of November 20, 2015 No. 972
About approval of the program of the international technical assistance
For the purpose of creation of conditions for development of cooperation of the Republic of Belarus with the United Nations the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve based on offers of the Commission on questions of the international technical cooperation under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (the protocol of October 27, 2015 No. 35/225-1348pr) the PROON Country program for the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020.
2. Provide to the Ministry of Economics coordination and effective control behind implementation of the PROON Country program for the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020.
3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its acceptance.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
A. Kobyakov
Organization |
Executive council |
Distribution: general |
Second regular session of 2015.
On August 31 – on September 4, 2015, New York
Item 5 of the preliminary agenda
Country programs and related questions
I. Reasons for the program
II. Priorities of the program and mechanisms of partnership
III. Program management and risks
IV. Monitoring and assessment
A. Results and resource base (2016-2020)
II. Priorities of the program and mechanisms of partnership
III. Program management and risks
IV. Monitoring and assessment
A. Results and resource base (2016-2020)
1. The Republic of Belarus is the country with the level of the income above average. Population makes 9,5 of one million people. According to the Report on human development of 2014 the country took the 53rd place among 187 countries on the Index of human development and provided achievement of the majority of the Purposes in area of development formulated in the Millennium Declaration. The share of the population which is below the poverty line in national determination was reduced with % 30,5 in 2002 to % 4,8 in 2014. In the country incidence of tuberculosis considerably decreased; anti-retrovirus therapy covers 95% of persons infected with HIV which are included in programs of treatment. According to the Report on human development of 2014 the Republic of Belarus took the 28th position on the Index of gender inequality. The specific weight of women as a part of National assembly of the Republic of Belarus increased with % 13,5 in 2000 to % 29,7 in 2014. Now the amount of emissions of greenhouse gases in the Republic of Belarus already decreased by 33% (2013) in comparison with 1990. In the country work on preserving biodiversity and expansion of the nature protection territories is carried out (which specific weight made 7,8 of % of the area of the country in 2013).
2. The Republic of Belarus adheres to careful approach to implementation of market reforms when preserving the central role of the state. About 50% of GDP fall to the share of the state companies. As the economy of Belarus is oriented to export which greatest amount is the share of the Russian Federation, being the main trading partner of Belarus, and also the EU country, vulnerability of the republic to delay of rates of economic growth and geopolitical tension in the region remains. In 2013 Belarus faced problem of deficit of the account of current transactions which constituted about 10% of GDP and also considerable reducing export. Within year (2014-2015) national currency were devaluated for 50% in relation to US dollar. Belarus has limited own power sources and imports the majority of fuel and energy resources, is preferential from Russia. Growth of real incomes, the salary and pensions against the background of low gain in productivity of work was slowed down. As it is noted in the Framework programme of the UN on assistance for the purpose of development for 2016-2020, challenges in such areas as conducting agricultural activities on steady basis, the address with waste, pollution of water resources, use of renewable energy resources and increase in ecological literacy of the population remain.
3. The Republic of Belarus successfully performs measures for overcoming large-scale effects of the Chernobyl accident and rehabilitation of affected areas. In the run-up to the thirty-year anniversary of the Chernobyl accident in 2016 efforts on commitment to paradigm of sustainable human development in the forthcoming years shall be continued to provide stable development of the territories which were affected by accident.
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