Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  May 13, 2023 according to item 4 of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of May 11, 2023 No. 65


of October 1, 2015 No. 654

About ensuring realization and monitoring of efficiency of personal special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions)

(as amended on 15-08-2019)

Being guided by the Law of Ukraine "About sanctions" and "About the National Bank of Ukraine", the Presidential decree of Ukraine of September 16, 2015 No. 549/2015 "About the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of September 2, 2015 "About application of personal special economic and other restrictive means (sanctions)" (further - the Presidential decree of Ukraine of September 16, 2015 No. 549/2015), the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine decides:

1. To banks of Ukraine:

To provide 1) to the National Bank of Ukraine within five working days from the effective date of the presidential decree of Ukraine about enforcement of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine adopted according to part three of article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "About sanctions" (further - the sanctions list), data on availability and remaining balance of means on bank accounts on which means of the physical persons and legal entities specified in the sanctions list to which rationing arrangements (sanctions) "blocking of assets are applied are considered - temporary restriction of the right of person to use and dispose of the property belonging to it" (further - "blocking of assets") ", " stop of financial transactions ", " prevention of removal of the capitals out of limits of Ukraine ", " suspension of execution of economic and financial liabilities "and/or" stop of accomplishment of economic and financial liabilities (prohibition to grant the loans, loans, financial aid, guarantees; prohibition perform crediting through security purchase; will lock acquisitions of securities)" as of Date of Introduction in action of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine accepted according to part three of article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "About sanctions" and as of date of provision of information to the National Bank of Ukraine;

2) monthly, no later than the fifth working day of the month following reporting to provide to the National Bank of Ukraine according to the regulatory legal act which regulates rules of the organization of the statistical reporting provided in the National Bank of Ukraine, such information:

about remaining balance of means on bank accounts on which means of the physical persons and legal entities specified in the sanctions list to which rationing arrangements (sanctions) "blocking of assets" are applied, "stop of financial transactions", "prevention of removal of the capitals out of limits of Ukraine", "suspension of execution of economic and financial liabilities" are considered and/or "stop of accomplishment of economic and financial liabilities (prohibition to grant the loans, loans, financial aid, guarantees; prohibition perform crediting through security purchase; will lock acquisitions of securities)" (further - persons specified in the sanctions list);

about attempts of carrying out financial transactions by persons specified in the sanctions list or their representatives;

about attempts of carrying out financial transactions for benefit of persons specified in the sanctions list and about the stopped financial transactions which aimed, promoted or could promote avoidance/violation of the restrictions set by sanctions or broke the restrictions set by sanctions;

3) to refuse establishment of business contacts with persons specified in sanctions lists to which the sanction "prohibition on establishment of business contacts" is applied;

4) to stop financial transactions of persons specified in sanctions lists to which the sanction "stop of financial transactions" is applied;

5) to take measures for prevention of removal out of limits of Ukraine of the capital by persons specified in sanctions lists to which the sanction "prevention of conclusion of the capitals out of limits of Ukraine" is applied;

6) to suspend execution of financial liabilities for benefit of persons specified in sanctions lists to which the sanction "suspension of execution of economic and financial liabilities" is applied - in full, and for benefit of persons to whom the sanction "suspension of execution of economic and financial liabilities is applied (prohibition to grant the loans, loans, financial aid, guarantees; prohibition perform crediting through security purchase; will lock acquisitions of securities)", - regarding the list of the actions determined by the sanction: loan granting, including through security purchase, loans, financial aid, guarantees;

7) to block means / to stop financial transactions of persons specified in sanctions lists, in the following procedure:

enlists the means which arrived for benefit of person specified in sanctions lists to whom the sanction "blocking of assets" is applied bank on the bank account of this person, and in case of absence in bank of the account of such person, the bank considers means on the corresponding balance sheet account intended for accounting of accounts payable on transactions with clients of bank;

considers the means which arrived for benefit of person specified in sanctions lists to whom the sanction "stop of financial transactions" is applied bank on the corresponding balance sheet account intended for accounting of accounts payable on transactions with clients of bank;

considers the means which arrived for benefit of the client from the face specified in sanctions lists to which sanctions "blocking of assets" and/or "stop of financial transactions" are applied bank on the corresponding balance sheet account intended for accounting of accounts payable on transactions with clients of bank;

the bank shall refuse performed by the settlement document to the client specified in the sanctions list which is initiator of the translation and to which sanctions "blocking of assets" and/or "stop of financial transactions" are applied;

the bank shall refuse to the client performed by the settlement document for benefit of person specified in the sanctions list to which sanctions "blocking of assets" are applied, "stop of financial transactions", "suspension of execution of economic and financial liabilities" and/or "stop of accomplishment of economic and financial liabilities (prohibition to grant the loans, loans, financial aid, guarantees; prohibition perform crediting through security purchase; will lock acquisitions of securities);

 the emitting bank shall refuse to person specified in sanctions lists to whom sanctions "blocking of assets" and/or "stop of financial transactions", in implementation of transaction according to its bank accounts with use of electronic means of payment are applied;


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