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of October 12, 2015 No. 18-02/909

About approval of Rules of mowing and pasturage of the cattle on sites of the state forest fund

(as amended on 18-05-2023)

According to item 4 of Article 99 of the Forest code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 8, 2003, PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of mowing and pasturage of the cattle on sites of the state forest fund.

2. To provide to committee of forestry and fauna of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) the state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printing editions and in information system of law of Ad_let;

3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on the intranet portal of state bodies.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Mamytbekov

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 12, 2015 No. 18-02/909

Rules of mowing and pasturage of the cattle on sites of the state forest fund

1. General provisions

1. These rules of mowing and pasturage of the cattle on sites of the state forest fund (further - Rules) are developed according to item 4 of Article 99 of the Forest code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 8, 2003 (further - the Code) and determine procedure for mowing and pasturage of the cattle on sites of the state forest fund.

2. In these rules the following concepts are used:

1) the forest genetic wildlife reserve - the site of the wood with valuable part of population of type in the genetiko-selection relation, subspecies of plants;

2) forest utilization - legally and economically regulated activities for use of forest resources and useful properties of the wood;

3) the forest user - physical person or legal entity which is granted the right of temporary forest utilization according to the procedure, established by the Code;

4) department of authorized body in the field of forestry - the state body performing management function and control in the field of protection, protection, use of forest fund, reproduction of the woods and afforestation.

3. Sites of the state forest fund on which mowing and pasturage of the cattle is possible are established by the state forest owners according to forest management projects or management plans especially protected natural territories.

4. For mowing and pasturage of the cattle the suitable for this purpose, being part of the state forest fund areas of agricultural holdings are allocated, and also glades and others, the grounds which are not covered with the wood on which natural or artificial forest regeneration, holding other actions for their improvement and the forest lands covered with saksaulny and other shrubby breeds (except not closed forest cultures) prior to mowing, and also the stray patch of invaluable plantings which is not intended under reconstruction is not provided are used.

5. The areas where implementation of mowing on sites of the state forest fund annually prior to mowing is possible are specified by the state forest owners based on the forest management materials approved according to subitem 18-3) of Item 1 of article 13 of the Code.

6. According to Item 2 of article 99 of the Code pasturage of the cattle without shepherd on the pastures entering into the state forest fund is performed in exceptional cases in the remote, hard and sparsely populated areas.

2. Procedure for use of sites of the state forest fund for mowing and pasturage of the cattle

7. Pasturage of the cattle on sites of the state forest fund is performed on the squares determined according to appendix to these rules, at the same time the choice of sites for pasturage of the cattle is performed taking into account opportunities of seasonal use of woodland pastures, pasture rotations and permissible load on them.

8. The area of pasture rotations is established taking into account:

1) climatic conditions of the vegetative period;

2) degrees of productivity of pastures;

3) potential possibility and actual manifestation of erosive processes;

4) possibilities of collection of especially valuable seeds of wild-growing herbs;

5) feasibility of providing "rest", that is complete elimination of etching, mowing within year.

9. Mowing (except the mowing performed within anti-fire measures) and pasturage of the cattle on sites of the state forest fund is not performed:

1) in categories of the state forest fund "wood of the national regional natural parks", "the state forest nature sanctuaries", "the sites of the wood having scientific value including forest genetic wildlife reserves", "especially valuable forest areas", and also in zones of the reserved and custom mode of the state national natural parks and state regional natural parks, zones of reserved kernel of the state regional natural wildlife reserves;

2) in categories of the state forest fund "wood of the state national natural parks" and "the woods of the state regional natural parks" in zones of recreational use, subbands, administrative and production assignment, servicing of visitors and tourists;

3) in category of the state forest fund "wood of the state natural wildlife reserves" in zone of recovery of the broken landscapes;

4) in category of the state forest fund "wood of the state reserved zones" in zone of the custom mode;

5) in categories of the state forest fund "orekhopromyslovy zones", "lesoplodovy plantings", "the subalpine woods", "the state border forest belts", "the antierosion woods" and "protective plantings on strips of withdrawal of iron and highways public of the international and republican value, bulk distribution lines and other linear constructions", "border forest belts along the railroads and highways public of the international and republican value.

10. The list of sites on which pasturage of the cattle is allowed is specified by annually state forest owners taking into account the happening changes of condition of lands of the state forest fund, and also actions plans on reproduction of reforestation works and procurements of forest resources.

11. Pasturage of goats on sites of the state forest fund, except the saksaulovy woods, is allowed only on the specially allotted fenced sites.


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