of December 9, 2015 No. ZRU-395
About the electronic government
Accepted by Legislative house on November 18, 2015
Approved by the Senate on December 3, 2015
The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of the electronic government.
The legislation on the electronic government consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about the electronic government then are applied rules of the international treaty.
In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:
the electronic government - the system of organization-legal measures and technical means aimed at providing activities of state bodies for rendering the state services to physical persons and legal entities by application of information and communication technologies, and also interdepartmental electronic interaction;
the state service - the service rendered by state bodies on realization of their functions, performed on requests of applicants. Also other organizations can render the state service in cases if functions on rendering the state services according to the legislation are assigned to them;
request - the requirement of the applicant sent them to state bodies about rendering the state service;
the applicant - the physical person or legal entity which made in state body inquiry;
interdepartmental electronic interaction - data exchange between state bodies by means of information and communication technologies;
single identifiers of the electronic government - the unique codes appropriated to each physical person and legal entity, subjects of the inventory and the real estate, geographical and other objects allowing to identify them in the electronic government;
regulations of electronic state service - the regulatory legal act determining procedure and requirements to rendering electronic state service;
electronic state service - the state service rendered using information and communication technologies.
The main objectives of the electronic government are:
ensuring efficiency, efficiency and transparency of activities of state bodies, gain of their responsibility and performing discipline, creation of additional mechanisms of ensuring feedback coupling with the population and subjects of entrepreneurship;
creation in all territory of the country of opportunities for applicants on implementation of relations with state bodies within the electronic government;
forming of databases of state bodies within the functions assigned to them, the Single portal of interactive state services and the Unified register of electronic state services;
implementation in system of public administration of the principle "one window" when implementing relations with the population and subjects of entrepreneurship due to forming of mechanisms of electronic document management, interaction and information exchange between databases of state bodies;
transfer of subjects of entrepreneurship into use of electronic document management, including in processes of submission of the statistical reporting, customs clearance, issue of licenses, permissions, certificates, and also receipts of information from state bodies;
expansion of use by subjects of entrepreneurship of systems of electronic commerce, sales of products and implementation of purchases through the worldwide information network the Internet, and also implementations of automated systems of accounting, control and payment of utilities;
development of systems of cashless electronic payments, implementation of public procurements, remote access and other electronic forms of activities in the bank and financial sphere.
The basic principles of the electronic government are:
openness and transparency of activities of state bodies;
equal access for applicants to electronic state services;
rendering electronic state services in the principle "one window";
standardization of documents of state bodies;
use of single identifiers of the electronic government;
continuous improvement of procedure for rendering electronic state services;
information security support.
Activities of state bodies in the field of the electronic government are performed openly and are transparent according to the legislation.
Information on procedure for rendering electronic state services to applicants is public and open and is published on official websites of the state bodies rendering electronic state services.
The state bodies rendering electronic state services provide upon the demand of the applicant information on condition of consideration of its request and results of rendering services by the direction of adequate notices electronically.
The state bodies rendering electronic state services shall create conditions of equal access to electronic state services for all applicants.
In cases when the state body rendering electronic state services for rendering such service needs receipt of the documents and data which are available in other state bodies, rendering electronic state service is performed by the principle "one window" in case of which the state body rendering electronic state services receives the specified documents and data independently, without participation of the applicant by means of interdepartmental electronic interaction.
The documents of state bodies used when rendering electronic state services and also in the course of interdepartmental electronic interaction, shall be unified among themselves taking into account exception from them of information which within rendering electronic state service is already requested by other state bodies.
Standardization of documents is performed by directly state bodies together with authorized body in the field of the electronic government.
When rendering electronic state services, and also in the course of interdepartmental electronic interaction single identifiers of the electronic government are used.
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