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The document ceased to be valid since  July 1, 2020 according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 30, 2020 No. 388


of December 24, 2015 No. 1086

About establishment for 2016 of the sizes of expenditure of the means arriving from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, and the amount of compensation to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of expenses on collection of waste of goods and waste of packaging and introduction of amendments to the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 31, 2012 No. 708

(as amended on 29-12-2016)

According to part five of subitem 1.6 of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of July 11, 2012 "About some questions of the address with consumer wastes" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 313

1. Establish for 2016:

1.1. the sizes of expenditure of the means arriving on the current (settlement) bank account of public institution "Operator of secondary material resources" from the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs called in part one of subitem 1.2 of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of July 11, 2012 No. 313 "About some questions of the address with consumer wastes" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 14.07. 2012, 1/13623), according to appendix;

1.2. the following amount of compensation to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of expenses on collection in the territory of the Republic of Belarus of waste of goods and waste of packaging (except for the waste of the goods and waste of packaging received from production wastes and (or) transferred to legal entities or individual entrepreneurs from legal entities or individual entrepreneurs at whom this waste was formed as a result of productive activity) on condition of transfer of this waste for neutralization and (or) use in the territory of the Republic of Belarus or storage in its territory in case of lack of objects for neutralization and (or) use of such waste in the territory of the Republic of Belarus:

waste of paper and cardboard – 150 rubles for ton;

the cullet is tare, mixed in the flowers, – 150 rubles for ton;

the cullet sorted by flowers – 110 rubles for ton;

waste of plastic – 100 rubles for ton;

waste of tires, tires, rubber bags – 100 rubles for ton;

the fulfilled batteries – 5000 rubles for ton;

waste of the large-size electric and electronic equipment * – 440 rubles for ton;

waste of the mid-size electric and electronic equipment ** – 500 rubles for ton;

waste of the melkogabaritny electric and electronic equipment *** – 550 rubles for ton;

waste oils – 30 rubles for ton;

compact luminescent lamps (energy saving) fulfilled – 1 ruble 50 kopeks apiece;

the fluorescent tubes, mercury thermometers fulfilled – 50 kopeks apiece;


* Waste of refrigerators, deep freezes, washing, dishwashing and drying machines, plates gas and electric and other equipment which dimensions in the amount in three dimensions constitute more than 160 centimeters belong to waste of the large-size electric and electronic equipment.

** Waste of TVs, monitors, system units of computers, printers, copy machines, scanners, laptops, equipments sound recording or sound-reproducing, video writing down or video reproducing, conditioners, fans, Microwave ovens, heaters, accumulative electric water heaters, vacuum cleaners, typewriters, sewing machines and other equipment which dimensions in the amount in three dimensions constitute from 80 to 160 centimeters inclusive belongs to waste of the mid-size electric and electronic equipment.

*** The waste of the equipment which is not relating to waste of the large-size and mid-size electric and electronic equipment which dimensions in the amount in three dimensions constitute up to 80 centimeters inclusive belongs to waste of the melkogabaritny electric and electronic equipment.

1.3. the amount of compensation to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of expenses on collection in the territory of the Republic of Belarus of multiturnover glass packaging (except for such packaging transferred to legal entities or individual entrepreneurs from legal entities or individual entrepreneurs at whom this packaging was formed as a result of productive activity) on condition of its reuse in the territory of the Republic of Belarus - 1 kopek apiece;

1.4. the amount of compensation to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of expenses on collection in the territory of the Republic of Belarus of waste of the paper and (or) cardboard packagings received from the production wastes and (or) transferred to legal entities or individual entrepreneurs from legal entities or individual entrepreneurs at whom this waste was formed as a result of productive activity on condition of transfer of this waste for use in the territory of the Republic of Belarus under delivery agreements of goods for republican state needs - 50 rubles for ton.

Compensation specified in part one of this subitem is paid within the general size of the expenditure of means determined in Item of 1 appendix to this resolution.

2. In amount of the payment brought by producers and suppliers on the current (settlement) bank account of the operator for the organization of collection, neutralization and (or) use of waste of the goods and waste of packaging approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 31, 2012 No. 708 "About measures for implementation of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of July 11, 2012 No. 313" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 08.08. 2012, 5/36073; 11:11. 2014, 5/39664; 23:09. 2015, 5/41057):

replace figures "480 000", "1 000 000", "78 000", "320 000", "200 000", "700 000" respectively with figures "624 000", "1 300 000", "102 000", "416 000", "286 000", "1 000 000";

the words "percent 0,3" shall be replaced with words "1 percent".

3. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2016.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

A. Kobyakov


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