which the diagnosis "poliomyelitis" is established (further if other is not determined, - contact persons).

10. The health worker who revealed the patient with OVP within 6 hours after identification in working hours phones about it and within 24 hours in writing sends the emergency notice on infectious disease, food poisoning, complication after preventive inoculation in the form approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus (further - the emergency notice), to the territorial centers of hygiene and epidemiology (further - territorial TsGE).

11. Each case of OVP is subject to accounting in the organizations of health care in register of infectious diseases, food poisonings, complications after preventive inoculation in the form approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

12. Persons with OVP within 24 hours are subject to medical examination by the neurologist and hospitalization in the hospital organizations of health care. Patients in whom "the hot case" of OVP is found are subject to hospitalization in the hospital organizations of health care of infectious profile.

In the direction the following information is specified hospitalization of the patient:

surname, name, middle name, birth date;

start date of disease;

date of the request for medical care;

initial symptoms of disease;

start date of paralysis;

the carried-out treatment;


about the carried-out preventive poliomyelitis inoculations;

contact with person in which poliomyelitis or OVP is found;


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