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The document ceased to be valid since  October 31, 2017 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 31, 2017 No. 359


of March 20, 2015 No. 240

About approval of Sanitary regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to vehicles for public conveyance and loads"

According to Item 6 of article 144 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 18, 2009 "About health of the people and health care system", PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Sanitary regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to vehicles for public conveyance and loads".

2. To provide to committee on consumer protection of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order its direction on official publication in periodic printed publicity materials and in information system of law of Ad_let;

3) placement of this order on official Internet resource of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days from the date of its first official publication.

Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Minister of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

April 6, 2015


______________ T. Duysenova

It is approved

Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

April 10, 2015


_____________ A. Isekeshev

Approved by the Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 20, 2015 No. 240

Sanitary regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to vehicles for public conveyance and loads"

1. General provisions

1. These Sanitary regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to vehicles for public conveyance and loads" (further - Sanitary regulations) determine sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to content and operation of the vehicles (railway, automobile, sea, internal water, air) (further - vehicles) used to public conveyance (the special contingent), foodstuff, food staples, economic culinary water, radioactive, dangerous chemical and toxic substances and to condition of carriages of passengers and loads.

2. Operation of vehicles is allowed in the presence of the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued according to Item 8 of Article 62 "About health of the people and health care system" (further - the Code).

3. In these Sanitary regulations the following concepts are used:

1) the automotive vehicle (further - the vehicle) - unit of railway vehicles of the road transport including buses, minibuses, passenger and cargo vehicles, automobile trailers, semitrailer trucks to truck tractors and also the specialized cars (intended for transportation of certain types of loads) and the special equipment vehicles (intended for accomplishment of different mainly not transport works);

2) air-chemical works (further - AHR) - the works performed by civil aviation using pesticides and agrochemicals in agricultural industry on sites of agricultural, forest and other holdings;

3) emergency situation - the conditions other than conditions of normal carriage of goods connected with fire, leakage, prosypaniye of dangerous substance, damage of container or railway vehicles with dangerous goods which can bring or led to explosion, the fire, poisoning, radiation, diseases, burns, frostbites, death of people or animals, dangerous effects for the environment, and also cases when in accident zone on the railroad there were cars, containers or cargo pieces with dangerous goods;

4) emergency cards (Index of search of dangerous goods in number of the United Nations and according to the name) - include all synonymic versions of the name of dangerous goods under which it is named in the existing specifications and technical documentation "Emergency cards on dangerous goods" approved and enacted by the decision of Council for rail transport of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Protocol of May 30, 2008 No. 48 (further - the Emergency card).

The emergency card contains instructions for use of individual protection equipment, necessary instructions for actions in case of emergency situation: general nature; in case of leakage, flood and scattering; in case of the fire; instructions for neutralization; instructions on measures of first aid;

5) special self-propelled railway vehicles (further - Union of Right Forces) - traction vehicles (railmotor cars, section cars, special railcars, railway and construction machines) intended for transportation on railway tracks of passengers, employees of railway divisions, baggage and loads;

6) the special contingent - group of the people condemned by the judgment for different crimes and transported in special cars;

7) stopping point - the Item intended only for landing and disembarkation of passengers;

8) the special car - the car for transportation of TB patients with allocation of mikobakteriya of tuberculosis and without allocation of mikobakteriya of tuberculosis;

9) the operator of the air vehicle - the physical person or legal entity performing operation of the air vehicle based on the property right, the lease agreement or other documents of title;

10) baggage - the property of the passenger accepted for shipment on vehicles;

11) buffet bar - the allocated site in the car of the passenger train or electric train under the device of rack of bar with the corresponding equipment, for realization of drinks, juice, water and not perishable products in original packing;

12) the dining car - Item of public catering where storage, preparation and realization of foodstuff and dishes along the line of the passenger train is made;

13) the car - refrigeration station - the car equipped with cooling installations;

14) hydrophore - the tank for water storage which is under pressure;

15) diesel power plant - the power station equipped with one or several generators of current flow given to rotation by diesel engines;

16) intertrack - the site between railway tracks;

17) the passenger train - the train for public conveyance, baggage and mail created from passenger rail cars;

18) passenger rail cars - the cars intended for public conveyance and (or) baggage, mailings such, as post, luggage, dining cars, office and technical, office, clubs, sanitary, test and measuring laboratories, special cars of passenger type;

19) Item of equipment of passenger rail cars (further - equipment Item) - the specialized site of railway tracks where preparation and equipping of cars in run is performed;

20) maintenance of passenger rail cars (further - TO) - survey, the running bezottsepochny repair and equipment of the car in maintenance Items, on passenger technical stations in Items of forming and turnover, stations on train travel line, in case of maintenance of passenger rail cars in sediment;

21) the passenger ship - the vessel intended for transportation more than twelve passengers;

22) passenger capacity - the number of passengers determined by number of berths (cabin passengers) and number of permanent places for sitting (extra cabin passengers);

23) upgrade - entering into the accepted standard pattern of railway vehicles of the essential changes requiring conducting type or acceptance tests;

24) galley - rooms for preparation and eat period of boat team numbering no more than five people;

25) quarantine diseases - group of diseases (plague, cholera, yellow fever) which are characterized by the increased contageousness and lethality, one of effective preventive actions against which, holding quarantine actions is;

26) boat team - the persons brought in the ship state, providing management, movement and safety of operation of the vessel including the personnel servicing both staff of the vessel, and passengers;

27) packaging - means or complex of the means providing protection of products against damage and loss, and also facilitating transportation, storage and sales of products;

28) guard duty - the division of the militarized railway protection performing protection of railway objects, loads at stations and along the line trains;

29) dangerous goods - dangerous substance, materials, products and production wastes which, owing to their specific properties, during the transporting or overload can create threat of life and to human health, to cause environmental pollution, to cause damage and destruction of transport constructions, means and other property;

30) oily waters - the waters accumulating under flooring of machine and boiler rooms and other waters containing oil products;

31) the office and household car - the car intended for rest and respect for life conditions of personnel;

32) engine rooms - rooms in which the propelling and auxiliary machines, boilers, pumps, generators, the equipment for ventilation and air conditioning, Items for fueling, workshops and other utility rooms, and also mines of these rooms are located;

33) driver's cab - the part of body separated by partitions in which workplaces of engine crew, devices and devices for control of the locomotive, motor car railway vehicles, special railway rolling stock are located;

34) the specialized clearing freighter - the self or dumb boat intended for acceptance of all or part of drain waters and subsequent their processing;

35) motor car railway vehicles (further - MVPS) are motor and trailer cars of which the motor car trains (electric trains, diesel trains and railcars) intended for public conveyance, baggage, mail are created;

36) pesticides (agricultural chemicals) - the chemical, biological and other substances used against harmful and especially dangerous harmful organisms and also for preharvesting drying, removal of leaves and regulation of growth of plants;

37) radioactive load - the radioactive material accepted for shipment in load (special) carrying transport;

38) the refrigerated car - the car equipped with refrigeration unit for transportation of perishable products;

39) refrigerator railway vehicles - structure which consists of refrigerated cars, the car refrigeration station, diesel power plants, the office and household car;

40) the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion - the document certifying compliance (discrepancy) to sanitary regulations and hygienic standard rates of the project documentation, environmental factors of dwelling, economic and other activity, products, works and services;

41) salon (cabin) - the internal room of the vehicle for passengers and the driver;

42) court Aquariuses - court for water transportation;

43) railway station - the Item which is dividing the main ways into sites, having traveling development, providing traffic regulation, handling capacity and allowing to make transactions on acceptance, departure, crossing, overtaking of trains, on servicing of passengers, acceptance, issue of baggage, cargo baggage, mailings and (or) loads;

44) maintenance-1 (further - TO-1) - survey, the running bezottsepochny repair, preparation of the equipment of passenger rail cars before each departure in run in maintenance Item, and also in trains along the line;

45) maintenance-2 (further - TO-2) - complex preparation of passenger rail cars before summer and winter transportations;

46) perishable load - the load having limited expiration date, and requiring special condition of carriages and storage;

47) organized children's collective - collective at least from ten children, aged from 6 up to 18 years, following in one transport along one route accompanied by adults and the health worker;

48) crude load - the load containing liquid, or load which can emit liquid by the nature or form liquid (liquid in the watertight container, unpacked crude meat, the refrigerated fish, interiors of animals, skins, skin in the watertight container and animals);

49) the inland navigation vessel - the vessel intended for operation on inland waterways.

4. Workers of vehicles for public conveyance and loads have obligatory medical examinations according to the List of harmful production factors, professions in case of which obligatory medical examinations, by the approved order of the Minister of national economy performing obligations of February 28, 2015 No. 175, registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan at No. 10987 and Rules of performing obligatory medical examinations approved by the order of the Minister of national economy performing obligations of February 24, 2015 No. 128, registered in the Register of gosudarstveenny registration of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan at No. 10634 are performed.

5. Workers of dekretirovanny national groups have in case of themselves the personal medical book in the form established by the Rules of issue, accounting and maintaining personal medical books approved by the order of the Minister of national economy performing obligations of February 24, 2015 No. 126, registered in the Register of gosudarstveenny registration of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan at No. 10638 (further - Rules No. 126).

6. Workplaces are provided with the medical first-aid kit with set of medicines and dressings according to the List of medicines and products of medical purpose of automobile first-aid kits of first aid approved by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 2, 2014 No. 368, registered in the Register of gosudarstveenny registration of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan at No. 9649.

7. For cleaning and disinfection also the disinfectants allowed for use in the Republic of Kazakhstan are used washing (further - washing and disinfectants).

2. Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to designing, construction, reconstruction, repair and commissioning of passenger rail cars

8. On the project documentation of production of new samples of the passenger rail car, upgrade of the existing types, the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion, according to Item 8 of article 62 of the Code is issued to legal entities and physical persons.

9. Materials resistant to mechanical impacts, influence of light, washing and disinfectants, convenient for cleaning of pollution, allowed for use in the Republic of Kazakhstan are applied to internal finishing.

10. Again designed passenger rail cars have the toilets and sanitary rooms equipped with the system of removal of sewage of the closed type providing hermetic intake of sewage in tank collection.

11. The construction and finishing materials having criterion of toxicity (toxicity index) less than 20 are used.

12. From polymeric construction and finishing materials in surrounding air environment flying chemicals in the quantities able are not emitted to make direct or indirect adverse effect on human body (taking into account combined action of all emitted substances).

13. Admissible levels of release of chemicals from polymeric construction materials in the air environment and substances which are subject to determination in case of sanitary and chemical researches of the main types of polymeric construction materials are given in appendices 1 and 2 to these Sanitary regulations.

14. From construction and finishing materials migration of hazardous substances of 1 class of danger in air of internal space of the car, is not allowed. Content of other substances which are emitted from materials shall not exceed maximum-permissible concentration (further - maximum allowable concentration) for atmospheric air of the inhabited places.

15. In case of determination of class of danger are guided by the corresponding technical regulation approved according to the subitem 17) of article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 9, 2004 "About technical regulation".

16. In case of allocation from polymeric materials of several hazardous substances having the additive action, the amount of the attitudes of concentration towards their maximum allowable concentration does not exceed unit.

17. In structure of the platform grids are provided in floor for shoe-polish of passengers, ashtray, on edge walls - boxes for stock holding of fuel, harvest stock, garbage collectors.

18. Execution of transitional platforms of cars, excludes hit of precipitations, moisture, dust and dirt, hand-rail with hygienic, smooth covering are provided, the floor of transition is equipped hermetically.

19. The small platform of not office end of the car is equipped with dustbins of standard type with the inserted plastic bags.

20. Windows of passenger rail cars are glazed by the glass providing visibility, natural illumination, sound and thermal insulation.

21. Windows in corridor of the passenger rail car are protected with hand-rail, equipped with sun-protection curtains with the mechanism of rise and lowering.

22. Windows of toilet and shower rooms are glazed by opaque or tinted glass.

23. In car toilets the toilet bowl is made of corrosion-resistant material. The design of fixture excludes hit of moisture under toilet bowl and floor covering.

24. In car toilets the floor opening for water drain is closed by stopper. Pipelines for drain waters are placed on removal from the subcar equipment with heat insulation, and in again deliverable and projectible cars are equipped with heating devices.

25. The toilet bowl is equipped with plastic sitting with cover, the holder for toilet paper, reservoir with disinfectants and ruff.

26. Surfaces of walls, ceiling and floor in bathrooms become covered with waterproof and resistant materials to impact of disinfectants, without slots and hollows, excluding hit of moisture, dirt under covering.

27. The wash basin in toilet is equipped with the mixer of hot and cold water, the doser with liquid soap, the shelf with side for toilet accessories, mirror. Over water folding cranes the pictogram "Water not drinking" is provided. About wash basin the towel holder with one-time towels or electrotowel, reservoir for the used one-time towels is placed.

28. The sanitary and furnishing equipment of the car is supported in good repair.

29. The service spaces are provided:

1) cabinets for tea accessories and ware, niche to special clothes (further - overalls);

2) sink with eyeliner of hot and cold water;

3) sofa for the conductor, subwindow little table, loudspeaker with volume control, the thermometer for the indication of temperature in the car;

4) refrigerator;

5) microwave oven.

30. For rest of conductors the two-seat compartment (one sofa and one sleeping shelf) is taken away. The compartment is equipped with folding little table, folding grid (shelf) for small things, clothes or hooks, hangers, niche for baggage, sliding ladder.

31. The place for separate storage of the net and used bed linen is provided in sleeper cars.

32. Sleeping compartment it is equipped with sleeping sofas and regiments, folding little tables, folding grid (shelf) for small things, sliding ladder, clothes or hooks, hangers, niche for baggage, mirror.

33. The structure of the sleeping shelf excluding slipping of mattress is provided, the upper regiments are equipped with protective sides.

34. The passenger rail cars intended for transportation of organized children's collectives are supplied with safety belts for the upper shelves.

35. The salon for rest, sleeping compartment, kitchen and the bathroom is provided in the office and household car.

36. The salon for rest is located separately from kitchen. It is equipped with sofa (the shelf for lying), table, chairs, cabinet with separate departments for storage of working and house clothes, the net and used linen.

37. The kitchen is equipped with the stove, the refrigerator, cabinet for storage of products, sink with the mixer of cold and hot water, table, cabinet for the tableware and kitchen stock marked by container for collection of food wastes and garbage is equipped with table and kitchen ware.

38. The bathroom of the office and household car is functionally divided on toilet and shower. To shower and to wash basin cold and hot water is brought.

39. In the special car for transportation of convicts who are suffering from tuberculosis (further - patients), are provided: compartment for security officers, compartment for the health worker, kitchen, insulated spaces for patients, certain bathrooms for patients and personnel.

40. When carrying out TO-2 (autumn) works on winterization of windows and doors are performed. Window glasses and interframe space before winterization are purified.

41. When carrying out TO-2 (spring) window are cleared with removal of insulating materials and repair of mechanisms of raising of drop windows from within and outside.

42. When designing post luggage cars compartments for workers, the bathroom are provided (toilet and shower).

3. Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to water supply, channeling, heating, lighting and ventilation of passenger rail cars

43. The design of water supply system provides water pollution prevention, complete draining from reservoirs and the distribution pipeline and possibility of cleaning, washing, disinfection.

44. Ogolovok of water filling branch pipe of water supply system of the car is equipped with the defensor from pollution.

45. Disinfection of water supply system of the car is carried out in case of seasonal technical inspection of cars, after depot and capital repairs and according to sanitary and epidemiologic indications.

46. Potable water servicing is made from special water fuel filling columns, on arrival in forming Item water from car water supply system completely merges.

47. On each place of the car giving at least 25 liters in days of cold and hot water of drinking quality, in compliance with sanitary regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to water sources, places of water intake for the economic drinking purposes, economic drinking is provided to water supply, places of cultural and community water use and safety of water objects", approved by the order of the Minister of national economy of March 16, 2015 No. 209, registered in the Register of gosudarstveenny registration of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan at No. 10774 (further - the Order No. 209).

The culinary water from water supply systems of passenger rail cars is subject to laboratory control.

48. The car is equipped with separate installations for boiling and chilling of water, installation of the disinfecting device in cooling agents of culinary water is provided in again designed passenger rail cars.

49. For providing the dining car with hot water the autonomous water heater is established. Water temperature not below plus (further - +) 80 degrees Celsius is provided (further - °C).

50. The supply of hot and cold water to the washing bathtubs intended for washing of table and kitchen ware, stock, technological processing of raw materials and products is provided. Temperature of hot water is provided not below +50 °C to +65 °C.

51. The design and placement of heating devices provides access to their cleaning of dust and pollution.

52. Passenger rail cars are equipped with system of the mechanical plenum and natural exhaust ventilation. The ventilation system is calculated for continuous work for ensuring supply of fresh air in the summer - at least 20 cubic meters an hour (further - m3/hour), in the winter - at least 10 m3/hour on each place in the car.

53. In the special cars intended for transportation of patients separate exhaust ventilation systems, providing air exchange from corridor to the room are installed.

Cars are equipped with autonomous power source for uninterrupted electricity supply along the line, during the parking.

54. The conditioning system is provided in again delivered cars.

55. The air given to cars is purified by means of filters. Dust content of the given air after its cleaning is not allowed above milligram 0,5 on cubic meter (further - mg/m 3). Replacement of ventilating filters is made during the summer period of year - at least once in 15 days, in winter - once in 25 days.

56. Temperature of the fresh air given to the car when chilling is maintained not below +16 °C.

57. Content of carbon dioxide in air of salon is not allowed above 0,1 percent (further - %), air motion speed in the locations of passengers - 0,2 of meters per second (further - m/s) during the winter period, during the operation of the conditioner during the summer period of year - 0,25 of m/s. In cars without air conditioning during the summer period the motion speed of 0,4 air of m/s is allowed.

58. The dining car is equipped with mechanical balanced ventilation and the conditioner expelling receipt of smells from catering department to the lunch hall. In rooms in which there are air pollution sources (gas, dust, smells) of heat radiation, the local exhaust ventilation is equipped.

59. Open parts of surfaces of the heating devices having temperature above +55 °C are isolated by propulsion bars.

60. Natural and artificial lighting is provided in cars. For artificial lighting the lamps close on range to natural light which are not creating the reflected brightness and sharp contrasts are used.

61. Storage of the fulfilled luminescence lamps indoors is not allowed.

62. General and local lighting on each place for passengers is provided in sleeping compartment.

63. In compartment for passengers, service spaces, corridors of cars at the level of 800 millimeters (further - the mm) from floor, at distance of 600 mm from back of sofa and on surface of little table provides illumination at least 150 luxury (further - lx).

64. Illumination from the lamp of local lighting at distance of 0,7 of meters (further - m) from wall of the car and at m 0,5 height from surface of sofa is provided at least 40 lx.

65. Illumination on floor height in big corridors, in toilets makes at least 50 lx, in small corridors, platforms, on entrance steps - at least 30 lx.

66. In boiler rooms illumination at the level of survey meters is provided at least 30 lx.

67. Emergency lighting with illumination on floor height at least 1 lx is provided.

68. In the diesel room artificial lighting with the devices excluding hit of direct luminous flux in eyes of workers in case of equipment maintenance is provided, at workbench local lighting is arranged.

4. Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to condition of carriages of passengers

69. In Items of forming of passenger trains, MVPS it is carried out:

1) outside washing of cars;

2) disinfection processing of cars;

3) repair of the indoor and sanitary equipment;

4) cleaning of ventilation system, replacement of filters of forced ventilation according to frequency rate of frequency;

5) cleaning of internal rooms of cars;

6) supply of cars with pieces of the removable equipment;

7) potable water servicing and fuel;

8) providing sleeper cars with bedding and bed linen, products of tea trade;

9) equipment disinfecting and detergents in enough.

Disinsection and deratization processing of cars is carried out according to plan, at least 1 time a month, according to epidemiological indications and according to the request of the owner.

Unplanned disinfection and disinsection are carried out according to epidemiological indications.

70. Fuel (coal, firewood) to passenger rail cars is loaded in packed form and warehoused in boxes.

71. In Items of turnover of passenger trains it is carried out:

1) disinfection processing of toilets and dustbins;

2) repair of indoor equipment (according to the request);

3) wet cleaning, washing of internal rooms and equipment of cars;

4) filling of cars with culinary water and fuel;

5) if necessary, stock replenishment disinfecting and detergents.

In Items of turnover of MVPS partial preparation is carried out:

1) disinfection processing of toilets and dustbins;

2) current cleaning of salons and platforms;

3) filling of cars with culinary water.

72. Outside washing of cars includes body washing, washing of glasses, transitional platforms, hand-rail, steps.

73. Wet cleaning of internal rooms is carried out after the end of disinfection processing of the car using detergents. After cleaning the harvest stock and rags are disinfected, wash and dried.

Quality of disinfection of the passenger rail car, in case of behavior of checks of department of authorized body by territorial subdivisions in the field of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population, is subject to laboratory control.

74. The mattress and pillow with covers, blanket on season is included in the package of bedding.

75. Mattresses, pillows and winter blankets are exposed to dedusting and chamber processing two times a year during seasonal preparation, also in process of pollution and according to epidemiological indications.

Summer blankets are erased or exposed to dry cleaning at least two times a month. Covers matratsny and pillows are erased at least once a month.

Change of desktop napkins, sun-protection curtains and curtains is carried out after each run and in process of pollution.

Carpet paths are erased or exposed to dry cleaning at least 1 time in three months and in process of pollution.

76. Cleaning of internal rooms and the sanitary furnishing equipment of the car is carried out in overalls. Overalls consist of two sets of dressing gowns, rubber gloves (separately for cleaning of salon and toilets), with the corresponding alarm marking.

77. Are included in the package of harvest stock: three buckets, mop, brooms, scoops, rags, rags, brushes, the vacuum cleaner in the presence of carpet of floor and upholstered furniture. Buckets are marked - "for toilet", "for floor", "for shelves", rags, rags have alarm designation. The bucket "for shelves" is allowed to be used for washing of walls. The harvest stock is stored in the specially allotted place. Use of harvest stock not to destination is not allowed.

78. Before departure in run and at the end of the working day, ware and tableware reusable in uses wash to washing sink, hot water with use washing and disinfectants.

79. Cars after the end of outside and internal processing are supplied with removable stock, tea accessories and ware, soap, toilet paper, napkins, paper towels.

80. The quantity of the bed linen issued in run for trains of distant and local traffic is determined depending on duration of run, passenger traffic, but at least four sets into place. Is included in bedding set: the sheet, blanket cover, pillowcase of the closed type and the towel which are sealed up or stitched in envelope (packet) with laying of special label with laundry stamp, specifying of date of picking and number of the picker.

81. Cars are heated in winter and transitional season at temperature of fresh air of +10 °C and below. Before giving of the car on landing in winter and transitional season air temperature is maintained in rooms at the level of +22 °C (+ 2), in summertime of +24 °C (+ 2).

Before giving of structure on landing air temperature in cars is maintained in MVPS at the level from +11 °C to 15 °C, along the line - +22 °C (+ 2).

82. Noise level in compartment of passenger rail cars is allowed not higher than 65 decibels (further - dBA), platforms - 68 dBA, intercar transitions - 80 dBA, in MVPS salon is not higher than 75 dBA.

83. The vibration level in passenger rail cars is allowed by equal normalized curve of 64 dBA at frequency of 8000 Hertz (further - Hz), in case of the 8th hour impact.


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