Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 15, 2004 No. 53

About protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

This Law determines organization-legal regulations in the field of protection of citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan, the foreign citizens and stateless persons which are in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan (further - the population), and also the earth, its subsoil, water, airspace, animal both flora and other natural resources within the Republic of Tajikistan, subjects to production and social appointment, and also the surrounding environment (daleeterritoriya) from emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature (further - emergency situations).

Governs the public relation according to the prevention of origin and development of emergency situations, decrease in the extent of damage and losses from emergency situations, liquidation of emergency situations and the timely notification of the population of danger areas from emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature.

Article 2. Basic concepts

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

Emergency situation is the situation in certain territory which developed as a result of accident, natural hazard, catastrophic crash, natural or other disaster which can entail or entailed the human victims, damage to health of people or the surrounding environment, considerable material losses and violations of conditions of life activity of people.

Protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations - system of measures, methods, means, set of actions according to the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations.

The prevention of emergency situations - complex of the events held beforehand and directed to the greatest possible reduction of risk of emergence of emergency situations, and also to preserving human health, decrease in the extent of damage to the surrounding environment and material losses in case of their origin.

Liquidation of emergency situations - the rescue and other urgent works which are carried out in case of emergency situations and directed to rescuing of life and preserving human health, decrease in the sizes and damage to the surrounding environment and material losses and also on localization of zones of emergency situations, cancellation of characteristic factors, dangerous to them.

Zone of emergency situation - the territory in which there was emergency situation.

Article 3. The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of protection of the population and the territory against emergency situations

The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, and also the international legal acts recognized by the Republic of Tajikistan.

Article 4. Publicity and information in the field of protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations

Information in the field of protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations is constituted by data on the predicted and arisen emergency situations, their effects, and also data on radiation, chemical, medicobiological, explosive, fire and ecological safety in the corresponding territories.

Information in the field of protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations, and also about activities of public authorities and organizations in this area is open if other is not stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Tajikistan.

Public authorities, administration of the organizations shall inform timely and authentically the population through mass media and on other channels on condition of protection of the population and the territories from emergency situations and the taken measures for ensuring their safety, on the predicted and arisen emergency situations, on acceptances and methods of protection of the population from them.

Concealment, untimely representation or representation by officials of obviously false information in the field of protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations involves responsibility according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The procedure for providing the population, public authorities and organizations with information in the field of protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations is established by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Article 5. The basic principles of protection of the population and the territories from emergency situations

The actions directed to the prevention of emergency situations and also on the greatest possible decrease in the extent of damage and losses in case of their origin, are held beforehand.

Planning and implementation of actions for protection of the population and the territories from emergency situations is carried out taking into account economic, natural and other characteristics, features of the territories and degree of real danger of emergence of emergency situations.

The amount and content of actions for protection of the population and the territories from emergency situations are determined proceeding from the principle of necessary sufficiency and the greatest possible use of the available forces and means.

Liquidation of emergency situations is performed by forces and means of the organizations, local executive bodies of the government in the territory of which there was emergency situation. In case of insufficiency of the above-stated forces and means in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan forces and funds of higher bodies are raised.

Article 6. Universal State System of Prevention and Response to ES

Universal State System of Prevention and Response to ES combines governing bodies, forces and means of public authorities and organizations into which power the solution of questions on protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations is included.

The main objectives of Universal State System of Prevention and Response to ES are:

- development and realization of legal and economic regulations on ensuring protection of the population and the territories from emergency situations;

- implementation of the target and scientific and technical programs directed to the prevention of emergency situations and increase in stability of functioning of the organizations, and also social facilities in emergency situations;

- ensuring readiness for actions of the governing bodies, forces and means intended and allocated for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations;

- collection, processing, exchange and issue of information in the field of protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations;

- preparation of the population for actions in emergency situations;

- forecasting and assessment of social and economic effects of emergency situations;


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