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The document ceased to be valid since  January 13, 2022 according to the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of November 26, 2021 No. 102


of December 31, 2015 No. 225

About approval of the Method of calculation of gross domestic product production method and by method of use of the income on quarters in the annual average prices

(as amended on 10-08-2016)

Based on the Regulations on National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 445 "About some questions of bodies of the state statistics" the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Method of calculation of gross domestic product by production method and method of use of the income on quarters in the annual average prices and to enact it since calculation of gross domestic product production method and by method of use of the income on quarters in the annual average prices for the I quarter 2016.

2. Declare invalid the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of December 27, 2010 No. 280 "About approval of the Method of calculation of quarter gross domestic product production method and by method of use in the annual average prices".

3. This resolution becomes effective since June 1, 2016.


I. V. Medvedev


Approved by the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of December 31, 2015 No. 225

Method of calculation of gross domestic product production method and by method of use of the income on quarters in the annual average prices

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Technique establishes procedure of payments of gross domestic product (further - GDP) production method and method of use of the income on quarters in the annual average prices National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus.

GDP on quarters, unlike annual, represents the statistics calculated as soon as possible after the accounting period for assessment and the analysis of the current changes in economy.

2. Calculation of GDP for quarters in the annual average prices provides dynamic row for several years which allows to calculate indexes of physical amount of GDP. For ensuring operational observation of the current economic situation and establishments of the reasons of changes in economy are compared data of the last, reporting and corresponding quarter of basis (last) year.

3. In this Technique the following terms and their determinations are used:

the basic period (year) - the quarter (year) accepted for base of comparison;

gross value added - the difference between release and intermediate consumption estimated by types of economic activity;

gross accumulating - gross accumulating of fixed capital and change of inventories of material current assets;

gross accumulating of fixed capital - investment residents of means in objects of fixed capital for creation of the new income in the future by their use in production;

type of economic activity - process when material resources, the equipment, work, technology are combined in such a way that it leads to receipt of uniform set of products (goods or services);

release of goods and services (further - release) - the total cost of the goods and services which are result of economic activity of residents of the Republic of Belarus in the accounting period;

deflyatirovaniye - division of data for the accounting period in current prices on the corresponding price indexes;

inventories of material current assets - material current assets which are available for institutional units at present, not included in fixed capital: production supplies, work in progress, finished goods and goods, state material reserves;

change of inventories of material current assets - difference between inventory cost for the end and at the beginning of the period, estimated in average market prices of the considered period for change in price influence elimination;

commodity import and services - import to the Republic of Belarus of goods and services from abroad for their realization in the domestic market;

index deflator - the relative statistics characterizing the change in price in the accounting period in comparison with the basic period (year);

institutional units - legal and (or) physical persons which own goods and assets assume liabilities, participate in economic activity and transactions with other legal and (or) physical persons from own name;

coefficient of change of specific weight of intermediate consumption in release - the relation of specific weight of intermediate consumption in release for the accounting period in the comparable prices to specific weight of intermediate consumption in release for the corresponding period of previous year in current prices;

taxes on products - the taxes levied in proportion to quantity or cost of the made and sold goods and the rendered services or imported goods and services by residents;

intermediate consumption - the cost of goods and services which are consumed in the accounting period in production process;

expenses on final consumption - expenses on final consumption of households, the state organizations on individual goods and services, on collective services, and also the non-profit organizations serving households;

expenses on final consumption of the state organizations on individual goods and services - expenses of the state organizations on the consumer goods and services intended for individual consumption and financed from budget funds;

expenses on final consumption of the state organizations on collective services - expenses on the services rendered by budget funds by the organizations which satisfy requirements not of separate households, but societies in general or separate national groups (defense expenditure, management, road economy, scientific activities);

expenses on final consumption of households - expenses of households on purchase of consumer goods and services which are used for satisfaction of own requirements;

expenses on final consumption of the non-profit organizations serving households - expenses of public organizations on consumer goods and the services provided to households it is free, including the services rendered by the organizations to the workers in the field of health care, education, culture;

residents - the institutional units performing or intending to perform the activities in the economic territory of the Republic of Belarus during the long term (at least a year);

subsidies for products - the subsidies provided for unit of manufactured goods or the rendered service, that is in proportion to quantity or cost made and the sold goods and the rendered services or imported goods and services by residents;

current prices - the prices which are actually used in the current (reporting) period;

net commodity export and services - difference between export and commodity import and services in value term;


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