of February 9, 2016 No. PP-2487
About the State program "Year of healthy mother and child"
Considering the century traditions inherent in the people of Uzbekistan, and for the purpose of implementation of wide package of measures, directed to deeper understanding and approval in the society of the important vital value and the noble idea "Healthy mother and the child - basis of happy family, happy family - basis of the prospering state", enhancement of system of protection of family, motherhood and the childhood, forming in the society of the atmosphere of special respect and respect for mothers, education of the healthy and harmoniously developed generation, strengthening of cooperation of public authorities on places and public organizations in formation of strong, healthy and close-knit family, and also in connection with declaration in the Republic of Uzbekistan of 2016 - Year of healthy mother and child:
1. Approve the State program "Year of healthy mother and child" according to appendix, having determined priority tasks and the directions of its realization:
further enhancement of the legislation and the regulatory framework concerning protection of family, motherhood and the childhood, protection of interests of women, increase in their role in education of the healthy child, strengthening of institute of family as bases of the strong, stable and prospering state;
continuation of consecutive work on creation for the population living in the remote and hard rural districts, first of all for women, necessary social, living and medical conditions, construction in the rural zone of modern apartment houses according to standard projects, objects of social infrastructure, improvement of providing rural population with drinking water, natural gas, improvement of quality of services and service;
further strengthening of material and technical resources and personnel capacity of medical institutions, in particular, perinatal and screening centers, increase in overall performance of family polyclinics and rural medical Items, ensuring growth of number of patronage nurses and advanced training of obstetricians-gynecologists and pediatricians;
strengthening of responsibility of health workers for performing complete premarital medical examination of persons marrying decrease on the basis of this number potentially chances of congenital and heritable diseases, and for this purpose equipment of polyclinics the modern diagnostic equipment, improvement of quality of the medical services provided by them, implementation of broad explanatory work with bringing to consciousness of general population of importance of medical examination before marriage for creation of strong family and the birth of the healthy child;
increase in medical culture of the population, strengthening of work in the sphere of sanitation and hygiene, health protection and improvement of psychophysiological condition of expectant mothers, the corresponding care of young mothers and children, quality assurances and caloric contents of diet of their food;
broad promoting among youth of physical culture and sport, involvement in regular trainings by youth sport, especially girls in the rural zone, construction new and strengthening of material and technical resources, the operating sporting venues, equipment by their modern sports equipment and equipment, strengthening by highly qualified trainer's personnel and mentors;
creation of the healthy spiritual circle in families, in particular, the atmospheres of mutual respect, good and love in the relations between spouses, parents and children, the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, between neighbors, as most important condition of further strengthening of the world, tranquility and wellbeing in the country;
forming of girls - future mothers - physically healthy and intellectually developed, ensuring their compulsory education in the academic lyceums and professional colleges, mastering by them modern knowledge and professions, forming at them resistant living position and independent thinking, as main condition of occupation them the worthy place in life, creation in the future healthy and strong family;
strengthening of role of education system in forming of the healthy child, further development of network of preschool educational institutions, cardinal increase in level of training of children to school with high-quality providing primary education, widespread introduction in practice of front lines pedagogical and information and communication technologies, implementation of actions for broad promotion of healthy lifestyle;
providing measures for employment of graduates of professional colleges, first of all girls, to further expansion of work on allocation of soft credits of the youth aiming to adjust own business, to provision to young families of mortgage loans for purchase and construction of housing, consumer loans for purchase of goods of long-term use;
further strengthening of cooperation and interaction in the solution of the questions connected with realization of program measures between authorities on places and self-government institutions of citizens (makhallyama), women's and youth groups, the organizations of the veterans, broad attraction to this work who are held in respect and authority on society of representatives of the senior generation;
the organization of broad information and explanatory work about the purposes and tasks of the State program and the course of its realization, with active use of opportunities of mass media, including electronic and the Internet.
2. Assign to the Republican commission created by the order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 10, 2015 No. P-4577, the organization and control of full, timely and high-quality implementation of the actions included in the State program.
(Sh. M. Mirziyoev) to provide to the republican commission:
in week time - creation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas, Tashkent, areas and the cities of the relevant commissions on implementation of the State program headed by the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and hokimama; the corresponding territories, having conferred on them the personal responsibility for unconditional, full-scale and timely realization provided in the State program of actions;
in two weeks - development and acceptance by the ministries, departments, joint stock companies, associations, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent of the industry and territorial programs "Year of Healthy Mother and Child" for each body of the public and economic board, area, to the city, the area and the settlement;
coordination of work at the level of republican bodies of the public and economic board, public authorities on places for full and timely implementation of the actions included in the State program, having established system control of the course of their realization;
representation following the results of every quarter in the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan information on accomplishment of the actions provided by the State program.
3. To provide to national news agency of Uzbekistan, National broadcasting company of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek agency on seal and information, the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
regular, system and extended coverage among the population with involvement of printing and electronic mass media, including the Internet, the purposes and tasks of the State program, the main directions and measures for its realization;
permanent informing the general public on the course of implementation of the State program, with reflection of practical participation and specific contribution of bodies of the public and economic board, public authorities on places, makhally, non-state non-profit organizations in implementation of the actions provided in it.
4. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoev.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Islam Karimov
to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 9, 2016 No. PP-2487
№ |
Name of actions |
Completion dates |
Executives in charge |
Costs (one million bags) |
Financing sources |
Form of the submitted document, the realization mechanism expected result |
I. Further enhancement of the legislation and the regulatory framework concerning protection of family, motherhood and the childhood, protection of interests of women, increase in their role in education of the healthy child, strengthening of institute of family as bases of the strong, stable and prospering state | ||||||
1. |
Project development of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the state youth policy" in the new edition. |
I quarter 2016. |
Ministry of Justice, Prosecutor General's Office, Minvuz, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Internal Affairs, ODM "Kamolot" interested the ministries of department |
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The bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan providing enhancement of mechanisms of regulation of the main directions of the state youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Adoption of law will allow to govern the relations connected with the youth needing special measures of social protection (needy young families) by creation of additional workplaces and specialized enterprises, the organization of special training programs, retraining and advanced training, reservation of the minimum quantity of workplaces by the organizations for their employment. |
2. |
Introduction of amendments to the Criminal code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, directed to further liberalization of the penal legislation concerning all women having children under three years (regardless of exit during child care leave), due to their inclusion in the group of people to which corrective works are not applied. |
II quarter 2016. |
The Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, the Federation Council of labor unions interested the ministries and departments |
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The bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan providing modification of the Criminal code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. |
3. |
Entering of amendment into the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About quality and safety of food products", the import directed to restriction and consumption of the food products containing the genetically modified organisms (GMO), and also introduction of prohibition on application of GMO in baby food. |
III quarter 2016. |
The Ministry of Health, Uzstandart, the Association of the companies of the food industry, JSC Uzdonmakhsulot, Ministry of Justice interested the ministries and departments |
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The bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About entering of amendment into the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About quality and safety of food products". |
4. |
Modification and amendments in the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About guardianship and custody", aimed at providing the right of the child to health protection, accommodation and education in healthy family and providing regulation of procedure for establishment of diseases in the presence of which to person it will be refused establishment of guardianship (guardianship) over orphan children and children without parental support. Introduction of the specifying regulations determining which of orphan children and children without parental support, will be on complete state providing and in what procedure and what state bodies will draw up statement on complete state providing. |
III quarter 2016. |
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Justice, the interested ministries and departments |
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The bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About modification and amendments in the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About guardianship and custody". |
5. |
Project development of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers providing creation of the centers (groups) of day care for handicapped children of houses boarding schools Muruvvat, other public and non-state educational institutions. |
III quarter 2016. |
The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Justice, RTsSAD interested the ministries and departments |
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The draft of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers providing creation of the centers (groups) of day care for handicapped children in case of children's houses boarding schools Muruvvat for the purpose of prevention of the room of children with violations in development in boarding schools that will allow to provide their rights to family and family environment, preserving family cultural wealth with simultaneous obtaining complex psychology and pedagogical, the medico-public assistance, rehabilitation and social adaptation. |
II. Continuation of consecutive work on creation for the population living in the remote and hard rural districts, first of all for women, necessary social, living and medical conditions, construction in the rural zone of modern apartment houses according to standard projects, objects of social infrastructure, to improvement of providing rural population with drinking water, natural gas, improvement of quality of services and service |
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The document ceased to be valid since September 28, 2020 in compliance the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 27, 2020 No. UP-6075