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of January 22, 2016 No. 15

About additional measures for enhancement of project works and examination of the investment projects financed by centralized investments

(as amended on 28-11-2019)

For the purpose of ensuring further deepening of implementation of progressive methods of the organization of the project works based on the best international practices, modern standards of construction and acceleration of transition to market methods of cost determination of construction, and also increase in efficiency of use of means in case of implementation of the investment projects financed by centralized investments, the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Approve the developed Working group created by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 27, 2015 No. 186-f, Complex actions for reducing and optimization of expense structure when implementing design and survey and installation and construction works of the objects financed by centralized investments according to appendix No. 1.

2. Approve:

The qualifier of categories of complexity of objects on design and survey and to installation and construction works according to appendix No. 2;

The actions plan on development new, to conversion and updating of town-planning regulations and rules for 2016 - 2020 according to appendix No. 3;

Regulations on procedure for the organization and conducting state examination of town-planning documentation according to appendix No. 4;

Regulations on service of the customer on construction, reconstruction, capital and running repair of the objects financed by centralized investments under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas, Tashkent, the ministries and departments according to appendix No. 5;

Standard structure of service of the customer on construction, reconstruction, capital and running repair of the objects financed by centralized investments under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas, Tashkent, the ministries and departments according to appendix No. 5a.

3. To the ministry of national education, the Ministry of cases of culture and sport, the Center of secondary vocational, professional education of the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Uzkommunkhizmat agency till July 1, 2016 to create services of the customer on construction, reconstruction, capital and running repair of the objects financed by centralized investments, (further - service of the customer) according to Regulations on service of the customer on construction, reconstruction, capital and running repair of the objects financed by centralized investments, and standard structure, approved by this resolution.

To provide to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas, Tashkent, the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan till January 1, 2017 reduction of structure of the operating services of the customer in compliance with requirements of this resolution.

In accordance with the established procedure to provide to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, since January 1, 2017, obligatory registration of staff lists and expense budgets for content of services of the customer under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas, Tashkent, the ministries and departments.

4. Enter since October 1, 2016 procedure according to which in case of construction, reconstruction, capital and running repair of the objects financed by centralized investments:

the decisions of tender committees made by results of carrying out the competitive biddings on implementation of installation and construction works without fail are approved from Goskomkonkurention, with the subsequent approval by Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

forming of their starting cost is performed by means of use of the advanced mechanism of determination of level of other costs of contract organizations;

cost determination of design and exploration work is performed, proceeding from the cost of installation and construction works created taking into account category of complexity of objects on design and survey and to installation and construction works, duration of terms of designing.

5. To provide to Gosarkhitektstroy, the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other ministries and departments:

together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan till July 1, 2016 implementation of the information system "The Catalogue of Current Prices on the Material Resources Applied when Implementing Installation and Construction Works in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (further - the Catalogue), with placement of the catalog on the official website of Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan which distribution is performed on contractual basis;

annually till April 1 introduction on approval into the Cabinet of Ministers, in accordance with the established procedure, by the territories of the republic of collections of price-list costs per unit of capacity (1 sq.m, student place, bed and others, proceeding from field of activity) construction of facilities for accomplishment by customers of calculation of starting cost of the standard objects built due to centralized investments.

6. Determine that determination of the prices of the construction materials, products and designs used when calculating starting construction cost, reconstruction and capital repairs of the objects financed by centralized investments is performed on the basis of the Catalogue and other information sources.

7. Agree with Goskomkonkurention's proposals and Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also general meetings of shareholders (participants) of the design and survey organizations (further - the project organizations):

about accession of Uzpulatkurilmaloyikha LLC in accordance with the established procedure to JSC Uzogirsanoatloyikha;

about approval of the list of the ministries and departments performing on behalf of the state of function of shareholders (participants) in the project organizations, and also the shares of founders in JSC Toshuyzhoyliti, JSC Issiklikelektrloyikha and JSC Energosetproyekt realized by it according to appendix No. 6.

8. Goskomkonkurention together with Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also the ministries and departments which are founders on the state blocks of shares in authorized capitals of the project organizations to pay special attention on condition of financial and economic activities of the project organizations, level of their completeness the highly qualified leading and technical personnel.

9. To the ministries and departments to carry out inventory count of regulating documents in the field of technical regulation and on system basis consistently to perform their development, updating and conversion regarding planning requirements, engineering support and equipment by processing equipment on activities.

10. To Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

in accordance with the established procedure to make corresponding changes to license agreements of the project organizations, based on the Qualifier of categories of complexity of objects on design and survey and to installation and construction works, approved by this resolution;

together with the interested ministries and departments in three-months time to make offers on the changes and amendments in the legislation following from this resolution.

11. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan B. I. Zakirov.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev

Appendix № 1

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 22, 2016 No. 15

Complex actions for reducing and optimization of expense structure when implementing design and survey and installation and construction works of the objects financed by centralized investments

Name of actions

Form (mechanism) of realization

Accomplishment terms

Executives in charge

I. Improvement of quality of preparation of the design estimates


Enhancement of procedure for forming and approval of specifications on project development, including:

establishment of specific and reasonable periods of development by the customer of the specification for the project organization;

establishment of prohibition on entering of the specification on project development into authorized bodies and the beginning of development of the design estimates without decision of the relevant industry technical council and supporting documents;

the annex of predesign of construction cost, reconstruction and capital repairs, establishment of the requirements obligatory to filling in the specification on project development.

Modification in
SHNK 1.03.01-98

"Structure, procedure for development, approval and approval of the project documentation on capital construction of the companies, buildings and constructions"

April, 2016.



Enhancement of procedure for forming of Address lists of the design and exploration work (DEW), developments and approvals of the design estimates for construction, reconstruction and capital repairs of the objects financed by centralized investments.


Cabinet of Ministers

II sq. 2016.


Ministry of Economics


Creation of effective system of creation and distribution of collections of price-list costs per unit of capacity (1 sq.m, student place, bed and others, proceeding from field of activity) construction of facilities for calculation with customers of starting cost of the standard objects built due to centralized investments.

Joint resolution

II sq. 2016.


Ministry of Economics,

Ministry of Finance,

Ministry of Health,


Ministry of Education,

SSPO center,

other interested ministries and departments


Implementation of new structure and procedure for accomplishment of project works regarding the projects realized due to centralized investments taking into account terms of designing and category of complexity of objects on design and survey and to installation and construction works.

At the same time to provide that the asset construction with concurrent engineering is performed within the normative term of designing of objects from the date of decision making by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Development of ShNK "Designing Duration Regulations on the Projects Realized due to Centralized Investments"

III sq. 2016.


RPI "Uzinzhiniring"


Implementation of procedure in case of which in selection due to centralized investments have the right to participate the project organizations having the license for designing of objects II and III of categories of complexity to the right of designing of objects.

Perform till January 1, 2018 step-by-step implementation in the project organizations of the certificate of the ISO-9000 quality system.

Modification of license agreements

III sq. 2016.

Gosarkhitektstroy together with interested

project organizations


Enhancement of the mechanism of determination of level of other costs of contract organizations in case of determination of starting cost of the objects realized due to centralized investments.

Joint resolution

III sq. 2016.

Ministry of Finance,

Ministry of Economics, Gosarkhitektstroy,

State Tax Committee, Goskomkonkurention, Goskomstat


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