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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan 

 On October 11, 2010 No. 697


of October 2, 2010 No. 499

About approval of the Concept of professional orientation of pupils in the Republic of Tajikistan

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of 10.02.2016 No. 66)

According to article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the state prospects, the concept, strategy and programs of social and economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan", the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:

1) to Approve the Concept of professional orientation of pupils in the Republic of Tajikistan it (is applied).

2) to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan together with the relevant ministries, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and Academy of Education of Tajikistan to take necessary measures for execution of this resolution.

3) to Executive bodies of the government of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, Sughd and Khatlon areas, the city of Dushanbe, cities and areas of republican subordination to take necessary measures for implementation of this Concept.

To Declare 4) invalid the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan "About approval of the Concept and Program of professional orientation in educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan" of October 5, 1998, No. 399.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan

Emomalii Rahmon

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of October 2, 2010 No. 499

The concept of professional orientation of pupils in the Republic of Tajikistan


The concept of professional orientation of pupils in the Republic of Tajikistan (further - the Concept) is developed on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the actions plan on accomplishment of orders of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan at meeting with representatives of science and education, devoted to Year of education and technical knowledge and other regulatory legal acts in the field of education.

The concept in the conditions of independence, developments of the modern equipment and technology and the need of the labor market for qualified personnel determines state policy in the field of labor education and right choice of profession. It in new historical stage regulating essence, the purpose, tasks and contents of labor education and professional orientation of pupils, enhances their role and the status in forming of the personality.

Psychological and age features of pupils in choice of profession, individual capabilities in mastering knowledge, technological skills and ways of their implementation are shown in the Concept. In new conditions of the public relations it performs tendencies of development of state policy taking into account sense and content of discipline on technology of work and choice of profession.

The concept is the document, covering theoretical and methodological bases, determines the purposes> tasks, sense and content, and also features of career guidance of pupils in organizations of the general education, primary and secondary professional education of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Implementation of the Concept helps right choice of profession and increase in professional qualities of specialists, and demands its implementation from all government institutions, educational institutions, irrespective of structural accessory, other relevant departments and citizens of the republic.

1. Professional orientation, its directions, purpose and methods

1) the Professional orientation - one of components of universal culture, the society which is shown in the form of care of professional formation of younger generation, support and development of natural talents, and also carrying out complex of special psychology and pedagogical, psychophysiological, medical and state measures of assistance to the person in professional self-determination and the choice of optimum type of employment taking into account its interests, tendencies, capabilities, social and economic situation of the labor market and requirement of society for professions.

2) the Most important components of professional orientation are:

- professional information - acquaintance of youth with production types, work market situation, the needs of economy for qualified personnel, content and the prospects of development of professions, forms and the conditions of their development, requirements imposed by professions to the person, opportunities of vocational growth and self-improvement in the course of labor activity;

- professional consultation - assistance to the person in professional self-determination for the purpose of adoption of the conscious decision in the choice of professional way taking into account its psychological features and opportunities, and also requirements of society;

- professional matching - provision of recommendations to the person about the possible directions of professional activity, the most corresponding its to psychological, physiological features on the basis of results of psychological, psychophysiological and medical diagnostics;

- professional selection - determination of degree of professional suitability of the person to specific profession (specialty) according to normative requirements;

- professional, production and social adaptation - system of measures, the worker promoting professional formation, to forming at it the corresponding social and professional qualities, installations and requirements to active creative activity, achievement of the highest level of professionalism.

3) the Professional orientation is performed for the purpose of:

- providing social guarantees in the sphere of free choice of profession, work arrangement and ways of self-realization of the personality in the conditions of the market relations;

- achievements of balance between professional interests of the person, its psychophysiological features and opportunities of the labor market;

- forecasting of professional success in any sphere of labor activity;

- assistance to the continuous growth of professionalism of the personality as most important condition of her satisfaction with work and own social status, realization of individual potential, forming of healthy lifestyle and worthy welfare.

4) Main methods of professional orientation:

- informing - individual, group, mass (direct - lecture, conversation; mediated - mass media);

- psychological and medical consultation;

- psychological, psychophysiological and medical diagnostics;

- various pedagogical methods.


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