of December 11, 2008 No. 264
About the status, issue of permissions to activities and the organization of activities of the simultaneous interpreter and the translator in the sector of justice
The parliament adopts this ordinary law.
(1) This law regulates the status, issue of permissions to activities, the organization of activities of the simultaneous interpreters and translators involved to activities of the Supreme council of magistracy, the Ministry of Justice, bodies of prosecutor's office, criminal prosecution authorities, degrees of jurisdiction, notaries, lawyers and legal executives.
(2) For the bodies specified in part (1), simultaneous interpretations and/or transfer only simultaneous interpreters and/or translators having permission to activities can make.
(3) In withdrawal from part provisions (2) in cases, when there is no the simultaneous interpreters and/or translators from languages having permission to activities / on languages on which simultaneous interpretation and/or transfer is required or the simultaneous interpreters and/or translators having permission to activities cannot be involved to implementation of simultaneous interpretation and/or transfer, the bodies specified in part (1), can address persons knowing languages from which, which simultaneous interpretation and/or transfer, but not having permission to activities is made.
For the purpose of this law the following concepts are used:
the simultaneous interpreter – the physical person specializing in interpretation from one language on another and/or transfer of signs deaf, mute or deaf-and-dumb, providing, thus, understanding between two and more persons;
the translator – the physical person specializing in transfer of written texts from one language on another when implementing professional activity.
Activities of the simultaneous interpreter and translator are based on the following principles:
a) independence;
b) impartiality;
c) honesty and objectivity;
d) professional competence and conscientiousness;
e) confidentiality and professional behavior;
f) observance of professional standards.
(1) When implementing professional activity the simultaneous interpreter and the translator are independent and are guided by this law and other regulations adopted for the purpose of its accomplishment.
(2) the Simultaneous interpreter and the translator independently choose method of simultaneous interpretation and transfer.
(3) Intervention in implementation of professional activity of the simultaneous interpreter and/or the translator is not allowed.
(1) the Right to implementation of activities of the simultaneous interpreter and/or the translator for the bodies provided by part (1) 1, persons who have permission to activities issued according to this law have Articles. Person conforming to the following requirements can get permission to activities:
a) have the litsentsiatsky or master or equivalent diploma confirming specialization in foreign language or languages on which permission to activities is asked or have the litsentsiatsky or master or equivalent diploma confirming specialization in the field of the right with the teaching right in foreign language on which permission to activities is asked;
b) have length of service in at least two years;
c) own oral and written form of Romanian;
d) it is not protected by judicial measure of protection in the form of guardianship;
f) passed testing certification.
(2) the Provision, stipulated in Item a) parts (1), is not obligatory for the simultaneous interpreters and translators making transfer from one of east or seldom used languages according to the list approved by the Government or on these languages, and also transfer of signs deaf, mute or deaf-and-dumb.
The simultaneous interpreter and the translator have the right:
a) on payment of the rendered services;
b) demand from physical persons and legal entities the documents and information necessary for rendering services;
c) on social insurance and compulsory medical insurance according to the procedure, provided by the law;
d) on appeal according to the law of decisions of relevant organs;
e) on consolidation in the professional organizations;
f) ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Republic of Moldova of 05.11.2015 No. 157
g) on implementation of other rights, stipulated by the legislation in the field.
(1) the Simultaneous interpreter and the translator shall:
a) make simultaneous interpretations and/or transfers upon the demand of the bodies provided by part (1) Article 1;
b) perform the reliable, exact, complete and corresponding to contents of the text being translated transfers;
c) keep secret concerning the documents and the facts which became to them known when implementing of the activities by them;
d) pay fees to fund of the national social insurance and fund of compulsory medical insurance according to the law;
e) be impartial;
f) be engaged in permanent self-education;
record f-1) the activities according to part provisions (2) Article 18;
g) perform other obligations, stipulated by the legislation in the field.
(2) in case of change by the simultaneous interpreter and/or translator of name or surname, the residence, the location or phone number they shall in 30-day time from the date of approach of corresponding change bring this fact to the attention of the Ministry of Justice where they stay on the registry.
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