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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan 

 On January 8, 2016 No. 48


of December 30, 2015 No. 792

About the Development program of breeding industry and breeding of animals in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2016 - 2020

According to article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About breeding case" and for the purpose of further development of breeding industry and breeding, increase in livestock and increase in productivity of breeding animals the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:

1. Approve the Development program of breeding industry and breeding of animals in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2016 - 2020 it (is applied).

2. Financing of the Program to perform at the expense of means of the republican budget, attraction of financial resources of farms, grants of the domestic and foreign organizations and bank loans.

3. To the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Economic Development and trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, to the State committee on investments and management of state-owned property of the Republic of Tajikistan during 2016 - 2020 to take necessary measures for attraction of financial resources of domestic and foreign investments for the purpose of accomplishment of the specified Program.

4. To the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan, together with the relevant ministries and departments, executive bodies of the government of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, areas, cities and areas to provide successful implementation of this Program and annually till February 1 to provide information on the course of its accomplishment in the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan

Emomalii Rahmon

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of December 30, 2015 No. 792

The development program of breeding industry and breeding of animals in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2016 - 2020

1. Introduction

1. The development program of breeding industry and breeding of animals in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2016 - 2020 is constituted for the purpose of preserving genetic qualities of the divorced breeds of animals, increases in livestock of breeding animals, enhancement of genetic and productive qualities and by means of it to provide requirements of the state, collective and Dehkan farms, cooperatives and the population with the equipment and tools for artificial fertilization of breeding animals and also the refrigerated sperm of highly productive breeding bulls, rams and gantry.

2. Breeding case and breeding - complex of zootechnical, biotechnology and economic actions, directed to preserving and enhancement of the available breeds, and also creation of new highly productive types and breeds of animals. Now development of livestock production in many respects depends on accomplishment of complex actions of pas to creation and conducting breeding works and breeding of animals with use of modern achievements in the field of selection and genetics.

3. Also development of breeding industry and breeding of animals promotes increase in livestock and productivity of animals, production volume of meat, milk and on this basis is provided to food security of the country. Along with it huge value in increase in level of living of the population and in creation of new workplaces has developments of this industry.

2. Condition of breeding industry and breeding of animals in present time and its further development

4. According to accounting of breeding animals in the Republic of Tajikistan (1990) the livestock of breeding cattle constitutes 360 thousand heads, including cows of 133 thousand heads, sheep and goats of 1425,7 of thousand heads and horses of 34,7 of thousand heads.

5. Along with it in 2014 based on the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 5, 2014, Lgsh590 carries out certification of cattle breedings and for its results is revealed that in cattle breedings of the republic there is 13,2 of thousand heads of cattle, including 4,1 of thousand cows, 162,1 of thousand sheep and goats, 1,0 of thousand heads of breeding horses, i.e. decreased in comparison with previous years.

6. Now according to statistical data more than 92 percent of cattle and 82 percent of sheep and goats belong to the sector of the population which but meet for the live weight and productivity the standard requirements of breeds.

7. Analyses show that the main method of improvement of breed of animals is artificial fertilization and by application of this method it is possible to receive thousands of the heads of thoroughbred issues from one breeding bull, ram, gantry.

8. For this purpose in 90 - e years of the last century in the republic more than 460 Items of artificial fertilization of cattle functioned and annually in these Items artificially inseminated 130140 thousand heads of cows and telok from which results they received every year 117 - 120 thousand thoroughbred issues.

9. Along with it annually to the republic were delivered by 3,5 - 4,0 of thousand large and 6,0 - 7,0 of thousand of small horned breeder cattle, 100 thousand doses of sperm of highly productive animals. The performed actions, i.e. widespread introduction of artificial fertilization, delivery of breeder cattle and sperm of highly productive animals promoted development of industry, increase in livestock of breeding animals and the volume of production of livestock production.

10. Now in the republic 285 Items of artificial fertilization of animals function and in 2014 in these Items 27,9 of thousand heads of cattle was inseminated and 21,2 of thousand thoroughbred issues is received. For improvement of quality of breed and productivity of cattle in Items on artificial fertilization sperms of highly productive bulls of chernopestry and golshtinsky breed (the American, Austrian, Canadian, German selection) of the shvitsuzebuvidny cattle of domestic selection are used.

11. Analysis. results show that the livestock of animals in all categories of farms in comparison with 90 mi for years of the last century increased, but qualities of breed and their productivity are at a low level.

12. In this regard further it is necessary to pay special attention to improvement of quality of breed, increase in productivity of animals and implementation of selection, breeding and thoroughbred works.

13. In the place with that, the food supply with every becomes weaker to years and now reduction of specific weight of feed crop, so for example is observed if in 2007 the feed crop in structure of cultivated area constituted percent 20,1, then in 2014 it decreased to 12 percent, and on 1 conditional livestock 0,05 of hectares is necessary. For the specified period of time productivity of the main cultures also decreased. At the expense of specified security of animals in sterns, both on amount, and on nutritiousness of solid about 40 - 50 percent, and protein in dependence on seasons of year from 30 to 70 percent decreased.


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