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of November 6, 2015 No. 319

About approval of the general technical regulation about safety of metallurgical products

(as amended on 06-03-2019)

According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About technical regulation", for the purpose of establishment of single requirements to safety of metallurgical products the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Approve the general technical regulation about safety of metallurgical products according to appendix and enact it after six months from the date of official publication.

2. To the Uzstandart agency together with authorized bodies to take measures for cancellation of binding character and ensuring voluntariness in case of application of the regulating documents on standardization establishing mandatory requirements to metallurgical products from the date of enforcement of the General technical regulation approved by this resolution in accordance with the established procedure.

3. To provide to Almalyk Mining and Smelting Plant and Uzbek Iron and Steel Works joint-stock companies, the Agency "Uzstandart" together with National broadcasting company of Uzbekistan broad informing the population, bodies of the public and economic board, subjects of business activity about the purposes, content and procedure for application of the approved General technical regulation.

4. To impose control of execution of this resolution on deputy prime ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Rozukulova U. U. and Ibragimova G. I.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Shavkat Mirziyoev


to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 6, 2015 No. 319

The general technical regulation about safety of metallurgical products

Chapter I. General provisions

§1. Purposes and scope of the General technical regulation

1. This General technical regulation (further - the Technical regulation) establishes requirements to safety of metallurgical products according to the list given in appendix No. 1 to this Technical regulation.

2. Requirements of this technical regulation do not extend to the precious, alkaline, alkaline and land, rare metals, radioactive metals, mercury, products received as a result of further conversion of non-ferrous metals, alloys and hire of ferrous metals and also for hire from the alloyed steel with special properties, ferroalloys and products of pipe production.

§2. Terms and determinations

3. For the purposes of this Technical regulation the concepts established by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About technical regulation" and also the following terms are used:

alpha particles - the helium atomic nuclei which are consisting of two protons and two neutrons and having positive charge;

beta particles - the electrons which are let out by radioactive kernel (with negative) or positrons (with positive charge);

gamma radiation - the photon radiation arising in the course of nuclear transformations or in case of annihilation of particles;

precious metals - non-ferrous metals with high chemical resistance in hostile environment, refractoriness, malleability, viscosity (gold, silver, platinum and metals of platinum group - palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium and osmium);

ionizing radiation - the radiation created in case of radioactive decay, nuclear transformations, braking of charged particles in substance which in case of interaction with environment forms ions of different signs;

source of ionizing radiation - the device and (or) radioactive material which is letting out or capable to emit ionizing radiation;

marking - information in the form of the text, symbol and/or the graphical representation applied on products or packaging for the purpose of identification of products and bringing the information about her to the consumer;

metallurgical products - the main products of the metallurgical companies received in the course of conversion of metallic raw materials;

mechanical safety of hire of ferrous metals - set of utilization properties of hire of the ferrous metals considered when calculating designs for the purpose of exception of risks of damnification of life and to health of the person, property of physical, legal entities and the states, the environment;

hire of ferrous metals - products made on rolling mills by hot, warm or cold rolling (except for hire from the alloyed steel with special properties and products of pipe production);

alloy of non-ferrous metals - the metal material received by alloyage of two and more metals or metals and nonmetals at the same time is considered the basic non-ferrous metal;

non-ferrous metals - all types of metals, except for iron, chrome, manganese (for this Technical regulation India, thallium, Germany, rhenium is accepted except for precious, alkaline, alkaline and land and radioactive metals, and also lithium, rubidium, caesium, beryllium, zirconium, hafnium, vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, tungsten, gallium);

utilization properties - set of mechanical properties and geometrical parameters.

Chapter II. Safety requirements to metallurgical products

§1. Radiation safety

4. The maximum capacity of equivalent dose of gamma radiation shall not exceed μSv/h 0,3 (less contribution of natural background).

5. The most admissible indicators of superficial pollution of metallurgical products alpha particles shall not exceed alpha particle 0,04 / (sm2s), beta particles - no more 0,4 of beta particle / (sm2s).

6. In cases of identification of excess of dose of gamma radiation the organization taking measurements shall take measures for isolation of source of ionizing radiation and inform authorized bodies according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

§2. Mechanical safety of hire of ferrous metals

7. Mechanical safety of hire of ferrous metals is ensured by their utilization properties received in case of observance of the indicators given in appendix No. 2 to this Technical regulation.

8. Use of the geometrical sizes and brands staly hire of ferrous metals during the designing and construction is regulated by authorized state body in the field of town planning and town-planning activities.

Chapter III. Requirements to packaging of metallurgical products

9. Packaging of metallurgical products shall be reliable and ensure safety of products and its safety in case of transportation and storage.

§1. Packaging of non-ferrous metals

10. The non-ferrous metals made in the form of chushka, ingots, cathodes, sheets shall be created in packets weighing up to 1500 kg and are tied with steel wire, rod iron or tape (including polymeric).

11. The non-ferrous metals made in the form of rods, plates, powder, granules of small ingots shall be packed into plastic bags and are laid in boxes or containers (wooden, metal, plastic). At the same time non-ferrous metals in the form of rods and plates are packed with a net weight no more than 80 kg, powder, granules and small ingots - no more than 50 kg.

§2. Packaging of alloys of non-ferrous metals

12. Packaging of alloys of the non-ferrous metals made in the form of chushka, tiles, ingots and rods is performed at the customer's request.

13. Shipment of alloys of non-ferrous metals unpacked is allowed.

§3. Packaging of hire of ferrous metals

14. Hire from steel is packed into packs. Packaging of high-quality rolled metal in hanks and hire sheet in rolls is allowed.

15. Hire high-quality and shaped of steel in rods is packed into packs. When packaging rods of measuring length packs end faces of packs shall be leveled on the one hand. Packs shall be plotnoupakovanny and firmly tied. The mass of one pack shall be no more than 10 000 kg.

16. The wire or rod iron from carbonaceous steel by diameter from 5,8 to 8,0 the mm or other types of banding material ensuring safety of packaging when moving shall be applied to binding of packs of hire high-quality and shaped of steel.

17. The long products from steel in hanks shall be laid by rounds without pereputyvaniye. The mass of one hank shall be no more than 3500 kg.

18. Long products from steel in hanks weighing up to 150 kg tie in two opposite places with wire or rod iron from carbonaceous steel with a diameter from 4 to mm 4,2 with dense ukrutka of the ends of binding at least in three turnovers or other types of the banding material ensuring safety of packaging when moving.


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