Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 22, 1995 No. 176-I

About the state awards

(as amended on 15-08-2022)

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of organization of the state awards, rewardings and uses of the state awards.

Article 2. Legislation on the state awards

The legislation on the state awards consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

The relations in the field of organization of the state awards, rewardings and uses of the state awards in the Republic of Karakalpakstan are regulated also by the legislation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

Article 3. State awards

The state awards are the highest form of encouragement of citizens for their contribution to strengthening of independence of the country, preservation of peace and stability, increase in economic, political, social, scientific, intellectual, spiritual potential and defensive power of the country, merit in public, charitable, humanitarian and other fields of activity before the state and the people.

Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, foreign citizens and stateless persons can be awarded by the state awards of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan can be awarded with foreign state awards.

With the state awards along with citizens administrative and territorial units, bodies of the public and economic board, military divisions, non-state non-profit organizations, on-stage performance groups and other legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also foreign legal entities in some cases can be awarded.

Article 4. Organization of the state awards

The state awards are established by the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Regulations on the state awards and descriptions of the state awards affirm the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Official names of the state awards of the Republic of Uzbekistan are established in state language.

Chapter 2. System of the state awards

Article 5. Types of the state awards

The state awards are:

rank "÷zbekiston Kakhramoni";

honorary titles of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

awards of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

medals of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Certificate of honor of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 6. Rank "÷zbekiston Kakhramoni"

The rank "÷zbekiston Kakhramoni" is the highest degree of difference and once is appropriated.

Persons awarded ranks "÷zbekiston with Kakhramoni" are handed the highest distinction - the medal "Oltin Yulduz" and the certificate to it.

Article 7. Honorary titles of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Honorary titles of the Republic of Uzbekistan are:

"÷zbekiston Respublikasi sanjat arbob";

"÷zbekiston Respublikasi fan of arboba";

"÷zbekiston iftikhor";

"÷zbekiston Respublikasi Hulk actor";

"÷zbekiston Respublikasi Hulk of bakhshisa";

"÷zbekiston Respublikasi Hulk of yozuvchisa";

"÷zbekiston Respublikasi Hulk of rassoma";

"÷zbekiston Respublikasi Hulk of ustasa";

"÷zbekiston Respublikasi Hulk of shoira";

"÷zbekiston Respublikasi Hulk of ¸kituvchisa";

"÷zbekiston Respublikasi Hulk of hofiza";

"÷zbekiston Respublikasida kommunat, maishiya va savdo sokhasida hizmat k¸rsatgan we go";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan aloka hody";

"Uzbekiston Respublikasida hizmat k¸rsatgan actor";

÷zbekiston Respublikasida hizmat k¸rsatgan geologist "(" honored geologist of the Republic of Uzbekistan");

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan yoshlar murabbiys";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan journalist";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan irrigator";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan ikhtiroch va rationalizer";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan ikhtisodch";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan madaniit hody";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan mejmor";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan pakhtakor";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan pillach";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan sanoat hody";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan soglikn saklash hody";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan ustoza sport";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan sportch";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan transport hody";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan fukaro aviatsiyas hody";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan Hulk tajly hody";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan chorvador";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan lawyer";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan kishlak h¸zhalik hody";

"÷zbekiston Республикасида hizmat k¸rsatgan kuruvch".

Persons awarded honorary titles of the Republic of Uzbekistan are handed the breastplate of the established sample and the certificate to them.

Article 8. Awards of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Awards of the Republic of Uzbekistan are:

award "Mustakillik";

award "Amir Temur";

award "Zhaloliddin Manguberdi";

award "Buyuk of Hizmatlara Uchun";

award "Al Yurtas of Hurmata";

award "Fidokorona of Hizmatlara Uchun";

award "Mekhnat of Shukhrata";

award "Fakhry of murabbiya;

award "Sogl avlod uchun" I and II degrees;

degree award "Sean-sharaf" I and II;

award "D¸stlik";

degree award "Salomatlik" I and II;

award "Mardlik".

Also the award "Oly Darazhali D¸stlik", the award "Oly Darazhali Yim Buhory" and the award "Imom Buhory" are among awards of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 9. Medals of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Medals of the Republic of Uzbekistan are:

medal "Zhasorat";

medal "Sodik of Hizmatlara Uchun";

medal "Sogl turmush"

medal "Kelazhak of Bunyodkora";

medal "Shukhrat".


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