of May 6, 2015 No. 18-1/415
About approval of standards of the state services in the field of forestry and especially protected natural territories
According to the subitem 1) of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 15, 2013 "About the state services", I ORDER:
1. Approve:
1) the standard of the state service "Issue of the Permit to Carrying Out the Amateur (Sports) Fishery Permitted for Needs of the Local Population Living in the Conservation Zone of the Markakolsky National Natural Park" according to appendix 1 to this order;
3) the standard of the state service "Issue of the Logging and Forest Ticket" according to appendix 3 to this order;
4) the standard of the state service "Issue of permission to use of sites under construction objects on lands of the state forest fund where forest resources are provided in long-term forest utilization for the improving, recreational, historical and cultural, tourist and sports purposes; needs of hunting economy; collateral forest use" according to appendix 4 to this order;
5) the standard of the state service "State Registration of the Agreement of Long-term Forest Utilization on Sites of the State Forest Fund" according to appendix 5 to this order;
6) the standard of the state service "Issue of Permission to Long-term Use under Construction Objects of Sites of Nature Protection Organizations" according to appendix 6 to this order;
7) the standard of the state service "Issue of Permission to Short-term Use of Sites of Nature Protection Organizations" according to appendix 7 to this order;
8) the standard of the state service "Issue of Import Permits to the Republic of Kazakhstan and Export out of Its Limits of Objects of Flora, Their Parts or Derivatives, including Types of the Plants Referred to Category Rare and Being under the threat of Disappearance" according to appendix 8 to this order;
9) the standard of the state service "Expense Recovery for Bookmark and Cultivation of Plantations of Fast-growing Tree and Shrubby Species, Creation and Development of Private Forest Nurseries" according to appendix 9 to this order;
10) the standard of the state service "Approval of Sites of the Objects Influencing Condition and Reproduction of the Woods" according to appendix 10 to this order;
11) the standard of the state service "Approval on Carrying Out in the State Forest Fund of the Works Which Are Not Connected with Forest Management" according to appendix 11 to this order.
2. To provide to committee of forestry and fauna of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order its direction on official publication in periodic printing editions and in information system of law of Ad_let;
3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. This order becomes effective after twenty one calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Mamytbekov
It is approved Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan June 11, 2015 |
_____________________ A. Isekeshev |
It is approved Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan "__" 2015 |
___________________ E.Dosayev |
Appendix 1
to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 6, 2015 No. 18-1/415
1. The state service "Issue of the Permit to Carrying Out the Amateur (Sports) Fishery Permitted for Needs of the Local Population Living in the Conservation Zone of the Markakolsky National Natural Park" (further - the state service).
2. The standard of the state service is developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the Ministry).
3. The state service appears the Markakolsky national natural park (further - the service provider).
Reception of an application and issue of result of rendering the state service are performed through office of the service provider.
4. Term of rendering the state service:
1) from the moment of delivery of document package to the service provider - 1 (one) working day;
2) the most allowed time of expectation in queue in case of delivery of document package - 30 minutes;
3) the most allowed time of servicing - 30 (thirty) minutes.
5. Form of rendering the state service: paper.
6. Result of rendering the state service - the permit to implementation of amateur (sports) fishery (further - the permit).
Form of provision of result of rendering the state service: paper.
7. The state service is rendered on paid basis to physical persons and legal entities (further - uslugopoluchatel).
The payment is made in compliance with Item 3 of article 501 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 10, 2008 "About taxes and other obligatory payments in the budget" (Tax code) in the amount of 0,017 of monthly settlement indicator.
The payment is performed in cash and non-cash forms through the banks of the second level and the organization performing separate types of banking activities.
8. The working schedule of the service provider Monday through Friday inclusive from 9:00 to 18:00 o'clock with lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00 o'clock, except days off and holidays, according to the labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Reception of applications and issue of results of rendering the state service is performed from 9-00 till 17-30 o'clock with lunch break from 13-00 till 14-00 o'clock.
The state service is rendered in turn, without making an appointment and the accelerated servicing.
9. The list of the documents necessary for rendering the state service in case of the address of uslugopoluchatel (or his representative by proxy) to the service provider:
1) the statement in any form;
2) the reference from the residence;
3) the document proving the identity (for reconciliation);
4) the document confirming payment in the budget.
In case of delivery uslugopoluchatel of all necessary documents confirmation of adoption of the statement on paper is the mark in its copy about registration in office of the service provider with indication of date and time of acceptance of document package.
9-1. The service provider refuses rendering the state service in the following bases:
1) establishment of unauthenticity of the documents submitted by uslugopoluchatel for receipt of the state service, and (or) these (data) containing in them;
2) discrepancy of uslugopoluchatel and (or) the provided materials, objects, supplied and the information necessary for rendering the state service to the requirements established by the Rules of the amateur (sports) fishery permitted for needs of the local population living in the conservation zone of the Markakolsky national natural park, approved by the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 6, 2015 No. 18-02/201 (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 10911);
3) concerning uslugopoluchatel there is decision (sentence) of court on prohibition of activities or the separate types of activity requiring receipt of the state service which took legal effect;
4) concerning uslugopoluchatel there is judgment which took legal effect based on which the uslugopoluchatel is deprived of the special right connected with receipt of the state service.
10. Appeal of decisions, actions (bezdeystviye) of the service provider and (or) his officials, concerning rendering the state services:
the claim is submitted addressed to the head of the service provider to the address specified in Item 13 of this standard of the state service or addressed to the head of the Ministry of the address: 010000, city of Astana, Ulitsa Kenesary 36, reception phone: 8 (7172) 55-58-03.
The claim is submitted in writing by mail or purposely through office of the service provider in the working days.
Confirmation of adoption of the claim is registration (stamp, the entering number and date) in office of the service provider or the Ministry with indication of surname and initials of person which accepted the claim, term and places of receipt of the answer to the made complaint.
The claim of uslugopoluchatel which arrived to the service provider, the Ministry is subject to consideration within five working days from the date of its registration.
The motivated answer about results of consideration of the claim goes to uslugopoluchatel by mail or is issued purposely in office of the service provider.
In case of disagreement with results of the rendered state service, the uslugopoluchatel addresses with the claim to authorized body by assessment and control of quality of rendering the state services.
The claim of uslugopoluchatel which arrived to authorized body by assessment and control of quality of rendering the state services is considered within fifteen working days from the date of its registration.
In the claim:
1) physical person - its surname, name, and also at will middle name, the postal address are specified;
2) the legal entity - its name, the postal address, reference number and date. The appeal is signed by uslugopoluchatel.
11. In case of disagreement with results of the rendered state service the uslugopoluchatel takes a legal action according to the subitem 6) of Item 1 of article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 15, 2013 "About the state services".
12. When rendering the state service conditions for expectation and preparation of necessary documents (chairs for expectation, places of filling of documents are equipped with stands with the list of necessary documents and models of their filling), and also for servicing of uslugopoluchatel with limited opportunities are created ramps are provided.
13. Addresses of places of rendering the state service are placed on Internet resource of the Ministry: www.minagri.gov.kz, Section "Support and Services", subsection "State Services".
14. Uslugopoluchatel has possibility of receipt of information on procedure and the status of rendering the state service in the mode of remote access by means of single contact center concerning rendering the state services.
15. Contact telephone numbers of service desks concerning rendering the state service: 8 (7172) 58 00 58 and single contact center concerning rendering the state services: (1414).
Appendix 2
to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 6, 2015 No. 18-1/415
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The document ceased to be valid since December 1, 2020 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Minister of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 16, 2020 No. 286