Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 15, 2000 No. 171-II

About the state inventories

(as amended on 28-11-2023)
Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of maintaining the state inventories, collection and use of the cadastral information.

Article 2. Legislation on the state inventories

The legislation on the state inventories consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about the state inventories then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 3. Concept of the state inventory

The state inventory is component of the Single system of the state inventories and represents system of the updated data and documents on geographical location, legal status, quantity, quality characteristics and assessment of specific type of natural, economic or other object concerning which the state inventory is kept.

Article 4. Single system of the state inventories

The single system of the state inventories is created in the National geographical information system of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the National geographic information system) and is intended for ensuring single nation-wide accounting, assessment of natural and economic capacity of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its separate territories.

Provision of information of the state inventories in the National geographic information system is performed only on telecommunication networks with observance of requirements of information security. At the same time provision of information of the state inventories carried to the state secrets is performed according to the legislation on protection of the state secrets.

The procedure for provision of information of the state inventories for inclusion in the Single system of the state inventories is established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 5. Structure of the Single system of the state inventories

Enter the Single system of the state inventories:

state land cadastre;

state inventory of fields, shows of minerals and technogenic mineral educations;

state water inventory;

state forest inventory;

state inventory of objects of flora;

state inventory of objects of fauna;

the state inventory of the protected natural territories;

state inventory of buildings and constructions;

state town-planning inventory;

state inventory of hydraulic engineering constructions;

state inventory of objects of material cultural heritage;

state inventory of highways;

state inventory of the railroads;

state inventory of transport pipelines;

state inventory of objects of communication;

state inventory of energy objects;

state inventory of places of burial and waste recycling;

the state inventory of zones of the increased natural danger;

the state inventory of zones of the increased technogenic danger;

state kartografo-geodetic inventory.

The Single system of the state inventories can include also other state inventories determined by the law.

Article 6. Subjects of the state inventories

Subjects of the state inventories are the earth, fields and shows of minerals and technogenic educations, waters, the woods, plant and animal life, especially protected natural territories, zones of the increased natural and technogenic danger, the place of burial and waste recycling of production and consumption, the building and construction, geodetic Items, automobile and the railroads, transport and engineering communications.

By the law also other subjects of the state inventories can be provided.

Article 7. Basic principles of maintaining the state inventories

The basic principles of maintaining the state inventories are:

completeness of scope of all territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan by each type of cadastral objects;

application of single system of space coordinates;

unity of methodology of forming of the cadastral information;

reliability of the cadastral information;

availability of the cadastral information.

Article 8. Public administration in the field of maintaining the state inventories

Public administration in the field of maintaining the state inventories is exercised by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, specially authorized body and public authorities on places.

Article 9. Powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of maintaining the state inventories

Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

realizes single state policy, determines the priority directions of development of the state inventories, resolves issues of financing and investments;

determines procedure for maintaining the Single system of the state inventories in the National geographic information system;

determines procedure for provision of information of the state inventories for inclusion in the Single system of the state inventories;

establishes procedure for conducting state registration of the rights to cadastral objects, provisions of the cadastral information to users;

performs other powers according to the legislation.

Article 10. Powers of specially authorized body in the field of maintaining the state inventories

Specially authorized body in the field of maintaining the National geographic information system and the state inventories is the Agency according to the inventory under the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The agency according to the inventory under the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

coordinates activities of the ministries, departments and public authorities on places in the field of maintaining the state inventories by them;

performs maintaining the Single system of the state inventories in the National geographic information system;

provides in accordance with the established procedure the ministries and departments with the cartographic materials necessary for maintaining the corresponding state inventories;

approves in accordance with the established procedure regulations on maintaining the state inventories;

will organize preparation and advanced training of specialists;

performs other powers according to the legislation.

Article 11. Powers of public authorities on places in the field of maintaining the state inventories

Public authorities on places:

will organize state registration of the rights to cadastral objects;


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