Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 23, 1994 No. 2018-XII

About subsoil

(as amended on 12-10-2021)

I. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose and main objectives of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations arising in case of ownership, use and the order of subsoil (the mountain relations).

The main objectives of this Law are ensuring rational, complex use of subsoil for requirements satisfaction in mineral raw materials and other needs, protection of subsoil, the environment, safety of conducting works when using natural resources, and also protection of the rights of subsoil users, protection of interests of the personality, society and state.

Article 2. Basic concepts

In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:

the protected geological objects - the scientific and training grounds, geological reserves, geological wildlife areas, nature sanctuaries, caves and other underground cavities representing historical, scientific, art and other cultural value;

subsoil - the part of crust located below soil layer, and in case of its absence - below the land surface or bottom of water objects, stretching to depths available to geological studying and development;

geological studying of subsoil - the complex of special research works on clarification of features of geological structure of crust including regional geological studying of the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, search, assessment and investigation of mineral deposits, determination of quantity and quality of the inventories containing in them, their technological properties and economic value, and also other properties of subsoil;

popular minerals - the minerals used in their natural state or with insignificant processing and cleaning;

standards - set of the requirements to stock counting of minerals proved by technical and economic calculations in the subsoil (except for oils, gas and gas condensate) considering their technological properties, mining-and-geological and other conditions of mining, market conditions on mineral raw materials and products of its conversion, the price of energy resources;

mineral raw materials - the minerals extracted and undergone preprocessing;

industrial underground waters - the underground waters and underground brines containing minerals in dissolved condition;

trial production - the mining performed in the course of geological studying of subsoil for the purpose of development or enhancement of technology of enrichment and conversion of minerals, the choice of rational methods and methods of industrial development of mineral deposits, and also use of technogenic mineral educations;

technogenic mineral educations - waste mining and processing industries, the containing useful components suitable for use;

useful component - mineral component which extraction for the purpose of industrial use is technologically possible and economically reasonable;

the mineral deposit - the subsoil plot containing minerals which in the quantitative and high-quality relation can be object of development;

minerals - the natural mineral formations of inorganic and organic origin containing in subsoil in strong, liquid or gaseous state, including industrial underground waters, brines and brine of salt lakes;

mining - the complex of works connected with extraction of minerals from subsoil on surface;

prospecting production - nonindustrial production of precious metals on subsoil plots, including loose gold deposits, on the basis of entrepreneurial risk.

Article 3. Legislation on subsoil

The legislation on subsoil consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

The relations connected with use of subsoil in the Republic of Karakalpakstan are regulated also by the legislation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

The relations connected with use and protection of lands, waters (except for industrial underground waters), plant and animal life, atmospheric air, arising when using natural resources, are regulated by the relevant legislation.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about subsoil then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 4. Property on subsoil

Subsoil is property of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is subject to rational use and is protected by the state.

Article 5. State fund of subsoil

The state fund of subsoil is constituted by the used and not used subsoil plots, and also technogenic mineral educations.

Article 6. The property right to the extracted minerals, technogenic mineral educations

The minerals extracted in the procedure established by the legislation can be in state-owned property, property of legal entities and physical persons.

The property right to the technogenic mineral educations got in the course of mining and conversion of mineral raw materials remains for the subsoil user for the term of use of the subsoil plot.

II. State regulation of the mountain relations


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